
Chapter 47

I didn't want the sun to start rising, so I got to Kyle's building as fast as I could. I literally had no way to tell what time it was. Which was a reminder that I ought to buy a watch. I went up the stairs only taking a break once I got to his door. I felt pretty beat, a little out of breath and extremely angry. My father had managed to spoil my mood that early so the chances of me cheering up throughout the day were close to nonexistent. 

After I had caught my breath, I knocked without putting much thought to it. I just needed to see him and talk to him for a while, and then I'd leave. Kyle's building was pretty far from my neighbourhood, but it wasn't far enough. I still felt like I was too close to my dad, and that just didn't sit well with me. There was no response the first three times I knocked, but I didn't give up. I knew for a fact that he was in there, and if I left without seeing him that would officially be a day from hell. I tried to listen in, but I couldn't hear anything. I ended up leaning against the wall beside the door, trying to think of something. He was always early to school which meant he left his house pretty early as well. But how long was I willing to wait? I stretched, hating my father even more for having taken my phone away because if I still had it, I would have simply called him and asked to meet outside, or maybe I would have made him open up-- 

My constant thoughts came to a sudden halt when I heard the door being unlocked. I stood up straight and stared at it, my heart beat like a ticking time bomb that was about to explode and shatter me from the inside. That reaction was a mystery to me entirely. I knew very well that I liked Kyle, that he was the only person that had ever made me feel that way, but it still didn't explain why each time I saw him I felt as if I was floating in space. Deprived of both oxygen and gravity. 

It was him. I just knew it was. 

He opened up the door a tiny fraction at first, then he cautiously peered outside as if he was scared of who it might be. But the second he realized it was me he opened it up wider and frowned. Then he looked back at his apartment with narrowed eyes before glancing at me again. He looked confused, and his eyes were narrowed mostly because of sleep than anything else. I gave him the once over, noticed that he was dressed in pajama pants and a blue faded t-shirt. Which meant he had either still been sleeping or he'd woken up not that long ago. 

" What the... Austin?" 

I weakly smiled, slightly raising my hand to wave at him just as weakly. 

" Morning, " I uttered, but he was still trying to figure out what was happening. 

" What are you doing here?" He asked afterwards. I had once told him I liked how he sounded in the morning, and that hadn't been a joke. A fact which was confirmed when I listened to him talk again. His voice was a little husky and the fact that he was shocked only added to its appeal. 

" I'm here to see you. "

He ran a hand over his face, then he shook his head as if trying to force himself to focus on the present. Which he eventually did, his eyes widened and he looked up at me with obvious shock. Even as kids, he had always been a bit confused when he woke up and needed a little time to adjust before you could talk to him, because otherwise he wouldn't understand a word of what you said. 

 He parted his lips as if he had been about to say something but couldn't. Then he stepped out into the hallway and focused exclusively on me. His eyes never leaving my face for an instant. I looked back, wondering whether he was still not himself, but he finally spoke and I was assured that he was. 

" What's wrong?" 

His serious tone implied that he was positive something wasn't okay. Add that to the husky voice and you had me trapped in a net he wasn't even aware he had spread out. There was no need to go there just to complain, so I shrugged and told him I was fine. 

" I just missed you I guess, "

" Bullshit. " 

He rolled his eyes, then he crossed his arms and arched a brow. Meaning he didn't believe me one bit, but then he sighed and took the tiniest step towards me. 

" I had no clue you liked school this much, what time is it anyway?" 

" I don't know. And me being up has nothing to do with school. "

" What then?" 

" Don't act like you don't know. "

"But I don't. "

He did. If there was anyone who knew what I felt and why I did the things I did then it was him. He understood the depth of my feelings for him and he knew I had no control over them. He also knew that for him I was willing to do some weird and crazy things. He lowered his gaze to my feet, then he looked at me from underneath his eyes with the most suggestive look. It was the first time he had used his eyes to ask me to do something so openly. And I wasn't about to play around. 

I moved closer until there was almost no space between us. 

Having just walked all the way there, I felt pretty warm, but Kyle looked a bit cold. Which was understandable since he'd just gotten out of bed and stepped outside. 

He turned to either sides of the hallway to ensure no one was around, then he slowly reached up and wrapped one hand around my nape, his hand was still warm. It felt nice to feel his skin against my own. The fact that he had touched me willingly only made it feel all the more special. 

" What's wrong?" He asked me again. 

I was amazed at how well he knew me. And I was also mad at myself for not being able to hide my frustration even Infront of me. But when I got mad, it was difficult to act like I was okay. And my mind must have gotten used to revealing my true feelings to Kyle because it was even harder when he was involved. He had for a long time been my confidant, I always turned to him when I was at my lowest. It was just a natural response. He always managed to make me feel better. And that was one of the reasons why my world had fallen apart after he had left. I had no one to run to when I felt as if I was going through too much. 

He placed his other hand on my shoulder, squeezing tightly before he loosened his hold and began gently massaging the same spot. I think it was an unconscious act but I loved it nonetheless. 

" I texted you last night..you never replied. You must have been pretty tired. " I liked that he had texted me. That he had been able to admit it freely and that he couldn't look me in the eye as he told me. He just wanted to know why I hadn't replied. 

" What did you send?" 

Asking was the only way I'd be able to know because that phone was not going to be returned any time soon. I was sure of it. And even if he had been planning on giving it back I wouldn't be around to take it. I was going to show him that I really didn't need him to survive. At the moment, o only one human mattered to me as I was looking at him. It was that simple. 

" Why don't you just read it and find out?" His voice was low. It was overflowing with a new range of sexiness. I wasn't even sure whether other people would consider his morning voice hot, or if it was just me. Either way, he was driving me a little crazy. 

" Lost my phone, so just tell me. "

" You lost it? How? "

I shrugged but didn't say anything. I still didn't feel like telling him everything that had happened because it was honestly a long story and I wouldn't even know where to start. Plus I didn't want him to have to deal with my issues that early.

" Did you really lose it?" 

" You think I'm lying?" 

He studied me, trying to gage my level of honesty. I must have passed because he dipped his hand into the back of my shirt and smoothed his fingers over my skin for a bit. He was being strangely touchy...but I wasn't complaining. And I knew that I most likely wouldn't get to see him for a few days, so it was wise to make the most out of those few minutes that we had. 

" It's not even been that long, I saw you just yesterday. So why did I miss you so desperately?" He suddenly asked. I had never expected to hear him ask such a thing. We weren't even in the dark, yet he placed his other hand on my waist, his eyes telling me that he wanted to be closer but was unable to make the first move. That was my job. And so I did what I knew he wanted me to. I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight, and he willingly held me back, making a faint sound of approval from the back of his throat. 

" Can we go in?" I asked afterwards, gesturing to his door. He nodded. 

" Later though, for now let's just..." he held me tighter. I felt relieved already.

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