
3 Car Trouble

*A/N* This is the first half of my story you can find on here called Trouble Finds You, if you'd care to read the rest.


"Damn it!"

I kicked my car as I stood on the side of the long lonely highway as the engine smoked and made noises. My cars temperature gauge was not working and had overheated while I drove to escape my shitty life back east.

Now, I'm stranded on a highway some where between Utah and Nevada.

"At least it's not the fucking desert ..." I grumble as I look around at the mountains and trees that surround me, even though the highway was on a grassy plain.

There wasn't a house or another car in sight, and as I grabbed my phone ... There was no signal to boot.

"Damn it!"

I get back into my car and go through my bags reorganizing the mess from just loading everything I could into this old thing.

It's a 1939 Mercedes Benz 770 k and it's all I have left of my dad. We sold the house and everything else we could and moved into a one bedroom apartment, to help pay his doctor bills, but cancer still took him.

My crap job as a waitress had to let me go three days ago because business had been slow lately. I lost my scholarship at college because I couldn't take care of dad and do the amount of credits needed to meet it's requirements. I caught my crummy ass boyfriend three months ago cheating on me, there was nothing keeping me there.

So I sold the furniture, tv, and appliances, loaded what I could in the car before the landlord could try and make me pay another's month rent.

Now, all I own is in this car as I head to California to live with my cousin who says I can stay with her till I'm up on my feet.

I just have to make it out there.

I rearranged my bags so my toiletries and a couple days clothes were within easy reach if I got a ride to the nearest place to call AAA. Thank goodness I listened to dad and I kept them.

After an hour or so the engine had cooled off, and I poured some of my water into the radiator to see if it would start. It did but didn't sound good.

" I can limp it possibly to an area with reception maybe?" I asked myself out loud as I noticed off in the distance a vehicle coming down the road.

Grabbing my bright colored sweater, I waved it in the air, standing in the middle of the road to get them to stop.

An older man in a beat up old pickup truck slows down and pulls off to the side.

" Car problems, young lady?" He asks kindly .

" Yes sir, thank you so much for stopping! I need a ride till I get cell reception or to the nearest town where I can get a hold of AAA to come help me out."

He shakes his head and hobbles down out of the truck.

"Let's see what we got here.... Wow, I haven't seen one of these since I was a youngin. What happened to it?" He asks looking over his glasses at me.

" Temperature gauge wasn't reading and it overheated. I put water in it, but it's still not sounding good "

He let's out a shrill whistle and scratches the back of his head looking at the sun which is getting ready to set for the day.

" I can take you back to my house, we have a satellite phone there. I just drove the last two hours from the closest town darling. I can't see to drive at night so if you want to use my phone, I suggest you grab an overnight bag and lock your car up best you can. Once you get a hold of AAA, my grandson can drive you back to your car and stay with you till they arrive."

I hesitate, isn't this how horror movies start?

" I.." he cuts me off holding his hands up.

"There's wolves and bears in this part of the country and if there's food in your vehicle they'll get through the window to try and get it. I don't feel right leaving you here, unless you got a large caliber gun with you?"

I shake my head no.

He sighs, "Go on grab your stuff and your ice chest, toss it in my truck. I'll even hand you my keys when we get to my house if you'll feel safer about it."

Wow, this old man is really just trying to help me out. Now I feel bad for judging so quickly.

" I'll grab my stuff, thank you." I say quietly.

We close up the hood and secure the car after I get my things out.

On the drive to his home, which was still a ways up the highway and then down a long dirt road that weaved through the trees and hills, we talked about where I was going and explained about my dad.

" I'm sorry to hear that you lost your father. I've raised my grandson for the past fifteen years. He lost, his mom, my daughter and his dad because of a drunk driver. He's a grown man now, but he won't leave me alone." He chuckles.

"He was back here as soon as he finished college, talking about how he'd much rather live here with me, then suffer in a forest of concrete and streets. He's a good boy. He's a little older than you I think."

I hummed in response as we entered a fenced road with a cattle guard. The truck bounced along with the golden orange sunset still lighting the way. We drove around a small hill and I could see a barn with fencing all around.

I saw something that made me excited, " You have horses!"

This made the old man chuckle, "Yes, horses, cattle, goats, donkeys, chickens, geese, a few cats and two dogs. They come in handy on a ranch."

As we approached the log cabin style two story house, I saw the two dogs come running up, jumping and barking on the porch.

"Don't worry about Tucker and Rocket. They're friendly, just tell them down and they'll leave you alone." The old man said before we hopped out of the truck.

"Do you mind climbing in back there and handing me those bags?" The old man pointed to some shopping bags and I happily obliged.

I just handed them over when I heard a screen door slam and a man's voice calling out, "Hey Pa! Those damn kittens chewed the satellite cords again! I swear ...." He pauses as we lock eyes.

" Sorry about the language, ma'am. I didn't know that my Pa would be bringing company."

I smirk and say quickly, " Not a problem."

The old man interjects, " Why don't you come help her with her ice chest and bags, then tell me what you were a cursing about once we are inside."

The younger man comes over and I grab my bag but let him take the ice chest, before I start to hop off the side.

"Whoa!" The younger man with one strong arm catches and steadies me before I hit the ground.

I blush at the realization that he just caught me one handed like I was a doll.

"Thank you." I shy away. "I would've been fine though"

Laughing he goes, "I'm sure you would have, but I don't want you to track doggie landmines through the house." He points to where I would've landed and sure enough there's dog shit.

" Oh!" I look towards the door and see a clear path so I don't accidentally step in anything.

He leads the way into the house and I can't help but notice the lean but ripped physique of his arms and back that show through the plain white t shirt he's wearing.

Hell who am I kidding... I was drooling over this healthy hunk, making me think all kinds of naughty thoughts.

Once inside he called out to the old man, "Pa! I'm going to put her in the spare room! I'll help you with dinner, take a rest!"

We heard a sound of agreement before he started heading upstairs.

He turned to me, noticing my hesitation. "Follow me, please."

"I.. alright..." I follow him upstairs and notice there's only two rooms and a bathroom upstairs. By the looks of it, his is the other room.

"It's not much, but it's comfortable at least. " He says setting my ice chest down and motioning around the room.

"No, thank you it's great." I smile trying not to turn red as this gorgeous, tanned, muscular, brown haired, blue eyed country boy... I'm sorry Man, stares at me with a light smirk.

" I'll let you freshen up while I go help Pa make dinner. Come on down in about fifteen minutes, it should be almost done by then." He heads out of the room as I look around and take a seat on the bed.

What in the hell did I do right to score this bit of eye candy?! I blush as I watch his jeans that perfectly mold that sweet supple ass as he walks down the stairs.

I wipe my face and make sure there's no actual drool, but I know that's not where I'm wet the most at.

After using the restroom and brushing my hair quickly, I head downstairs with my phone and AAA card in my pocket so I can call the tow company.

That's when I hear them talking.

"....those damn kittens... She came here to call a company to come take her to get fixed. Sounds like she overheated it and blew a head gasket. Poor girl, that's not going to be cheap and it will take time to get fixed. Those guys in town are going to take advantage of her and probably charge her an arm and a leg for a room and repairs. She just lost her dad to cancer and was moving to her cousins place." I could hear the old man say.

"Oh, shoot Pa, you have to be careful stopping and picking up strangers now a days. You never know if they might be dangerous." I could hear his grandson say.

" I couldn't leave a young lady, stranded with no gun out there. Who knows if the next person that came by would be kind enough to help her out or what if something got to her? No, I couldn't have done it without the guilt weighing on me, boy. Nor could your parents if they had seen her."

"Yes, you're right Pa. I just don't want anything to happen to you." I hear his grandson say.

"I know boy, but hey you have to admit she's a good looking young lady. She looks like your grandma a little, back when she was younger. Just your grandma was a lot prettier in my opinion." The old man chuckles.

His grandson scoffs, "No one compares to grandma in your eyes, Pa. I do admit she is attractive. What's her name by the way?"

He thinks I'm attractive... Well the feeling is mutual.

The old man pauses, "... Well shucks, you know, I forgot to ask her."

They both laugh and that's when I decide to make my presence known.

" Smells delicious in here. May I still use your satellite phone, sir?"

I ask standing in the doorway.

They both pause and exchange a look.

" Sit down darling." The old man motions to another seat at the table.

I take the seat offered and he sighs, " My kittens are in the chewing stage and apparently they chewed through the cables.."

His grandson interjects with, "again..." Before the old man continues.

" I can fix them tomorrow morning, you're more than welcome to stay the night." The old man offers.

Stay with strangers..... They seem nice and like honest people... It's not like I have a choice.

"Sure, thank you for letting me impose on you both." I say with a shy but grateful smile.

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