
Chapter 58 - The Drain Dwellers

[July of 2012]

[New York City]

3rd PoV

Weeks passed after the arrest of The Smartest Man Alive and the people were fast to find out that the recent incident where numerous large rabbits and a dragon that attacked New York was actually the fault of one man — Reed Richards.

The government someho – which for some reason – tried to cover up what really happened. But Andrew had different idea and released the information he got on the Baxter Building to the internet the moment he got ahold of it all.

How did he get the information? Well, Andrew just hacked Baxter Building's own internet system and copied all the useful things on it and then did the thing and now the whole of new york were raging on finding where the hell that elastic man was.

Seeing the situation escalating to something out of their calculations. The government relented and released the news that they actually have Reed Richards in their custody and the latter was still waiting for his trial.

After finding out the truth. The citizens raged even more with some suggesting for Reed to be thrown in The Vault or The Raft while others were a little crueler as they suggested that Reed should be executed for his crimes of endangering not only the state, but possibly the world also.

At that, the government didn't reply to the citizens and kept their silence as they thought about deeply on what should they really do with Reed.

They didn't care about the notion of executing Reed because the guy was too much of a good asset to just kill and they also doesn't have the freakin' death penalty! They can only think that those who suggested that idea was people who's in side with the reinstatement of death penalty.

Reed on the other hand, didn't managed to use his usual technique of pulling out the dark secrets of the high officials to scare them and let him go as the whole government itself was on his ass this time.

The only thing he was able to pull off was being able to have Susan and the rest of the group being able to visit him from time to time. But the moment that they would all eventually left, Reed was left pulling his elastic hair in frustration as his hands was already itching. He needs to experiment!

Andrew on the other hand, didn't intervene on any of those shits – aside from him releasing – as he was busy the whole time arranging the whole plan he had regarding the reintroduction of the mutantkind in the society.

By now, the Celestial Industries were already ready and prepared to announce their alignment with the mutantkind.

He now only needs to do a few more things before the big announcement happens.


[Beneath New York, Underground Tunnels]

The Morlocks are mutants who all had mostly useless abilities. Not only that, most, if not all, have deformed physical appearances that made them decide that they aren't fit to live in the normal society.

They all live in underground tunnels that was built in the 1950s buy the US Government as shelters incase of a national emergency. The vast majority of people have no idea that this tunnels existed and the Morlocks used that as an opportunity to make this tunnels their home.

Morlock society had no actual class system, except for the leader who all Morlocks obeyed, somewhat like a huge street gang. Though that same leader right now had panic flooding her face as she guided the younger Morlock through the way.

"Haa~ Haa~."

They were all running as the leader heaved heavily while running.


"Owi.." One of the young Morlock – who is a little girl with a scaly blue face – tripped on her own feet and fell down the rough ground.

"Here." The leader, Callisto, quickly turned and helped the kid up but the kid had a pretty bad scraped knee and wouldn't be able to run anymore. Seeing that, Callisto reached and carried the kid as she turned to the rest and quickly uttered "Quick. We need to go. We need to hi–"


But he was interrupted by a whooshing sounds as a harpoon-shaped energy construct whipped through the air and aimed for one of the young Morlock.

Callisto was quick to react as she displayed a great reflex and and managed to pull that Morlock kid away from the trajectory of that harpoon attack.


The harpoon-shaped energy construct pieced the ground and destroyed a part of it. Callisto didn't bother looking back to where that attack came from as she urgently urged the kid she just pulled to move forward hurriedly as they all ran immediately.


"Hey! Kodiak! Fucking aim properly. Is the years catching up to you huh? You can't even fucking kill a defenseless kid."

On the far back side of the tunnel. A mocking voice resounded as six people revealed themselves.

The first one was a man of a tall stature. He had wild, messy long hair and a good body build. He stood while holding a long rifle. He was wearing what seemed to be a tight fitting metal armor that covered up to his right chest and right arm while his left chest and arm were bare, revealing an arm ring and a metal glove.

Scalphunter, whose real name is John Greycrow, is a mutant with the ability to sense the presence of other mutants and track them down.

He was currently silent as he looked at the area where the Morlocks disappeared.

The second one was the one who was spewing streams of curses at her another teammate. The woman stood at an impressive six foot and wears something that is the same as Scalphunter, only more tight and silky-looking, highlighting her muscly curves.

Arclight, whose real name is Philippa Sontag, is a mutant with superhuman strength and the ability to create seismic waves that can cause earthquakes.

She was currently looking at the man beside her with an angry look as she cannot believe how the guy wasn't able to kill a kid with just one attack.

On the other hand, the man who threw the harpoon energy projectile was rubbing his ears in annoyance as he cannot bear to hear the annoying voice of Arclight any longer.

Harpoon, whose real name is Kodiak Noatak, is a mutant with the ability to create and control harpoon-like projectiles made of energy.

"Don't give me that, Philippa. Why don't you just use your ability and take down this whole sewers so we can be already done with it and go home?" Harpoon asked with a tired voice.

Arclight looked at him with a disgusted look and replied "Huh? And take the fun out of it? No. I need to do this the hard and physical way as I need to hear their cries and pleas as i butcher them."

Harpoon shook his head at her while the remaining three just didn't give a fuck about her and continued walking.

The other one is a large man of 6'10. He sported a bald head and proudly had a monstrous muscly body that would put most body builders to shame.

Blockbuster, whose real name is Michael Baer, was a mutant with superhuman strength and durability. He was also an experienced fighter and had a cybernetic implant that allowed him to control his powers.

The other one is Scrambler, whose real name is Kim Il Sung, is a mutant with the ability to disrupt the powers and abilities of other mutants.

He wears a green tight fitting uniform that followed the style of his team as his face sported a slight grin that is filled with cruelty and desire for violence.

The Last one is another woman. She is Vertigo. Whose real name is unknown, is a mutant with the ability to disorient and confuse her opponents using her powers of vertigo.

She wears also wears a tight fitting clothes but hers was in mint green with striped designs. She also has whitish-green hair to compliment her clothes as she walked with her waist swaying left and right, accentuating her smoking hot figure.

"Run bitch, Run! Hahaha!" Arclight laughed cruelly as she and her group continued walking with relaxed steps — not afraid that their targets will be able to get away since they have Scalphunter on their side.



"X-Men. Suit up." Charles Xavier ordered his soldiers after he went to the living room where they were all gathered.

Alex immediately stood up at that words as he spoke "What happened, professor?"

"The Morlocks are being hunted down right now. I don't know who the attackers are, but they were mostly also mutants." Charles replied back.

""What?!"" Storm and Beast said at the same time as if they couldn't believe what they heard.

"Let's go, we need to move before we are too late." Beast turned to his teammates as he started walking towards the door that would led outside and into his personal quarters.

Storm also didn't want to waste anymore saliva as she also went outside to change clothes.

Alex nodded at baldie as he also went outside.

"What's this Morlocks are, chuck?" Logan asked as he breathed in his cigarette.

Charles made his wheelchair turned around as he started rolling forward. He then spoke along the way. "They are a community of outcast mutants who decided that they aren't better with the surface, the reason being that people hate them for when they saw their deformed looks while others were just bitter and decided to just live underground on their own accords.

They currently live in the sewers under new york and they would sometimes go above to steal necessities from people just to feed themselves. I've tried may times to help them by telling them that they had a place in my mansion, but they all stuck to their ideas that they deserve to live under the sewers, away from people.. away from the society.." Charles had a gloomy aura surrounding him as he counted to Logan the story.

Logan was silent throughout the whole story as he finally waved to Xavier and went to his quarters to change clothes.

He needs to prepare because he has a whole community of mutants to save... right?


If you want to read ahead and support me at the same time, then be sure to visit my pãtreon. I post sixteen advanced chapters of my book on pãtreon.


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