
The end of despondency Part II

The soldiers are about to go in and apprehend their prisoners.

They are secure in the kingdom's fetters, but when they touch the young man's body, the light bursts forth wildly!

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Three masses of light emerge. No one dares to approach because of the heat and magical vapor.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Three more light masses appear in opposite directions. The emanating magical vapor gradually congregates, and the execution yard appears to be filled with graceful, exalted, and powerful magic ancient language characters.

This is sanctity.

The kingdom's nobles are in a state of panic. Even King Arthur is grimacing... Something beyond his speculation is emerging.

The earth trembles, as if it is crying. While the time changes from evening to night, there is a resonant roar. The sky is littered with brilliant stars.

The intense desire,

Summons 'her' to appear.

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