
The First Suspect

They had to remember the faces that they were repeatedly shown and awkwardly stare at people to find if they were suspects.

Most people didn't take this serious, however, as they could see that they were soldiers.

Suddenly, a man who wore a grey hat and a grey Inverness cape crossed into the alleyway. As he did so in his stride, his right arm pulled forward to reveal a bag of a weird substance.

The movement was too subtle and brief for Michael to see what was going on but Brandyn saw that and his face on top of that.

He was one of the suspects.

He stopped in place and Michael followed suit a split-second after him.

Brandyn then dashed toward the man using Lightning Rush and as he approached him, the man started to quicken his pace.

He was far outmatched.

Brandyn whizzed into the dark alleyway, enlightening it with his purple lightning.

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