

She was in and she knew there was no going back. Olive just followed along as she was dragged away by the very irritated nun. Olive was pushed into a dark room and the door was shut right behind her and locked immediately. She sighed when she finally saw the shadow of the nun move away from the door. She quickly took out a pin from her head and proceeded to try and pick the lock. It was easier than she thought and she silently congratulated herself for it. She shut her eyes, preparing herself in silence and when she opened her eyes, she wasn't in the room anymore. She gasped in shock and looked around her wondering where she had gone.

She spotted a mirror and walked towards it to see if she was still herself. She wasn't and instead was the punisher from Elise's time. She gasped and tried touching her face just as someone came in. She turned around and saw Elise at the door.

"You called for me?" Elise asked with a sigh and Olive frowned.

"I just needed to tell you something." the girl said,"But now it's gone so you can leave."

Elise turned around without hesitation and Olive looked back in the mirror realizing she was no longer the punisher. The tall girl smirked and then walked out the room and Olive quickly followed behind her. She went to the door that led to the passage leading up to Olive's room but as if sensing that she wasn't alone, she looked around her in a panic and for a split second she locked.eyes with Olive who was now holding her breath in. After what seemed like forever to Olive, the girl finally bent down and lifted a loose brick from the ground and from there she picked up a key, they very key Olive was looking for.

Olive blinked and was finally back in the room she had earlier bei g locked in. She was holding the handle of the door that was slightly ajar and then smiled to herself. She pulled the door open and walked out in a composed manner. There was no one around so she didn't waste her time trying to act normal and she went straight to the room where she knew she would find the door. When she opened the door she was surprised that no one was there yet so she went closer to the door and by memory managed to find the loose brick that seemed like it had just been moved recently.

She took out her friendship necklace and removed the key from the long rosary it was attached to. To it she attached a paper clip that Markus had given her and then she coiled it up to make sure it would be tangled when someone came for it next. With a satisfied smile she attached the key to her necklace and placed in in her other pocket that was on her underwear. She put the stone back and froze when she heard some steps coming towards the room. She stood up and then moved to the center of the room and when the door opened, she threw herself to the ground in an exaggerated manner as if she was praying.

The nun who had come in also came and knelt next to Olive who had her forehead pressed to the ground. The nun started to pray and after five minutes she got up to leave. Once she had closed the door she went back to the room she had earlier been locked in. She run to the window where she could see Markus poorly hidden outside by the window.

She rushed to the window and opened it frightening him a little bit. She smiled and started to climb out the window and he helped her out.

"Did you get it?" Markus whispered and Olive nodded with pride.

They started running when they heard the door of the room open and as they passed by a bush, Olive discarded the nun's dress. When they safely got to Olive's room, they were panting and shaking from the rush of adrenaline. They chuckled to themselves in the dark and highfived as well. After they were calm, Markus sat up straight and pulled out Olive's phone and he switched the light on so he could see her clearly. He quickly racked his eyes over her body to make sure that she wasn't hurt anywhere and when he was satisfied he smiled brightly at her.

"Well let me see the key." he said and immediately he saw Olive reach her hand into her underwear and he could just stare in shock,"You put it where... exactly?"

"It's not where you think. There's a pocket."

"Women have pockets down there?!" he asked in alarm making Olive slap her forehead at a loss for words.

"No we don't. I meant the underwear has a pocket."

Markus visibly relaxed and this made Olive chuckle in amusement He looked at the small key and then handed Olive her phone so she could hold it for him and then they both crawled over to where the small keyhole was. He blew into the hole and then put the key in and carefully turned it with a fear that perhaps it might break because of how small it was. He pulled up the small door like structure that was now visible and inside he found an old dusty diary.

Olive's eyes brightened up as she looked at the diary. Markus was about to take it out when she stopped him with a frown on her face.

"What?" he asked confused with his hand still outstretched towards the diary.

Olive looked up at him and then sighed loudly and she placed the little door back where it was supposed to be.

"We haven't told Oliver about any of this. I'm sure he'd want to know too."

"I'm sure he would. But he might be with his girlfrie.....Elise! I meant to say Elise."

It was too late for Markus to take back his words and he just looked at Olive's shocked expression with fear and a little relief because he had wanted to tell her for a while.

"When did they start.....dating?" she asked looking a bit calmer.

"Just a little while after we started." Markus replied.

Markus hugged Olive and then said he would go and call Oliver. She nodded and then told him she would just wait for them to come. Markus walked out and as he approached their bedroom he heard some noises. He stood by the door and listened, able to here Oliver grunting as if he was in pain. He then peeped thought the slight gap in the door where he could clearly see Oliver bleeding with what seemed to be bite marks on his hand.

"That animal." Markus whispered with narrowed eyes as he looked at Oliver.

Markus knew at this hour Oliver would usually be back from seeing Elise so the cause of the bite mark was very obvious. Quickly Markus moved back and then run into the room after changing his facial expression to one of excitement. To make it known to Oliver that he saw the blood he frowned as the younger boy hid his hand.

He smiled again and upon seeing this Oliver had a look of confusion pass over his features before quickly disappearing.

"Guess what?" Markus asked with a smile.

"What?" Oliver asked back.

"I know Elise bit you." he said, the smile falling from his face.

Oliver was quiet and just stared at Markus lost in his own thoughts.

"And Liv found this little key for a trap door in her room. Wanna see it?" Markus continued,"I won't tell her but I sure hope you can hide it well."

"Why don't we check it out another time? Preferably when this stops bleeding or isn't swollen and red." Oliver suggested.

"Liv will be suspicious if you put this off while Elise is busy dealing with Ms Stevenson."

"She's back?"


"The end of freedom and breakfast." Oliver sighed.

"So will you come?" Markus asked looking out the door.

"Where is she?" Oliver asked with a slight anxiousness in his voice.

"Guarding the stair case." Markus lied having had spotted Olive hiding outside the door,"She's really excited but scared too. She told me she saw someone hiding the key in a dream and she actually found it."

Another lie. He was sure Oliver wouldn't like how he had sent Olive into the monastery all alone.

"She didn't tell me." Oliver whispered sounding hurt.

Markus watched as Oliver picked up his tie and toss it to the bed. Markus wondered exactly how bad the argument must have been for Elise to even bite him.

"And you didn't tell me you're dating Elise." Olive said coming in.

Oliver turned to look at his sister who made her way to stand in front of Markus with teary eyes. To avert her eyes he looked down only to have the little friendship necklace catch his eye. He looked up at her face as she looked down at his bleeding hand and her eyes widened in shock.

She run towards him quickly and took his hand in her own.

"What....what happened to you?" she asked shivering as she looked into his eyes, pitifully at first then sternly to make sure her next words carried the weight they ought to,"Don't dare tell me another lie."

"I had a fight with Elise and she bit me." Oliver answered a little sheepishly.

Olive unwrapped the handkerchief that he had tied over the wound and run her hands over the sore, red wound as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Why are you crying, Vee? It doesn't hurt."

"I've failed to protect you. Who does she think she is?"

"It's not her fault entirely. I tried to force her to stay with me so her instincts kicked in." Oliver responded and in an attempt to make her stop crying he smiled.

It clearly didn't work as she cried even more and so he hugged her.

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