

When it comes to torturing people, is the only way to do that related to the pain?

The answer is no.

It is not the only way. There are many others.

For instance, in the past there were those torture methods when a person would tease the skin of the prisoner with a bird feather, making the prisoner sensitive.

Or there are others related to the drugs.

But, there is one common thing in that.

And it is a fact that all those methods would require a very precise aim or a lot of time that you would try to break the enemy's mind.

However, we don't have that much time.

But I have something different here.


It is a very convenient thing in the hands of those with the brain and the knowledge enough to use.

For example, right now, the thing I am doing doesn't require a lot of energy.

But it is a very effective process. 

"Haaaa….. Haaaaah….."

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