
To Pallet Town Here We Come.

The following day the sun's rays illuminated the room as it started rising on the horizon. This light woke up Tentacool. She quickly got up, surveying the room, before repeatedly Ignacio's forehead gently.

"Tentacool!" Tentacool yelled, trying to wake him up.

"Wha? Is it morning already? Can I have five more minutes?" Ignacio stated subconsciously, with his eyes still closed.

"Tenta." Tentacool nodded before sitting beside Ignacio and staring at the ceiling aimlessly, pondering about her future.

After five minutes passed, Tentacool yelled again.

"Alright, I'm getting up." Ignacio replied while yawning before lifting the covers.

"Tentacool." Tentacool hopped off the bed and landed near the dresser before wandering to the door.

"Good morning, Tentacool." Ignacio greeted before he got up and grabbed some clothes from his dresser. Afterward, he walked to the bathroom to shower before opening and closing it behind himself.

"Tentacool." Tentacool replied before climbing on Ignacio's bed and grabbing the book about its moves. However, as it tried to comprehend what was said, it felt like what it saw was incomprehensible.

After about thirty minutes, the bathroom door opened, Ignacio's hair was combed, and he wore shorts and a grey t-shirt.

"It's time for us to head to Pallet town, Tentacool. Let's go?" Ignacio asked while smiling, ready to go, wearing his grey sports shoes.

"Tentacool!" Tentacool nodded before walking beside Ignacio.

"Alright then, let's find professor Acacia." Ignacio stated before he walked to the room door and opened it, revealing an empty but well-lit hallway beyond.

Tentacool nodded again before following Ignacio out of the room. However, as they walked through the corridor, Ignacio was lost in his thoughts.

'I hope I won't see the main cast of the series. It'll be disastrous if I get the attention of all those legendary Pokémon he meets in the series. Wait, maybe I can be a Pokémon trainer, but avoid entering the league or gym battles.' Ignacio pondered his decision, carefully weighing the pros and cons.

'On the other hand, I want to experience battling in the league and gyms and against other trainers. But with my current plan, it's impossible. When Tentacool evolves into a gigantic skyscraper-sized Tentacruel, she'll be too powerful to participate in the Pokémon league. I don't want to call out a move and cause potentially thousands of deaths.' Ignacio calculated before trying to figure out the best course of action.

"Tentacool?" Tentacool looked at Ignacio, wondering why he was so silent.

Sadly Ignacio was lost in his mind, trying to see his options.

'Hmm, I need to catch at least one more Pokémon before Tentacool evolves.' Ignacio thought before he looked at Tentacool.

"Tentacool." Tentacool looked at Ignacio blankly before continuing to match his pace.

"I apologize for not responding. I was lost in my head." Ignacio apologized while scratching his head.

Tentacool nodded in response but stayed silent.

However, a faint engine sounded above before a large shadow covered the entire yacht briefly before a splashing sound radiated.

"Hey, we're here, Professor Acacia. Come aboard!" A loud shout sounded throughout the yacht.

The sound of hurried footsteps slowly grew in volume as Acacia ran down the hallway with supplies in his hands. However, once he passed Ignacio, he stopped and gazed at him.

"Ignacio, hurry up. This private plane will leave in thirty minutes if we aren't ready!" Acacia yelled before he started running again before some folders fell to his right side.

"Professor Acacia, do you need help with your stuff?" Ignacio offered while looking at him.

"No thanks, hurry and get yours. We don't have much time." Acacia responded before quickly grabbing the stuff and running off as if nothing had happened.

"I see." Ignacio replied before he looked at Tentacool, and they both nodded in unison before running back to the room.

Subsequently, Ignacio sighed before packing all his items in his backpack and walking out with Tentacool onto the boat's deck. Afterward, he looked out into the ocean and saw a gigantic sea airplane.

"I'm ready, Professor Acacia. Is that plane what we are using to fly to Pallet Town?" Ignacio asked while smiling. However, his thoughts were completely the opposite of his expression.

"Yes, it is. Come aboard." Acacia replied before motioning Ignacio to follow while rolling his two red suitcases beside him.

'Why something so high profile?!' Ignacio thought while looking at Acacia with a smile and following. However, he began panicking, thinking he'd be in the spotlight, which he didn't want.

"Professor Acacia and Ignacio, please come this way. I'll show you to your private rooms." A flight attendant stated after arriving before she walked down the hall at a moderate pace.

Acacia nodded before following. However, he stopped quickly and motioned Ignacio and Tentacool to follow.

"I'm not sure." Ignacio stated, thinking of the possible effect on his future if he's in such a high-profile airplane.

"Come on. It will be fun. There are massages, TV, all-you-can-eat buffet all day, among other things." Acacia responded, hoping Ignacio would accept.

"Okay, I'll come. However, can I wear a mask? I don't want many people to know who I am." Ignacio replied, feeling like it would be paramount he didn't show up on media.

"Well, yes. Wait, you don't want to be on media, huh." Acacia asked while smirking before he grabbed one from his pocket and put it over his face.

"I need one desperately." Ignacio stated, hoping Acacia had more.

"Tentacool!" Tentacool yelled, wanting one too.

"I'm afraid you can't use one Tentacool. However, I have a way of hiding you too. Want to hear it?" Acacia asked while smiling brightly.

"Tentacool!" Tentacool yelled in confirmation.

"Good, now let's go inside. We need to enjoy our journey. And Ignacio, it is three-day long, so I suggest you enjoy the entertainment provided." Acacia replied before he grabbed a small blanket and cut out parts for Tentacool's eyes. Before placing the blanket mask on Tentacool, covering up most of her true form.

"Okay, I will, Professor Acacia." Ignacio nodded in agreement before looking at Tentacool.

"Tentacool?" Tentacool looked at Ignacio while blinking every so often.

"Are you okay with wearing that all the way?" Ignacio questioned, worried Tentacool wasn't okay with it.

Tentacool nodded.

"Let's enjoy the ride." Acacia announced

After Professor Acacia's proclamation, the trio all relaxed throughout the flight. And Ignacio smiled, glad he decided to still go through it, though he'll need to be careful when the airplane lands so no one can memorize his looks.

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