
Entering in the Multiverse 1

Jack opened his eyes and stood still for a while in a state of shock, after a while he realized that he was very sweaty all over his body and remembered that he had a nightmare that he had just died.

Jack was having a coffee at Starbucks and looking at his cell phone when suddenly, a truck entered the Starbucks building and ran over him, Jack could still feel the pain of being crushed before waking up.

Jack woke up and soon found it strange thinking that everything had been a nightmare, but soon realized that something was wrong, he was on the same street where he had the accident, but everything was different on the street he was used to.

The buildings were older, the streets weren't the same, the Starbucks he was having coffee with had disappeared, Jack didn't know most of the stores on that street, putting his hands in his pockets, Jack couldn't find his cell phone anymore and neither could the house keys.

But found a wallet that he had never seen before, when he opened the wallet, he noticed that the name on the document was still Jack Shaw, the photo on the document was also the same, but everything else was different.

As Jack was an orphan who grew up in foster care, he had just chosen his mother's last name and the name she had given him to create the document.

But now the document was different, his year of birth was also different, even the dollars he had in his wallet were different, and his credit and debit cards were gone.

Jack thought that someone had robbed him and put this wallet in his pocket, but he soon thought that this was impossible, after all, no thief would waste time creating another identity card and leaving the money inside for him.

Looking at the different documents and the old-looking buildings around it, Jack started to get the weird, crazy feeling that he might have gone back in time, to some time he didn't know.

Jack thought that despite a crazy idea, this could happen, after all the documents and the old buildings around it were proof and he thought he could have gone back in time after being run over.

"What's going on here, this is crazy!", Jack said still scared.

Jack decides to walk down the street a bit and soon finds a stall selling newspapers, he approaches the stall thinking of looking to find out if he had really gone back to the past, but he is even more scared by what he saw.

In the newspaper, Jack finds a picture of a person that should never exist in a newspaper, but in one of the magazines he normally read, it was a picture of Spider-Man fighting Green Goblin.

Jack ran and picked up the newspaper and saw that the news showed that crimes were increasing in New York and this could also happen in Boston, where Jack lived.

Jack was scared for a while and soon after he looked at the date to realize scared that it showed that they were in March of the year 2001, Jack was scared because that year was even before he was born, so it shouldn't even be considered going back to the past.

Jack lived in the year 2030, and he had just turned 18, so there would be no way he could go back 29 years in the past, Jack paid for the newspaper still stunned, and sat down on a bench that was close by still looking at the newspaper.

He looked at the entire newspaper and realized with certainty that he was indeed in the year 2001, but he was actually more shocked looking at the image of spider-man fighting than what year he was in.

Jack retook his wallet which had 200 old dollars and took his ID card, on the ID card it said he was 18 years old and his name was Jack Shaw, the same name and age he was in 2030.

Jack thought a little more and then came up with a strange possibility, as someone who always liked to read novels, comics, and manga, he thought that since he couldn't have gone back to the past, he had actually gone to another world.

And the world he should have gone to was a world within the Marvel universe, after all, he was looking at a picture of Spider-Man facing the Green Goblin.

Thinking about it Jack was excited and scared too, as a fan of the Marvel universe, Jack dreamed sometimes how nice it would be if superheroes really existed and also dreamed of becoming a superhero.

He didn't mind going back to the past or going to another world, after all, he was an orphan and had no family, no girlfriend, and no close friends that he could miss from his previous life.

But Jack was also scared thinking about what kind of place was the Marvel universe, there were hundreds of god villains that could instantly kill him if they attacked him by accident.

Jack began to wonder if he was right in thinking that this was the Marvel universe at all, as he read in stories, many times a person gained special benefits by going to another world.

Just as Jack thought about it, a light began to shine around him which made several people walking on the street look at him, Jack was startled by the light and ran until he reached an alley near the street.


A strange sound appeared in Jack's head.

[System loading...10%...50%...100%, system loaded.]

[Hello Jack, welcome to the Marvel universe, sorry I had to kill you like this, but it was the easiest way to get you here.]

Jack was startled by the imposing voice he heard in his head as soon as the system loaded, he was also startled by hearing the indifferent voice saying that he had killed him just because it was the easiest way.

[I understand that you might be irritated by this, but the benefits you can have in this universe far outweigh the loss from you dying in your previous world.]

[We had to bring someone into this world, and you were chosen as the ideal person for this, as you had no family and not many feelings for your old world, we thought that you would adapt to this universe soon.]

Jack was still irritated by the hypocrisy of the person who spoke to him, after all, they killed him because they had to and they still said it as if a favor had been done for him.

Hi everyone, this is the fake lion, comment in the paragraphs if you find grammar errors and they will be corrected, comment in the paragraphs or in the chapter comments any suggestions you may have, your suggestion may appear in this novel.

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