
Chapter: 3 Choosing Part 1

As I stared disbelief that what I choose will determine my fate, I had to realistically Factor where I am, I am living in a Universe that hate Xenos that is bugs in a few more years and if any race than Different from humans will literally put my Planet into danger since it's close to the Planet Capital of The Terran Federation. They will not hesitate to Nuke us from Orbit to remove the threat. So that removes the Necron, Tau, Orkz, Eldar and their Dark counterpart...

From my pickings

what's left to choose is either The Space Marines, Sisters of Battle or the Imperial Guard Faction and The Chaos Space Marines...

Sister of battle... Nope as much as I like their Power of Faith, it will bring a whole can of worms, when they clash with the Current religions. and the Angels they field is powerful but the religion repercussions is too much too bear.

Space Marines... Powerful, I know but how to feed them? and if I am aware they are the most expensive to field in battle in the Imperium, only the Sisters of Battle being the second and there is no Gene seed to replace them... what's worse if they did fell in battle the Arachnid will Most likely Engineer themselves as a Biological Nightmare...

Gene seed Infused Arachnids is a nightmare...

Chaos Space Marines... Nope As powerful as they are.. it will also has the same problem with religion and unlike the Sisters of Battle they literally Summon Demons from hell, Forget Nuking Mars they will wholeheartedly Drop A Q-bomb and more to ensure this infestation doesn't exist...

last option...

Imperial Guard... They do well in this current Universe and I really need Firepower without the Standing out that I field literally Human Giants and Literal angels, though I still remembered I still lost my Last Game against the Necrons, this is probably the most versatile faction and hopefully "we" Can win

and I do wonder... How does the Arachnid taste a wall of LasGuns? Or the Artillery that this faction is famed for?

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