
3rd learns how bad he fucked up

Wall Naru was packing up to move 3rd Hokage had headed back to the hyuga compound to talk with Hiashi about Sesshomaru and get the spouse summoning scroll.

*Hiashi's house*

Hiashi " so Naru is now officially Sesshomaru's daughter. Well I guess I'll keep our end of the agreement here you go." *passes 3rd Hokage the summoning scroll*

3rd Hokage "….."

Hiashi " you know I don't know what you were talking about to make Sesshomaru act the way he did but I can guess that "trying to putting a leash on him" wasn't the main reason."

3rd hokage " what do you mean Hiashi?"

Hiashi " you see the spouses summoning jutsu is a very special jutsu. I've been looking into it sense I found out that hinata actually summoned someone and I found out something very interesting about it. You see the jutsu has a subtle influencing effect on the target who was summoned. It's called the spouse summoning jutsu because it not only summons a powerful person who can destroy the balance of power but also makes them feel that the person who summoned them is like family. A spouse if you would and the person summoned will not only treat that person as family but their family and friends as well. Now if for example the person that was summoned is a cold hearted person or someone who can't see the person that summoned them as family for whatever reason the jutsu will do something tragic for that person and ether force them into seeing the person who summoned them as family or if it can't do that bring in another soul that will see the person who summoned them as family and fuse the two together which if 1 or both souls aren't strong enough they will both die and the summoning will fail. And given how much pain it caused him Sesshomaru should be the combination of 2 souls fused into 1. But I digress you'll be able to read everything about the jutsu on your own. The point is he now sees the hinata me the hyuga clan and even Naru as family and from what I can tell he's a lot like the inuzuka clan when it comes to the people he sees as family. Mess with them and your touching his reversed scale. Coupled with the fact that he can see souls hear things for who knows how far the sense of smell as the inuzuka's and the fact that he's 5032 I bet he knows people better than they know themselves with just a single glance. You probably sed something that he considered a threat about Naru the hyuga clan or even Hinata herself and with his power he's not gonna just take it lying down. I'm almost 100% positive that the song early this morning was a warning to both you and Danzo as well as serving as a bit of inspiration for hinata."

3rd Hokage "…."

Hiashi " I'll warn you Sarutobi your already on his black list if you don't want to die a tragic death don't touch his reversed scale. It won't just end badly for you. That man could destroy this entire continent if he wanted to and I doubt it would be that difficult for him."

3rd Hokage " I'll take your word to heart Hiashi."

Hiashi " make sure Danzo understands as well. I don't want Sesshomaru to think he has no choice but to destroy the village to keep the hyuga clan Naru and Hinata safe. I have meany friends I don't what their lives ended because you couldn't control a mad dog."

3rd Hokage " I'll make sure he doesn't get involved with the people that Sesshomaru considers family in the future. I don't want to be the reason why konoha was destroyed."

Hiashi " good. And I'll over look the face that you probably threatened my clan or Hinata this 1 time. If I find out you did it again then the hyuga clan will help Sesshomaru appoint a new hokage and don't worry we'll make sure that the other 3 follow after you to hell."

3rd Hokage "….."

naru and Sesshomaru were nearly home naru had a spring in her step the whole way to the hyuga clan and Sesshomaru was just amused by the little girls spirits being so high when he noticed someone was following them.

Sesshomaru " do you need something from me?"

??? "?!?"

Sesshomaru " you've been following us for a while now if you don't come out and tell me what you want I'll make sure you can't follow us anymore."

??? " I'm sorry I just. It's just. Who are you?"

Sesshomaru " Before asking someone for their name shouldn't you give your name first?"

Hana " r-right my name's Hana inuzuka what's your name?

Sesshomaru " my name's Sesshomaru now can you tell me why you're following us?"

Hana " your smell it's so foreign and yet so familiar it's intoxicating I just couldn't help myself."

Sesshomaru 'she's kiba's sister if I'm not mistaken I guess she can smell what I am even if she doesn't know what I am she can still?!? She's to close!'

Sesshomaru " hey back off a bit you're getting to close!"

Hana " ah I'm sorry it's just that you smell so good! Too good I just want to keep smelling this beautiful sent forever!"

Sesshomaru " I get it I smell good can you please back up a bit?!?"

Hana " hey Sesshomaru was it how about you come back to my place? We could have a wonderful time together."

Sesshomaru *raises an eyebrow* " some other time maybe I have to take my daughter home so she can get settled in to the new house."

Hana " daughter?!? Are you m-m-m-married?"

Sesshomaru " not yet I just adopted Naru here."

Naru " hi."

Hana " oh that's good to know I wouldn't want to be told too give up before even starting."

Sesshomaru " what do you mean?"

Hana " I want to have your puppy's of course! Do I have to spell it out for you?"

Sesshomaru *eyebrow raises* " your very forward aren't you?"

Hana " not usually I'm usually quiet because no man has interested me. Until you."

Sesshomaru " well I'll take that as a compliment. So you basically followed me to learn were I live so you can come by and make puppies with me? I must say I'm flattered but I have to get to know someone before I make puppies with them. Hahaha."

Hana " oh come on you know you want to make puppies with me I can smell you remember and you smell ready to go!"

Sesshomaru " the body is ready but the heart doesn't care for people it doesn't know. Well it's been nice talking with you but I gotta get my daughter home. See you later Hana."

Hana " what wai?!?"

Sesshomaru *leaves at the speed of light*

Hana " damn he's so fast I can't even see were he went to. I could smell the hyuga's on him maybe they could tell me where to find him. Just you wait Sesshomaru I'll get you to give me your poppies yet!"

*Hokage's office*

Danzo " Sarutobi we need to get rid of him he's too dangerous to let stay in the village!"

3rd Hokage " are you insane Danzo? You felt his power just as well as I did he could wipe konoha off the map without even trying! And you want to antagonize him? Are you stupid or has all the years spent in the dark rotted your brain?"

F Adviser " Danzo is right Sarutobi it's to big of a threat it's far to powerful to not have a leash on him at the very least."

M Adviser " their right Sarutobi we need to ether find a way to control it and if we can't control it then we need to find a way to kill it konoha is just not safe with it around."

3rd Hokage " your all insane you think we can stand a chance against someone like him hell he can hear everything we are saying even now he's probably listening to us the only reason why he probably hasn't killed us is because it would put the hyuga clan in an unfavorable position!"

F adviser " why don't we use the hyuga clan as leverage?"

3rd Hokage " are you stupid? He nearly killed both me and Danzo just for talking about it like we are doing now! Who's to say we won't just die in our sleep by assassination to that guy! Hell with his power he could probably destroy the whole continent if he wanted! And you want to antagonize him? Leave me out of you suicide attempts please.

M adviser " then why don't we use the spouse summoning technique and summon someone as strong as him?"

3rd Hokage "I've already tried 99.99999% of the time it falls Hinata got damn lucky to be able to summon him it wouldn't seprise me if she used up all her future luck to summon that damn monster!"

Danzo * rights down on paper and hands it to Sarutobi* lend me the scroll Sarutobi if I can increase the the precintage to at least 50/50 we should have a fighting chance then.

3rd Hokage " fine get it done as quickly as possible."

Danzo *nods picks up the scroll and leaves*

3rd Hokage ' I hope Danzo can make a miracle'

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