
Brandyn vs Mr Gudbrand?


A high-pitched, almost technological, vibration was heard from all directions for Brandyn then, out of nowhere, an item looked to be manifesting out of thin air.

A few seconds passed and a blue, gridded object eventually transformed into an actual dagger. Once it was fully created, it began to fall and Brandyn caught it with ease. As it rested in his grasp, he gave the blade a quick grasp and was quite fascinated by what he saw.

The blade was quite long, which was around 40 centimetres. It was a violet-coloured dagger with one curved, sharp end and another end with several rugged edges and points.

"It really is lightweight. It said this weapon has good elemental absorption but I have no elements yet. I wonder when I'll get that." He thought to himself, swinging around the dagger to try and feel out this weapon.

In each swing, it felt like it was severing the air in half and the edge was so sharp that it made a light whistle as it was shot through the air.

"This feels amazing! This is just the next step I need to reach my goal!!"


The following morning arrived and Brandyn returned to the large dojo of Sir Maximilian. Just like yesterday, he was stood on the platform with his staff beside him. This time, his dri-fit shirt was blue and blue-grey in colour, with the emblem of the Helios Army.

"Today, you will get a much more specialised form of training with your weapons. Yesterday was merely a taster and when you train your weapons here, it'll be mainly to practice what you have learned from our weapons specialists. If you check on the monitor in the classroom over there, you will see which class you are to go to for this morning and the early afternoon." He explained, spinning his staff to finish off by aiming at the open door to the classroom.

Once Brandyn saw this new classroom, he followed the students towards this room to try and see what class he was going to. Of course, he was going to some form of dagger training, but he needed to know his teacher and the room where he was to be going to.

'Brandyn Santiago: Mr Gudbrand. Dagger Weapons Training. Room 204 (Battle Arena 3)'

"All the way over there?" He thought, looking at the location of his next class.

His school had some regular buildings, made of brick, but there were also tall buildings of fortified glass. These beautiful buildings had a large amount of different rooms, such as classrooms and battle arenas for students to practice combat, and dojos for solitary practice.

To go between these rooms was quite an effort since the school was so large in size but the school made up for that with many elevators and paths between the towers to connect the buildings.

After the long, gloomy walk to the third battle arena, the 10 minute intermission between lessons had already concluded since he had to walk so far. Arriving with his dagger in hand, the door to the arena was a futuristic sliding door made of a shiny steel.



As the doors opened, there were around 20 other students, who weren't part of any sets. Every set had combined to form a class under a single weapon specialist.

"Brandyn, welcome." The teacher said monotonously, barely paying the student any attention.

"Now that's what I'm used to." Brandyn muttered to himself in a joking manner, making him smile a little.

"Are you laughing at me, Santiago?!" The specialist seemed to be quite vexed just by this action alone.

"No, of course not, sir." Brandyn replied with a false tone of respect.

"Good. Enter and stand with the class." The teacher ordered, who was stood behind a desk.

There was a large browned wall at the back of the classroom and there were some elevated seats to the side of this arena. The rounded arena was where the students were and the ground had been covered with a smoother and more comfortable ground, instead of the usual arena ground.

After a few minutes, all of the students arrived at the scene and many of these students possessed extravagantly designed daggers. These shiny, expensive weapons scintillated under the sunlight that pierced through the clear glass.

Seeing these weapons, it made him think of his own family and the tragic event that occurred with his parents. Looking to the floor, he made sure to calmly exhale and to lower his increasing heart rate to try and control himself. As he thought these terrible thoughts of the terrorist organisation, he told himself to not think about it, to push through.

"I thought I was over this already…"

"Greetings, class! Today, I'm going to be giving you all detailed instructions on how to use the weapon of the dagger!"

As the class continued, he introduced himself and went over the basics of what they were to be doing. It turned out that he used to be a fighter in a combat league. Since almost everyone had been blessed with abilities, the idea of combat entertainment was absolutely massive.

To be a billionaire due to being a successful warrior wasn't something that was extremely rare. As a matter of fact, tens of people had become billionaires due to their combat abilities for entertainment. Due to this, there were combat leagues, where fighters fought and were ranked against one another.

"First, let's begin this lesson with something fun. How about we do a little spar?" The teacher announced, swivelling around a dagger of his own.

His movements were fluid, like the soothing waves of a stream. Each move flushed into the next and his speed was truly immense.

"I won't use my dagger but you guys can, of course. Who'll be brave enough to face me?" He said, with a voice that had a building tone of excitement.

You could tell that, in his voice, he was a true warrior.


The teacher swung his arm and almost instantaneously, the dagger had dug into the arena floor and the blade wad barely visible.


[Quest: Santiago vs Gudbrand]

[Defeat your teacher in the upcoming battle! Show him the true power of a Santiago!]

[Rewards: 1 Level Up, 1 Skill]

"A level up and a skill?"

The teacher watched the crowd in silence and rose one of his eyebrows at the first student who agreed to the spar.

"I'll do it." Brandyn said with an affirming tone.

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