
Chapter 19

Chain and Restrictions, Memories unbound 2

It's been a little over 2 weeks since my arrival here. Surprisingly, I haven't seen any Sentient life form around even after exploring for hours.

I established an outpost which I could use not only as a base of operations but a place to gather myself and my forces.

During my time with the voice, I have learned so many unusual things. Apparently, this is in fact not my first run though it is one were I am myself.

All previous runs progressed with me gaining fame, causing a droid revolution and collapsing the galaxy into a few more years of bloody war.

Now there's something called a butterfly effect on these sort of things. I shall use an example, a stone. If a traveler went back in time and moved a single stone, you would not expect anything...correct?

Well, that stone the traveler moved was actually meant to invite the intrigue of a toddler whom took it home but after days had passed.

Swallowed it and got taken to a doctor, due to the child choking on it. The doctor would fail to save the child causing built up trauma to explode and him to go rogue.

With determination, he would seek to solve the problem he deemed the reason for suffering....death.

During this Journey, he invented so many things including a process of re-growing limbs and solving any manner of scar.

Several Genetic defects were fixed as blindness was also fixed. This also caused tech to advance with the world seeing a revolution time in our history.

But because that stone, the pebble was moved by mistake. No child, no hospital and the doctor never went rogue...or did but a little later.

Except due to a serial killer killing people hence his reason for his determination would now be killing every single person that breaks established rules.

My point being that, my blatant actions caused changes in the timeline resulting in greater war and hatred.

The Empire which I had planned to fight came out already veterans of the war and solely intent on erasing any traces of the Seperatist Allaince.

This would cause me to revert my tactics which turned into the rebel allaince way of fighting. My stupidity and lack of will to destroy the empire led to them learning and adapting.

Solving this mild inconvenience and thus creating a counter measure for the singular thing that caused their initial collapse.

The rebel allaince never destroyed the second Death Star, it never turned into the New republic. More planets joined Alderaan in a vacation and Palpatine essentially got what he wanted.

Now 'It', which is the being responsible for me has now decided to help me more even if this would cause his plans to derail a bit.

When I say a bit, I mean no longer able to control me essentially. You see, I was chosen by this being because he believed I was worth the risk.

But foolishly decided to take away what makes me in an attempt to control me. So now, I know what I must do. Survival.

Not Survival in this world but rather in the next, once I finish my mission here which is very easy in my opinion.

I am sure, well 70% sure he will continue to see use of me. If this isn't my first run, it's means his either invested or this is a game for him.

However, there is risks. Which means he expects results and there is possibly competition. So he isn't the only one like himself and consequences entails rules.

If this is a game, there's no way his competition would allow so many re-runs so this is growth. This is a stage for training, except I do not know what exactly.

But if I am correct which I am, then like a gamer. You do not train a pet or character for years only to simply ignore them.

No, you use them. Show them off more before collecting them as trophy. No way do I want to be left under the control of a maniac that causes me to repeat a timeline over and over again.

Plus he took away my memories which I doubt I gave him permission to do. So if I could strike a deal with him, my survival would be unsured.

Proving my worth will allow me this chance and the experience would allow my continued survival and victories in the near future.

For now I must get of this rock and recover my memories. Hopefully I would be able to bear the stress of possibly decades or even centuries of memories being given all at once.

Maneuvering from there should prove far more easier for me. Now of course, there is the most obvious question. What am I to actually do, what is my task.

Win. Quite simple and ridiculously vague, I am tasked to win. No criteria for success for set for me hence making this problematic.

Like I said, it was simple but yet it's not so simple. Knowing what exactly it means to win is the problem. Must I survive or gain power or create chaos.

Perhaps it could also mean making sure everything goes according to how it must be or making sure it doesn't. Does it mean becoming all powerful and impressing 'It'.

Amongst all those options and my current situation. The most likely option would be impressing 'It', but then with a being like him...what would impress him.

Certainly notntaking over this universe as like I said, this is not my first run. So 'It' has total control over this universe or at least this copy of it.

Then again, not all beings are the same and this one could very much want that. I require further information and my memories are an excellent one.

Further clarification on my goals depends on my short term but essential goal of escaping this planet. Until then, I can't plan too far into the future.

Now I do know that escape should be prioritized, I must also be prepared for what might be out there. I've got time it would seem and a base for power.

I'll start small and expand, maybe see after a few more weeks on whether more people would come here.

If this is in an isolated part of the galaxy, then all the more better. I could turn this planet into something useful without causing any effects...at least for the neat future.

Currently, I am working on establishing more functioning droids to use for my plans. Droids are very cheap like many know, their part are held by magnetic tech.

They are also designed not to be sturdy but the opposite. If you hit a droid, they are built to not just fall but fall cleanly.

Their magnetic attached limbs ensure that each part of a droid can simply be interchanged without much work, which is exactly what I am doing.


I moved forward, grabbing a good undamaged head from the stone I kept it on. Beside it was several more dozens, some damaged but potentially still working.

My eyes set upon the mostly finished work of mine, which was somewhat built from scratch. I had oddly decided to best get the basics rather than suffer later.

One of the reason I had not been able to acquire any function hands till now. I took a piece of magnetic, a pair.

Held them in my left hand while my right hand which was were the head was being held, moved to put it in place.

Balancing it without having it positioned improperly was hard though after a few minuets of careful handwork, I had succeeded.

Careful, I pushed forward a single magnet placing it at the side of the neck which attached to the head. The second one was placed opposite the other carefully, a locking sound.

Audible enough to hear clicked allowing my system to register it. With that, the head was attached quite easily. Now I simply need a way to activate the droid.

I had already worked this out earlier, I need to simply jump start it's system. Like a charging device, when plugged or unplugged would notify you.

I raised the droid slightly and carefully. Moving my feets around as I worked to maintain my balance, I turned the droid and laid it upon it's chest.

Detaching the battery pack with some tinkering here and there before replacing it with another. Quickly moving to secure it in place to prevent any sudden movements from removing it.

I saw movements from the body and quickly created space, looking in anticipation for it's Awakening.

It moved it's head first, slowly before it's hands moved to support it's rise. It used its other hand to rub its head like it was in pain or just woke up.

" Uhhhh"

It said dragging it out in an exaggerated manner. By the time it now used its knees for support, it saw me.

" Hi, I am B156. "

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