
Chapter 34: Naked and Afraid

Ripley's POV

Ripley slept fitfully.

She had tossed and turned all night.

At one point, she had dreamt of the Goddess herself, but it was hazy and blurred, and she couldn't remember anything about it.

By the time the sun started to climb above the horizon, Ripley pulled on a sweatshirt and tiptoed back downstairs.

She had planned for over a week now. She had retrofitted her laundry room with all of the things she thought a wolf shifter might need to stay comfortable. She didn't know about what changed during the shift. She tried to only feed Fenrir things that were safe for dogs, just in case. She had researched for hours, days probably, to find the sigils required to keep a shifter contained.

Then, when Fenrir had showed up at her door last night, she had recognized the opportunity.

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