
Executives' Ruminations (4)

(General POV)

Finn and Riveria watched as the boy slipped on his shirt and closed the door behind him. With him went all the unaddressed that neither the Pallum nor the elf wanted to speak of for the moment. Finn let out a sigh as he felt a little more relaxed now that their prodigy had left them with peace of mind for now.

"Level 3 in just a month, and with triple S ranks." Riveria muttered as she leaned back and placed a hand over her eyes. "I still haven't gotten around how such a rank even exists."

"It's simply unheard of." Finn commented. "It was a well known fact how many of the Zeus and Hera Familias tended to push their stats to S rank and even SS rank. But triple S? If this were the old days, they would've-No! HERA would definitely have challenged us to a war game by now to take him off of us."

"You really think she would've taken things that far?" Riveria asked.

"Who, Hera?" Loki said. "Yeah, that old bat would definitely have tried to do something like that. If there was one thing she loved about her Familia more than anything else, it's the sheer talent each of them held. And even with their renowned animosity between each other, it goes unsaid how The Silence was the pride of that Familia. That woman was considered talent incarnate." Loki looked up at the ceiling. "At the rate Lyzie is going, it's safe to say he is going to outstrip her."

"Alfia was an exceptional mage and fighter, known for her unmatched strength and potency of her magic." Riveria said, her tone grim as she reminisced on those days, long before the younger lot of her Familia today were even born. Riveria had prided herself on her immense talent for magic and yet the younger, heterochromatic woman was one of the few people who completely overwhelmed her in magical power. One of the few people Riveria could admit to herself she was afraid of. "The fact that you speak so confidently of Lyze surpassing that monster makes me worried on exactly what the rest of us don't know."

"What do you mean?" Loki tilted her head.

"We mean that it causes us an extreme amount of anxiety that you hold all the knowledge on why Lyze is so freakishly powerful." Finn said. "He's only a level 3, yet the pressure he was exerting earlier was akin to that of a first class adventurer. It's not that we seek to undermine him...but Lyze's growth is going to turn a lot of heads our way. His previous record was impressive enough. THIS is going to blow things completely out of the water."

"It's for your own good that you are not being told the specifics." Loki said as she adopted a more serious tone. She'd been doing that a lot lately, always when it came to Lyze. "Somethings are better left unsaid, especially where mortals are concerned."

"And usually I'd understand." Finn reasoned. "I don't care for the specifics. I just want to know exactly what kind of a person we have recruited into our Familia. Everything about him is just abnormal. His origins, his reclusive master, his rate of growth, his equipment, his magic, and his numerous powers. He is able to fight Ottar on grounds strong enough to leave the man with a permanent scar, something none of us here are able to achieve. He has this mysterious power up that somehow gives him enough raw strength that gives ME trouble in holding him back." Finn pointed at her. "And more than that is you Loki!"

"Me?" Loki pointed at herself.

"Ever since Lyze spoke with you a week ago, you've been different." Riveria said. "You're cautious, much more observant and, dare I say it...fearful." Loki gave her an empty stare. "What's going on Loki? Is there nothing you can tell us? Nothing at all that will help us understand this without giving away anything that he doesn't want out in the open?"

"I already told you the reason why." Loki said as she folded her arms. "Lyze is not like the rest of you. He has no limit to his growth, he will only ever become stronger. More than that, he has a goal that he is hellbent on achieving and with that comes a yearning for strength that eclipses all other adventurers in the city." Loki sighed. "He sticks out in a crowd. If every other adventurer is a candle, he is a bonfire because his entire being simply shines with ambition. His vessel of power is ever growing and he has the drive to match it. And the more he pushes for that power, the faster he grows."

"But is that it?" Finn asked. "The rest of us all have our own reasons for growing strong as well. We have known pain and desolation, we share the same sense of loss. With the same bedrock for us all, why is it that he grows so much in such little time, achieving what was conceived as impossible? There has to be more than that."

"Simple." Loki levelled a stare at him. "Who do you follow Finn?"


"The day I picked you up was the day you made a vow, to be the symbol of hope for the Pallum race. And how did you aim to reach that goal? Who was it that you decided to emulate because you believed that it was people like them who could bring respect and recognition to your race?"

"...Fianna and Dim." Finn replied. "They were the heroes of our race in ancient times...and they elevated our status in the eyes of the other races. As long as they were around, my kind were always safe from discrimination."

"And that is where the difference lies." Loki said as she got up and walked to her door.

"What do you mean?" Riveria asked.

Loki made a point to walk past them and open her door before turning back to reply.

"Most of you aim to emulate distant heroes from the past, to become their copies so you can bring hope to your own kind or you can bring your lofty goals into fruition." Loki smiled. "Lyzie is not like that. He does not dwell on tales of a bygone age. He keeps them in mind, but he does not make that the foundation of his ambition. He is fixed in the HERE and NOW. Determined to carve his OWN way, to make HIS name ring throughout the centuries to come." Loki's smiled widened. "He does not copy heroes."

"...Then what does he do?" Finn asked confused. Humans were notorious for idolising the heroes of their race, especially because the Argonaut, the First Hero, was a human.

"He IS a hero." Loki grinned.

The other two found themselves gobsmacked at this bold proclamation. Loki continued before they could react anymore.

"Or at least one in the making. Heroes are not just people that go around saving nations from monsters and tyrants. If that were the case, every common soldier would be hailed a hero in every battle. No. Heroes are special individuals that hold onto their ideals, no matter how lofty and far fetched they are, and pull right through to the end with those beliefs, achieving impossible feats in the process. Those ideals manifest themselves in a way where that person becomes the face of it, and others learn from it in ages to come. A person of true inspiration. THAT is a hero, because they give others something to strive towards." Loki gestured at them. "And I tell you now, there is no mortal on this earth that is more firm in his ideals and his beliefs, as well as his goals and his loyalties than Lyzof Keele. If his determination were to be given physical form, it would fall upon us like an ocean."

Loki paused as she thought of one last thing to say. "A mortal with the raw willpower to defy what the gods have ordained, and the strengths to push those feelings forwards. That is what a hero has always been. And if there is one thing Lyzie is good at, it is being very rebellious and disobedient." Loki giggled before sighing. "If a little boy is able to realise this in such tender years, I'm sure the two of you can as well. It's all about a trust of self, and there is nobody Lyze trusts more than himself to reach his goals. With that in mind, I suggest re-evaluating yourselves and your motivations...see if what you're fighting for is truly the correct way to go about becoming strong." Loki finally closed the door behind her, leaving the two executives to think on what she said.

"That...was the most articulate I've ever heard her being." Riveria said.

"Yeah." Finn replied and chuckled. "Looks like he really can defy the will of the gods if he's able to make her act like that. Still though..." Finn leaned into the back of his hand as he thought deeply. "...everything she said, do you think that was true?"

"Well if there is one thing that all of us can agree on, is that there is no one who desires strength like Lyze does. The things he puts himself through to become strong, and the results he brings about can attest to that resolve. Not even Ais's colossal need for more strength can match it." Riveria sighed. "He sure is inspiring as well. Our own teachers, Dain, Noir and Bara are all motivated by his growth. I've never seen them so active in all the time I've known them like they are now."

"Yeah. They've really been going at it in the dungeon lately haven't they? None of them have been able to make it past level four...but the fire that I see in Noir's eyes now, I wouldn't be surprised if they break that ceiling sometime soon."

"Yes." Riveria smiled. "The younger lot are inspired by him as well, and he is also a good influence as well to a degree. Ais trains even more earnestly to build her stats, but I have seen him advising her when to restrain herself so that she doesn't wear out her body. His friends Raul and Aki have certainly not been slacking off either. Everyday they're in the training grounds sparring and learning new techniques, perfecting their arts. Even some elves in my study group have been motivated by his impressive magic to improve themselves and become the best mages they can be."

"I thought you said they pretty much hated his guts?"

"The older lot do. But quite a few among the young ones, Vira Columbine mainly have been delving deeper into their studies, taking my lessons more seriously. With all the stories that keep coming back from the dungeon. carried by the mouths of adventurers of Lyze's magical exploits, those children are more determined than ever to keep up with him...even if some of them are only doing it so a human does not outshine them."

"Not quite sure I approve of that motivation." Finn said as he closed his eyes. "That being said, when you look at the bigger picture...Lyze has had quite a positive impact on the Familia all in all. His existence, his presence in this Familia is pushing others to become better as well. Even people whom we thought their fires had died out long ago now seem to be rekindled. And day by day, he grows more and more famous as more adventurers keep their eyes on him."

"Perks of being a record breaker. With such a mighty record too." Riveria smiled before she appeared to acquiesce a little. "Maybe Loki was right. Perhaps he is a hero if he has been able to do this much and have such an effect on all our lives. Even if others may not consider him to be so, he certainly does seem to have become a role model for Ais...and that little Pallum has also put her faith in him too."

"I would call him a hero for putting Phryne out of commission." Finn said. "The rumours surrounding that woman is horrifying...meeting her in person somehow just seems to confirm those ideas. And of course for saving the girls."

"Yes. My only concern is that he doesn't seem to realize what kind of an impact he's made."

"Perhaps it's best to leave things that way. For some reason, I have a feeling that not telling him stuff like this just yet will only help him fulfil the image that Loki has painted of him. For now we should talk about other things like the expedition..."

And thus came to an end another round of speculation about the mysterious boy in the blindfold. But they were correct...as this was just the beginning, a small prelude to the resume of heroic deeds that Lyzof Keele was yet to perform. The small act of protection that all in the Loki Familia would come to agree upon being one thing in the years to come.

The beginning of the advent of the King of Heroes.


Finn and Riveria were soon interrupted by one of the lower ranked members of their Familia coming upon their conversation, clutching something in her hand that she insisted was something important.

Riveria took one look at it before gritting her teeth and clenching her fist as she felt a new onslaught of headaches approaching.

"Forget what I said! He's not a hero! He's a little DEMON!"

...Was she wrong in a sense? There was more than one reason why Lyze would earn himself another, much more darker name amongst the populace. But that part of the story is still yet to come.


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