
Grik's Memorial

I ran to camp,I saw Envy, Intra standing over by Grik.

"Grik was honorable person who sadly left us! He touched many people in his life! Many would say that he lived live to fullest!" said Envy crying.

"It's mine fault! I failed him! Failed him!" I cried.

"No you didn't Robin! He loved us! All he every carried about is us. We are all he has. We must have a service for Grik."sniffed Envy.

I cried and ran to a tent and found a sword laying there. I thought the witch should pay for what she caused all of us.

"Where are you,you old hag!" I screamed to the witch who caused it.

"Here I am!" yelled the witch.

"Ready to play a game? I am so ready to play!" I said.

"No!" she lied.

I decided to take all my might and pushed her in the water. She started to scream. I helped her out of the water.

"If you ever mess with any friend of mine I will have you hanged for the crime you commited."I yelled with tears in my eyes.

All I wanted was Grik back. Grik was a friend. I didn't get to know him. I went back to Envy, and Intra. We buried Grik. We made a sign that reads " Here lies a good friend. He was an ogre who had a heart of a unicorn. He died for his friends. Grik!"

"I am ready to go!"cried Envy.

"Same!"Me and Intra said in unison.

We packed up our things and left us ready to go another place. We felt the effects of Grik being gone. We ended up at Frog Country. A place where talking frogs work as farmers, planters, animal breeders, and more.

"Hi welcome to Frog Country, I am Mayor Ribert. What brings you around here today?" He asked.

We hopped out of the wagon all the dragon eggs fell out. They were all ruined except one. We heard crackling sound it was the only surviving egg. A red orange dragon came out of the egg.

"We will came him Grik the 2nd!"Envy stated

"I love that idea!" I smiled.

"As do I!" Intra said very tearful.

The Mayor took us to a hotel they had in the town. They took Grik the 2nd to a animal stable. Me, Envy, and Intra decided to play cardgames at the hotel. We stayed up till midnight talking about love and boys. I don't think Envy understands me and Intra are in a relationship. I know it's forbidden for a royal to like the same sex. I just can't help it. Her eyes are nice. She is just beautifully. I never want to lose her. She can't leave me. Never. I woke up to Envy and Intra talking.

"Do you like the Princess?" Envy asked.

"Yes, She is so pretty she is my true love!" Intra said.

"Why is everyone talking about me?" I asked.

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