
Lies 1


The morning rays broke through the slats of the window covers and into his old room, a room that held all types of memories. Some good, most bad. He remembers the miserable nights he spent trying to get to sleep but kept awake instead, his mind would wander, his wandering would turn into worry, mainly worrying about his future.

He stretched his entire body under the furs, the crack from his back felt like heaven. His night's sleep had its interruptions but at the end of the day he couldn't complain, sleeping in his childhood bed gave him an extra comfort he didn't think he would feel. He also didn't expect to even have a childhood bed anymore, he thought that this room would have been completely stripped by now but obviously someone didn't have the heart to do such a thing.

Almost like somebody had a guilty conscience. He thought.

He sat up and swung his legs off the bed, rolling his neck he noticed his recently collected bags. The interruption in the middle of the night was the explanation for their presence at the moment. An interruption in the form of a very big and very annoyed dragon.

Kireina had scared the living shit out of him in the middle of the night, thank the gods she had the sense not to make an actual appearance in Winterfell. She just decided to make an abrupt appearance in his dreams instead, something he didn't even know she could do.

Turned out it wasn't something he should have been incredibly worried about, she was just annoyed with the bags that were still tied to her back. He didn't expect her to be so stroppy about it but clearly, she wasn't impressed with having to lug his bags around when she really didn't need to be.

Sneaking out of Winterfell had been easy 3 years ago, after many lessons from Master M, he could have done it with his eyes closed. Sneaking back in was a little bit more difficult but he still managed it with relative ease.

Kireina had been very happy to see him, either that or she was just glad to get those bags off her back. He'd giving her a kiss on the snout and a scratch under her jaw before she sprang back up into the night sky without a trace. After the huge mess she'd made in Hornwood Forest, she seemed to be a little caring of her surroundings now.

Now he was sat there on his bed staring at the bags that contained his clothes, valuables and two very dangerous swords to be found in possession of.

I should really get these swords back to their respective owners soon. He thought to himself.

He didn't know how to go about doing that though.

"Oh hello, my names Jon and I just happen to have come across this sword, I think it might belong to you." He thought amusingly. Who was he kidding, he was probably gonna be as straight forward as possible with them. From the stories he'd heard from Gerion, he was quite looking forward to meeting the great Tywin Lannister, he'd just have to take Gerion's warning into consideration and be careful what he said. He didn't want Kireina turning it into Casterly Dust if any harm came to him because of something stupid he'd said.

He sighed, he missed Gerion. Hopefully it wouldn't be long before he'd be seeing him again, he'd made the man a promise after all.

He was asked to tell Gerion's daughter about her father but Jon had another idea. It was a mad plan that might not even be necessary but if the girl was treated like any other bastard, the chances were high that he would go through with it.

It was how to go about it that would be the biggest pain in his arse.

And whether or not Kireina was open to the idea of it.

He scrubbed his face and rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he stood up and walked to the bowl of tepid water to wash his face, the cool water thoroughly waking him up in the process. Today was the big day, the day he would get the truth out of his father even if he had to beat it out of him.

Would he have to resort to that? Would he have to pay the consequences for attacking the Lord Paramount of the North?

Doubt Kireina would allow something like that to happen anyway.

All of a sudden there was an incessant banging on his chamber door.

Somebody's keen. He thought.

He dressed as quick as he could, pulling a tunic over his head in the process of walking towards the door, which was now shaking at the hinges with how hard it was being hammered at.

He whipped the door open and looked at the culprit with narrow eyes, eyes that immediately softened when he saw who it was.

"You're up!" His little sister chirped as she walked into his room and plopped herself on the furs of his untidy bed. An unapologetic smile plastered on her face as he attempted to scowl at her but failed miserably.

He could never be mad at Arya. Annoyed sometimes, but never mad.

"Pretty difficult for somebody to sleep through that racket, who knew somebody so small could cause such a big pain in my arse." He said as he moved across the room and grabbed his dark blue gambeson. The gambeson in question was one of his favourites, Gerion had told him wistfully that it brought out the colour in his eyes, the man just laughed when he'd replied that he would bring out the colour of his nose with his fist if he didn't shut it.

Arya's smile grew as she leapt from his bed and started sniffing around his bags "You're not mad, just admit it, you missed this." She said as she fiddled with one of the straps on his bag, the bag with the two valyrian swords he soon realised.

He realised his mistake when he moved across the room in a flash and batted her hand away from the bag, a cheeky grin emerged on her face like a game had just been initiated. She knew he was hiding something now and she'd make goddamn sure to find out what it was, the way Arya always did.

"You're right, I did miss this..." He said as he moved the bag to the other side of the room, his little sister's eyes glued to it. "...but I didn't miss you snoopin...."

"What's in the bag?" She interrupted, he tried to play it cool as he placed the bag on the floor near the window. Unfortunately, the noise it made when he did put it down didn't help in cooling her intrigue, if anything, it fuelled it.

"Nothing for you that's what. Why are you here so earl..."

"Is it my present? Is it a sword? I've always wanted a real sword, mother says that I shouldn't be playing with swords but I've always wanted to learn how to use one properly. Me, Bran and Rick sneak out into the godswood sometimes and practice with sticks. Sometimes Jory finds us and teaches us little tricks instead of telling on us, I like Jory. Can I have my sword now? Pleeeeeease?" She rambled on.

He sighed, he'd not really thought about presents when he decided to come back, he had other things on his mind at that moment. But looking at his pleading sister, who was doing that thing she always did with her eyes that made them look bigger than they actually were, who was quite clearly making her bottom lip tremble on purpose, he decided he would have to find a way to get a proper sword in her hand.

He was annoyed that her little tricks, that he was fully aware of, had worked so easily on him.

"No, it's not your present." He said as crossed his arms.

"Oh..." She said as her face fell, she looked down at the floor and started nibbling on her bottom lip. Her shoulders slumped and she sniffed.

Now he had an upset little sister on his hands and his soul couldn't take it.

With his decision made he lifted the bag back up and sighed "If you're good and you promise not to tell anybody about what I'm about to show you, I will ask Mikken to make you a sword that is just right for you hmm? I know there's no point in me trying to hide the contents of this bag from you, you'd find a way of getting into it and probably cause more trouble for me." He said as he sat on his bed and placed the bag down on his lap.

Jon got nothing from this deal except from making his sister happy which in hindsight, was definitely worth it.

Her face lit up and she sprang towards the bed before hugging him tight around the neck "Thank you thank you thank you!" She happily declared whilst crushing his windpipe. He tapped on her back and she let go, a sheepish grin on her face.

Oh, she knew what she'd done. She'd well and truly played him, and he couldn't for the life of him be mad at her for it. He was almost proud in some twisted way.

"Right, I'm serious, what I'm about to show you cannot, I repeat, cannot be mentioned to anyone about, nobody, not even Bran and Rickon. Do you understand?" He said as he worked on the straps of the bag.

She nodded her head furiously as she stared at the bag in awe.

He slowly untied each of the straps as slow as he possibly could "C'mon, hurry up!" She said as she almost with excitement from where she sat.

With a flourish, he grabbed the two scabbards inside the bag and lifted them out. He manoeuvred the bag to the floor and placed the two swords on his lap, Arya was just in awe as she stared at the hilts and pommels of each of the swords. She reached out a hand to touch them but he grabbed her wrist before she could.

"You have to be careful touching these, they are extremely precious and not to mention, extremely sharp." He said as he let go of her wrist and slowly unsheathed Blackfyre on his lap. Her eyes lit up even more when she saw the swirling patterns that adorned the blade.

"Like father's..." She muttered out as she stuck a single finger out and touched the steel.

"Aye, like father's." He said, successfully keeping out the anger from his tone at the mention of that man. She slowly rubbed her finger down the steel.

"Is the other one the same?" She asked.

He grabbed the hilt and stood up, seemingly shocking Arya out of her daze. The rest of the scabbard was pulled from the blade and placed on the furs of his bed next to Arya, along with Blackfyre itself. She was that preoccupied with staring at the old Targaryen heirloom on his bed to notice him unsheathing Brightroar as well.

"Wow..." Was all she could say as he placed the second blade onto the bed, her eyes didn't know what to stare at as she looked back and forth between the two blades.

He smirked when thinking about what her reaction would be with what he was about ask.

"Would you like to hold them?" He asked as her head and eyes snapped towards him and her mouth just fell open.

"Can I?!" She asked excitedly, almost whispered in fact. The look on her face was the look of somebody who'd just been offered the world.

He nodded as he smiled "See if you can pick one of them up on your own first, if not then I'll have to help you." He said as she gripped both hands around Blackfyre and attempted to lift it. She managed to lift it somewhat but he didn't trust her arms that were already starting to wobble so he gripped over each of her hands with his and helped her lift it all the way so it was pointing towards the ceiling.

"Wow...it's beautiful." She said as she attempted to swing the sword left and right with her hands from underneath his grip. He rolled his eyes and smiled as he humoured her and helped her swing the blade left and right very carefully, if any accidents occurred and Arya got hurt, he'd never forgive himself.

After they'd finished wielding Blackfyre together, which was a mad thought in and of itself, he sheathed both of the swords and placed them back in their bag.

He turned around and noticed Arya had her hands on her hips and a quirked eyebrow "And where did you get two valyrian swords from Jon?" She asked. He had to chuckle, it felt like she was trying to tell him off.

"Not just any valyrian swords Arya, those are the ancestral swords of House Targaryen and House Lannister. Blackfyre and Brightroar." He announced as Arya's hands fell from her hips and her eyes went even wider than before.

"...How?!" She exclaimed, a look of disbelief on her face. He just walked up to her and placed his arm across her shoulders.

"That's a story for another time. I think it's about time we go and break our fast, I could eat a small horse." He said as he led them out of his room. "And then after, we'll have to have a little trip to see Mikken." He finished.

All her heard was a 'Yes' as his little sister darted down the hallway, he shook his head and smiled as he closed his door behind him.

He started following her but noticed that she'd stopped at the door to the outside "If I get to the great hall first, you have to spar with me later!" She shouted towards him, leaving him high and dry as she bolted out of the door.

He just smiled as he sped up his walk.

He'd missed this.

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