

Once I was at the table Soocter came up to us and told us that we can ask them to begin at any time, My parents just looked at me, ya you can begin know, Okay Scooter went told them to begin, Justin got his guitar and started singing

Oh,ohoh, I know you love aha I know you care, I have to admit he has a nice voice, Maybe this is his secret, After the performance, We took pictures, He soon left but not before Scooter left me his contact before living, for some strange reason I felt like we would meet again.

After they left, My parents took me to the spare, For a relaxing massage, And goddamn was it relaxing at first I was hesitant because they told me to strip, But after the massage I felt so relaxed, Then we went to the open pool, They were serving out drinks, I got a cock while my parents got cocktails, but my Dad being the cool father he is snack me a few sips while my mom wasn't looking

After that we went for icecream and when I reached home I found two presents, Go open them my mom told me. I opened the first gift and it was a Playstation, I was so happy then I opened the second gift it had games, I was happy again, I thanked my parents and gave them both a huge, Go up stairs we have one more surprise, I ran upstairs like the flash,

And when I opened my room my jaw dropped.

It was a flat screen, My parents just made my day, I was so happy, After the gift giving my Dad went to set up the TV as I was showering, just after I was done showering let's just say, I didn't sleep the whole night, Once I fell asleep I could see the sun

Hello reader's if you wanted to know Markus parents spent 9000 thousand dollars at the restaurant, okay


I woke up the next day feeling like shit, I then checked my phone, 10 missed calls, From my mom, I Immediately called her back,Hey Mom what's wrong, Nothing Markus I just called you to see what you wanted for breakfast but seeing as you woke up at 1:30 what do you wanted to have for lunch, I camled down and told her I wanted onigiri, with meatballs, What my mom loves cooking she knows what onigiri is.

You got, And you Dad has gone to the gym, So he will be back in the evening, okay I replied back, I then went to WhatsApp and checked my messages, damn I only have my mom and Dads contact, I need to make friends

I got out of bed showered then went downstairs, Mum had already finished preparing the meal, I went to the fridge and it had been the most full than I had ever seen, I pulled out a carton of apple juice put it in the cup, I had started eating my food, After I finished eating my food, I went onto my Twitter, it had over 99 notifcations.

I was surprised and when I opened the app, I wasn't surprised, yesterday I posted pictures of me and Justin hanging out, And all of the photo had 1000 comments, 7500 likes and 200 retweets, and I had gained 500 followers in a night.

l mean some of them might be their for my looks I am not bad looking and I haven't picked yet so I mean, oh who am i kidding it's because coconut boy, Damn it how does he pull off that hair style, I then switched off my phone and went out.

I wanted to go to the shoe store and get me some brand new pair of sneakers my old shoes really weren't up to date, I stop for a taxe and we went to one of the nike shops, once I entered I was hit with the refreshing smell of brand new shoes and smooth music.

I started looking around for shoes and I finally found the white air force, I Immediately got the shoes and tried them on and they fit, Damn my luck these past few days were undeniably, I told the Shoes to the guy at the account, And asked him to bring me 6 pairs, Hey brought them and scanned the tags, which added up to 67,200 dollars, Do you take cards I asked him.

He nodded he got out the machine and swiped the card

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