
Getting a new house

After that I went to my bedroom and reworked on my phone, I then started thinking I have all this money maybe I should make a change on this world I went and searched for any charitable donations I could make I landed on one for starving children in Africa, I signed up as a fake name obviously, Then I transferred 1 trillion dollars little did I know this would rumble the world.

I then decided every week I would transfer 1 trillion dollars to any place in need and since this people can't trace the money back to me I think am safe, After this I received a call from an unknown number, Hello I said, This is Christin Samantha gave me your contact info saying that you wanted to purchase a house, Ya I said, Is it okay if we meet tomorrow she said,

Okay I said affirmatively, Then the phone had hang up woo that was fast, But I put everything aside, Today had been a long day and what I wanted to do was sleep,


I woke up to a song, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, I just smiled thanks guys I said to them, My boy is 13 my mom said happily, How does it feel to be a teenager Champ, My Dad asked me, I fell amazing, I said to him, Well in the afternoon we have something planned, Okay and Dad , Mom I found a retire you guys can go and meet her today, And I will send you her information, My Dad just nodded, They left my room and I had gotten ready

After that i went down stairs and found a nice breakfast on the table, Hey mom I can hire a chef if you would like I asked her, No I enjoy cooking for the two most important men in my life my mom replied happily, As I was going to start eating a hired a song being played on the TV

Baby, Baby, Baby, Oh thought you'd always be mine now am gone, This song was a fairly new and it was by some Canadian Boy I think his name was a Justin Bieber, I asked my Dad.

Why you asking me I thought your supposed to know that stuff, Ya I have always wanted to see the hype of this guy

People are saying his the new Elvis Presley whoever that guy is, Maybe I should ask him to perform at my birthday, I thought, Hey Dad can we ask that guy to perform at my Birthday today, I don't see why not

I just don't know how to contact him, Dad said, I think they mentioned some websites let me check I pulled out my phone and checked I went to the website, Turns out it cost 7500dollars upwards to have him perform it was cheap in front of my eyes, I sent my day the details

I told him to give them an offer of 30000 dollars to 40000 dollars, He just nodded am not a fan of this guy am just wondering why he stealing all the girls goddamn it, Well I had alot of time to burn and mum took me shopping I didn't want to go until she said she would get me the latest Playstation

I grew a smile and went with her as Dad went to check for new houses, We first went to a Gucci shop first and my mom's eyes lit up she shopped for me to the point where I got hungry due to exotion

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