
Taking Advantage of Ruby, Part 2

Once the mindless arousal of actually getting blown by Ruby had left Jaune, once he'd had the chance to think, Jaune had decided that he shouldn't ever do that again. If he stopped now, then even once Ruby realized he'd 'taken advantage' of her, she wouldn't really do anything. She'd asked, she'd pushed, how could she complain that much about what had happened?

Of course, Jaune was a teenager. He had a libido through the roof. Sleeping in the same room as three beautiful women was something that had been hard to deal with before, and now that he knew one of them would happily suck his dick if asked, it had gotten even harder. On the rare occasion when he was alone in the bedroom, he'd get out his scroll and furiously jack off to whatever he could find online, focused on nothing but getting to the point of coming, not even his own pleasure.

He was halfway through a jackoff session when he'd heard the door getting unlocked, and he hurriedly swept his blanket up over his lower body, hand on his dick trying to hide it, his scroll winding up falling off over the bed with a little 'thump,' the video of a faunus girl sucking cock still playing. He didn't manage to get everything he'd been doing hidden by the time Ruby was in the room, his hand frantically scrambling to grab the video of the faunus actress bobbing on dick before she could see it.

He utterly failed. She used her Semblance and just swooped forward, picking up the phone. "Oh, wow!" Ruby said, her eyes bright as she stared at the video. He gulped. "There are videos of this stuff online? Maybe I should watch a tutorial!"

At those words, his cock sprung out from between where he'd stuffed it between his thighs, and Ruby's head immediately swiveled over to look at it. It was covered by the blanket, but it was still plainly obvious what it was, and Ruby actually smiled as she saw it. "Ooo, you're excited again!" She swept his blanket up and off his lower body, revealing his hard cock to the open air. "Is it because of me?" She asked, a teasing note to her voice, playful and friendly again.

Jaune gulped. "Yes," he said. His eyes were on his scroll, though, still playing the video of a faunus actress blowing the male actor. Ruby followed his gaze.

"Oh! You were watching a video, duh, I'm totally interrupting you! Here you go," she said, handing the scroll back over to him. He just sort of mindlessly held it in his hand, his attention not on it at all. She glanced down at his cock again. "Can I get another serving of 'cum'?" She asked, smiling. "It was suuuuper tasty, plus I could tell you had fun!"

Jaune swallowed again, his cock furiously pounding, demanding he take Ruby up on her offer. He glanced over at the door. "Um. Sure. Lock the door and uh, make sure, nobody interrupts us," he said.

"Right! You don't want Nora and Pyrrha bothering you too!" Ruby agreed, swooshing over to the door, locking it, and then barring it with a chair. Jaune's cock was frantically throbbing from the whole situation. "Sorry, I bet I'm totally bothering you, actually, right?" She asked, pausing, one hand still on the back of the chair. "Ugh! Ruby! Being too annoying to your team leader!" She bonked herself on the side of the head.

"No," Jaune said. "No, it's fine." He gave her a smile. His horniness smothered any sense of guilt that had been keeping him from asking Ruby for more blowjobs. "In fact, I like it when you blow me." She frowned at that, her eyebrows crinkling. "That's when you put it in your mouth. It's called a blowjob."

"Huh," Ruby said, stepping back towards him. "But I'm sucking, aren't I? Not blowing? Ohmygosh am I doing it wrong?!"

"No, it's - yeah, I don't know why it's called a blowjob instead of a suckjob," he said. "Anyway, would you please?" He asked, gesturing at his groin, his hard cock pointed up at the ceiling. Ruby eagerly nodded, hopping onto the bed, getting on her hands and knees in between his thighs and leaning up towards his cock, wrapping her lips around the top and just starting to jerk him off.

As she started slurping and humming, her tongue lapping away, her cheeks hollowing, Jaune's dick twitched in her mouth, and he heard a lewd moan from his side - remembering, then, that he was watching porno, which was still going, the actress bouncing away happily as she sucked the guy off. Ruby popped her lips off his cock. "You can keep watching it, Jaune! Don't worry! Sorry to bother you!" His cock furiously throbbed in her grasp as she said those words, and immediately after speaking, she slurped his dick back into her mouth, smacking it against the back of her throat, gagging for a moment before trying to push down further.

Jaune's gaze was naturally drawn back to the porn he'd been watching, the faunus actress being pretty damn hot and happily sucking cock like it was the sexiest thing she'd ever done in her life. Of course, the arousal of the whole situation was as much due to the natural male fantasy of watching porn as a girl sucks your dick, as due to anything he was actually looking at on the screen. Ruby was focused on his groin, grinding her face into it, wetly splattering his groin with her spit as she worked her hardest to take him into her throat, his length throbbing away in her mouth.

After a truly heroic (and much appreciated, it was a small miracle that Jaune hadn't come yet) effort, Ruby finally managed to slurp his cock down to the base, taking it all the way into her throat. He groaned in response, his hips involuntarily bucking up, his hand on his scroll falling to one side as he pumped fruitlessly at Ruby's face, hips bucking wildly. She didn't resist, just swallowing wetly around his dick, tongue slapping at the underside of his cock, and his eyes rolled around in his head in pure, blissful pleasure, feeling ready to come at any moment.

"Ah, I'm about to, come," he panted - and Ruby hurriedly slurped up to the tip of his dick, frantically jacking him off with one hand as she stared up at him. He came a few moments later, gushing cum out all over the inside of her cute mouth, Ruby hungrily slurping on it, her eyes even lidding as she enjoyed the taste. When he was spent in her mouth, she popped off his cock, just humming and chewing on his cum, treating it like a tasty treat that she relished. His cock throbbed watching her like that, the faunus actress on screen getting a cumshot all over her face at nearly the same moment.

Ruby noticed the video at that point, staring at it with a tilted head. After a few seconds, she swallowed. "Why'd she get her face all covered in cum, instead of eating it?" She asked.

Jaune's cock, naturally, throbbed at the absurdly innocent question. He had no idea how to answer it. "Uh. Guys like... that, sometimes," he said. "It's fun?"

"But it's super sticky!" Ruby said. "Man, if it got all over my face, it'd take forever to get it off! Especially if any dripped on my clothes, I had to wash super hard for the parts that got on my outfit," she told him. "I had to put it in twice! Oh! Is that why the girl isn't wearing clothes?"

Jaune's cock twitched again. He was aroused enough to beat the guilt in a whole new way, glancing at Ruby's body as she stared at him, waiting for an answer. His teammate was cute. Very cute. His cock was hard. Very hard. She had just asked about whether she should get naked for him. His brain was drowning in puberty juice at the moment. So rather than saying 'yes', or 'no,' he instead said, "It's actually because it helps the guy come faster," he explained.

"Ohhh! Wait, so, if I get naked, then you'll come faster?" Ruby asked, and Jaune nodded, that very question being exactly why he'd said that in the first place. "Well, I've seen you naked, so it's only fair!" She grabbed her skirt, pulling it up and off, revealing a simple pink bra with a repeating bunny rabbit design on it, looking childish and innocent. She unhooked that, revealing her modest breasts to the open air, her nipples cute and pink. She started wiggling her way out of her similarly-innocent looking panties, then her socks as well, leaving her completely naked on the bed. "Tada! So if I dress like this when I give you a suckjob, then you'll come faster, right?"

"Yes," Jaune said. "You can give me another blowjob right now," he added.

"Got it, team leader!" She snapped in a mock salute, then leaned over his cock and just slurped his whole length into her mouth. She started gagging a moment later, so it wasn't as if she was completely accustomed to it. Her tongue flashed back and forth along the underside of his dick, her eyes staring up at him teasingly, her butt waggling back and forth. It wasn't in a way intended to arouse, it was more playful, like she was a cat about to leap, and it had his cock throbbing in her mouth, desperate to spray cum right down her throat.

Of course, he'd just come, so instead he just leaned back in the bed, resting his head on the pillow and letting Ruby suck him like a champion, her lips tight around his cock as she leered up at him, her tongue flashing away at the underside of his cock. Her throat wetly gagged around his dick, putting soul-crushing pleasure on his length, and his toes curled behind her as he admired her cute body and nice, round butt. Being an athletic girl, she had a very sculpted ass, and with her in the position she was in, it was raised high in the air, bare of any coverage, his eyes following it as it swayed subtly from side to side.

When Ruby peeled back up and off his cock, a wet pop following the movement, she stroked his length. "You're staring at my butt, Jaune," she said, and he wondered instantly if he should apologize. "Does that mean it's working to make you come faster?"

"Yes," he replied, not even hesitating. She smiled, wiping at her mouth and eyes, clearing away spit and tears, before leaning down towards his dick again. She wrapped her lips around it, slowly pushing her mouth down his cock, licking the underside with every passing moment, until his cock hit the back of her throat and she spasmed.

Rather than instantly force her way down, she instead stayed there - and started to shift her legs. Rather than kneeling, she started to half-squat, then kept shifting, her flexible, athletic body making it shockingly easy for her to raise her ass up, and up, and up into the air, Jaune's eyes widening as he saw her shift until her body was pretty much folded in half, her head mere inches from her calves as she grabbed his hips for balance. She started to gingerly push herself down in that position, and while the pleasure was intense, his focus was instead on her gorgeous naked body, butt raised high into the air.

The new position, in addition to being absolutely insanely sexy to stare at, also made it much easier for Ruby to deepthroat him, soon gobbling up his whole cock down to the base, her nose pushing into his pubes. He gasped at the sensation, feeling like he was going to explode at any second - and Ruby pushed up against him at that point, sliding her lips up along his length, her tongue happily swishing back and forth.

It felt so fucking good. He reached for her head, gently brushing his hands through her hair, his eyes still mostly focused on her butt where it was raised high into the air, muscular and round and gorgeous. Some base part of him wanted to stick it in, to fuck her. She didn't know better. She'd probably even enjoy it. She'd come too. He managed to suppress that part, if just barely, shaking his head and starting to pump his hips in time with Ruby's up-and-down movements, fucking her mouth in that position, saliva dripping down out of her mouth and down his length.

He pumped his hips fruitlessly against her face, balls slapping at her chin. He could feel himself getting closer with each passing second, his head feeling foggy and empty as he wanted so desperately to unload. She just hummed around his dick - not trying to intensify his pleasure, just making the noise as one of pure simple concentration. It felt absolutely fantastic for Jaune, though, his eyes closing as he lost himself in the moment, fruitlessly pumping in her vibrating mouth as she bobbed up and down his length, feeling his balls churn, his orgasm getting ever closer...

Then he started to erupt, not even properly warning Ruby this time, just groaning and spasming in pleasure. Ruby pulled up on his cock, all the way up to the very tip, jerking him off rapidly but maintaining that obscenely pleasurable position. He went cross-eyed in pleasure at that point, his cock just spraying and gushing and filling Ruby's eager, greedy mouth, as the girl sucked him seemingly completely dry. Once again, she popped off his cock, plopping down on the bed and swilling his cum, though this time she was as naked as the day she was born, her sexy, slim, gorgeous body presented for his viewing pleasure, his cock throbbing.

Eventually, Ruby gulped down his cum, then spoke up again. "I wasn't bothering you, right, Jaune?" She asked, looking a bit nervous as she spoke. "I mean you were watching a video, and you barely paid attention to it."

"No, no, you weren't bothering me at all," Jaune said, giving her a smile. His cock was still hard and his brain was still drowning in horniness, so he kept talking. "Uh, in fact, whenever you want some cum, you can ask me," he suggested. "I mean, don't do it in front of anybody, obviously," he added in a rush. "Since I don't want to get lots of girls bothering me."

"Or boys!" Ruby said.

He just blinked a couple times at that, before realizing that Ruby didn't even seem to realize what was happening was sexual at all. "Yeah. Or boys," he agreed.

"Got it, team leader!" She declared. "I'll keep my mouth shut, except when I'm giving you a suckjob!"

He didn't correct the name. It was a bit of a cute nickname for it, anyway.

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