


When I got to the flat I lounged around downstairs with Rylan but he needed to go to training so I headed upstairs.

I showered and got into my super comfy pyjamas for the night. I pressed play and got underneath my cotton blanket on the sofa.

Crime documentaries were something me and Kim enjoyed to watch but she had already seen this one.

I was 3 episodes in when I got a text message. I expected it to be Kim probably begging me to come to her room with some snacks but by my surprise it was actually Gary.

Hey pumpkin, thought I'd check up on you. Your father told me you have aspecial friend was wondeeirn when you were going to tell me about that.

Oh for the love of god dad.

He's just a friend, have you been eating well?

I tried to divert the subject towards him but when his message came through I knew that wasn't going to happen.

Just a friend, that's not what your father told me.

Well dads making shit up.

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