
Conversation, Starlight. Voices and the Call.

After passing through the bubble, Adam felt a strange sensation, as if time had stopped. As if he were an interference with reality.

But the feeling lasted only an instant, and as if the world recognized its right to do what it had done. It allowed him to return to the normal world.

'Yeah, one more strange event for the account…' He thought, back in his body.

''Everything okay?'' He murmured, opening his eyes. And checking his body, he sighed in relief when he felt he was in good condition.

''I see, your recovery was even quicker than Poppy predicted.'' Dumbledore's aging voice sounded off to the side. ''Something, I must say, is surprising.''

Adam wasn't surprised, but he was a little confused. He swore it was Madam Pomfrey and McGonagall who were with him.

'Maybe that moment when I felt time stop, did it really happen?' This idea came up, but it was still a little confusing, after all it seemed to be just a second.

Putting those doubts aside for now, Adam put on his best smile as he spoke.

''Advantages of youth. A good night's sleep, and well, I'm ready for another one''

Dumbledore looked at Adam from under those glasses, and took a moment to answer.

''Oh yes. Youth allows us to venture, no matter the consequences.'' Dumbledore patted his shoulder and continued. ''At my age, anything, and back hurts.''

Adam chuckled, sitting on the edge of the bed. ''Too bad, if the Headmaster were a few years younger I'd invite him into my club.''

Dumbledore's eyes gleamed, and he sighed.'' Ah, yes, the club. It's a shame, who knows, maybe I could learn some of the tricks you used today. Mr Davies.''

''I'm afraid I'd be disappointed, Headmaster,'' he replied, sighing. ''These tricks cannot be taught, but I could still teach him a few other things, of course, I wouldn't refuse such a talented wizard. '' Adam said, looking at Dumbledore.

''Oh, it's really a shame,'' Dumbledore lamented, stroking his beard.

The old man was silent, and Adam didn't speak either.

Adam broke the silence first. ''How are your injuries?''

Dumbledore's eyes narrowed for a moment, but then he smiled and shook his head. ''Nothing a few nights sleep, and a good ointment can't fix.''

Adam laughed.

''What about Phoenix? '' Adam asked, he remembered seeing the Phoenix turn to ashes, and although he knew he could be reborn, he still asked.

''Fawkes? She's fine'' Dumbledore said, without thinking too much.

'' that's what really matters, right?'' Adam said.

''Yes. Indeed, it is '' The Headmaster shook his head.

But once, silence fell over the room.

This time it was Dumbledore who broke the silence first, looking towards the window, he said.

''The stars are brighter tonight.''

Adam followed his gaze, and nodded. ''They really are.''

''Sometimes the stars tell us amazing things.'' Said the old wizard.'' What do you think they are saying tonight? ''

'' Mars is bright tonight?'' Adam said, unable to hide a smile.

Dumbledore, smirked slightly.'' Who knows? Maybe it is that.''

So the two of them stayed, no one said anything else, and silence came for the third time.

The moonlight coming through the window illuminated their faces.

Two wizards, who could, in different ways, shake the entire wizarding world. Two wizards, whose secrets they kept, managed to break the balance of the world.

But tonight, it seemed, just two wizards, evenly matched, standing, watching the stars.

What each of them thought, no one would know.

How much each of them trusted the other, no one could say.

How much do you both understand from the conversation you had that night? Enough.

That night, looking at the stars, were the young man and the old man...




In the Gryffindor common room, only the flames in the fireplace lit the place.

Harry was sitting on the floor, a book in his hands.

Off to the side, the sound of Ron snoring rivaled the thunder from earlier.

''How can he sleep anywhere?'' Isabella rolled her eyes. Closing the book and plopping down on the couch.

''Do you think he's okay? ' She asked Hermione, who was also reading.

''What ? '' Hermione looked at her friend.

''Adam, do you think he's okay?'' Isabella repeated.

''Haven't you have been to visit him? ''Hermione said, reminding her friend.'' If Madam Pomfrey thought he was recovering well, then it must be all right.''

Isabella sighed, and swung her legs. She wanted to go into the ward, but no one could go there. All he could do was wait.

''Did you hear that?'' Harry asked.

''How can we not? I think all of Hogwarts can.'' Hermione replied, nudging Ron with the book.

Harry shook his head and got up.

''Is not it. That voice, can't you hear it? '' Walked around the room, putting his ear to the walls.

The voice was very low, almost like a distant echo, but he could still hear it.

''Harry?'' Isabella called, confused.

She looked at Hermione and could see from her friend's gaze she couldn't hear anything either.

Harry put his finger to his lips, asking for silence.

'' Kill ? Are you going to kill someone?'' He muttered, startled.

Then a glint passed through his eyes, and he hurried toward the door.

''Harry, wait'' Called Isabella, getting up quickly and chasing after her brother.

Hermione looked at Ron, who was still snoring doubtfully, and considered kicking him awake. But sighing, she left him behind, and ran after the other two.

Harry was in one of those moments of courage and foolishness that are worthy of a true Gryffindor.

The voice announced that it would kill someone, he wanted to prevent it. He had no information about the identity of the voice, earlier today, he had witnessed magic outside his reality.

And yet, he ran into danger. Indeed, a brave fool.

Harry followed the voice through the corridors of the castle, sometimes he could hear the loudest sound and felt that it was getting closer, but he lost track of it soon after.

Harry turned without looking down a hallway, and bumped into something soft.

''Harry!'' Isabella spoke, following her brother, Hermione close behind.

''Adam? '' Isabella murmured, looking at who was in front of Harry.

Harry was slumped over a pillow, and Adam was just ahead, looking amused.

''You shouldn't run without looking around.'' Adam said, looking at Harry, who looked up. ''If it was a blade now, we'd have Harry's skewers,'' he muttered, his voice making Harry shiver.

''Thanks, Adam,'' Harry said, going back to listening for something, but it seemed to be gone.

Adam saw this scene and laughed.'' Trying to hear something, Harry?''

''Did you hear it too?'' Harry asked. The idea that someone else had heard the voice made him cheer for a moment.

"Hear what ? '' Adam asked curiously, 'the reason Harry ran without paying attention was because he heard something? '

''Forget it.'' Harry shook his head.

Adam looked at Harry for a moment, and frowned in thought. Then he had an idea, and he smiled, understanding something.

'Then the basilisk went to chord.' He thought, this information was excellent right now.

To better understand why Adam was happy to learn that the chamber appeared to have been visited that night, we need to go back some time.

Adam was still in the hospital wing, he and Dumbledore were looking at the stars.

''I don't think you'd rather spend the night in the ward, with a little waiting for you, would you? ''Dumbledore chuckled, breaking the silence again.

''Don't I need to talk to Madam Pomfrey first? '' Adam asked, he knew how the woman was with her patients.

''I'll explain to Poppy that your condition was as good as it gets on leaving the infirmary,'' said the Headmaster.

Adam looked at the director for a moment before getting to his feet. ''Good night then, Headmaster''

''Good night. Mr. Davies,'' he said, his voice quiet and husky.

Even after Adam left, Dumbledore remained seated, looking up at the stars.

Shortly after, he took something out of his robes, and it was little Fawkes.

''I've never seen anything like it... '' He muttered, looking at the Phoenix, which seemed to have had a difficult rebirth, as if its power was being denied.

The old wizard sighed, and looked tired, felt something warm running from his nose.

His long crooked fingers wiped away the blood, his hand shook slightly.

''He seems to have noticed,'' murmured the old man, his eyes thoughtful. ''I must tell Snape to forget Mr. Davies...''

Dumbledore had understood two things that night.

He had underestimated young Adam.

And he never had the upper hand.

He understood a lot of things during the seemingly harmless conversation he had with Adam not long ago.

Adam didn't avoid his questions, and always answered in an invasive way, but he answered them.

Adam didn't avoid his gaze, as if inviting him to try and read his mind.

The young man did not fear the old man.




Adam walked out of the hospital wing with slow steps, his mind still on his conversation with Dumbledore.

''He seems curious about the things I've done today, but he doesn't seem like he's going to dwell on it…'' He murmured, a thoughtful look.

''I feel like he's going to make a choice. Back off and wait and see, or be even more intense in the future'' He sighed, his feelings towards Dumbledore were never negative, cautious and disapproving of some things, but there was respect too, and admiration.

''He's still hurt,'' Adam muttered.

It was impossible for him not to feel the magical energy that seemed to circulate inside the old wizard. An energy that refused to subside, the power of lightning that lingered in his body, doing little damage, until it was truly gone.

Another wizard besides Dumbledore would have suffered fatal injuries. But Dumbledore deserved his reputation, and once again he proved himself to be the one to be admired.

Dumbledore was a wizard who lacked ancient magic, but who worked wonders with normal magic, which placed him at the top of the wizarding world.

Adam was sure that if Dumbledore went to the dark side of the force. It would be a much more dangerous opponent than the noseless one.

''A dignified Dark Lord, as Grindelwald was.'' He muttered, pausing to look up at the starry sky.

Thinking of Grindelwald, Adam wept. He would have liked to have known the man who moved the magical community towards the world's hierarchy.

''Grindelwald, was someone who did not go against his people. Voldemort is different, he kills even Muggle-borns. One rules only in fear, another has respect and admiration.''

A strange glint passed in Adam's eyes.'' Too bad I didn't know them in their youth. I would have loved to join Dumbledore and Grindelwald on a quest for power...''

Adam heard his own words and burst out laughing. ''It seems that the power I felt made me a little emotional.''

Laughing, he continued his steps. In his mind,was starting to put his emotions back where they should be. Guarded, leaving him with reason and logic.

There they would be, waiting. Waiting for the moments, where your enemies would burn.

As he walked through the castle, Adam suddenly stopped.

''What's that feeling? '' He spoke, his hand going to his chest, which was beating fast.

He could feel as if something was calling to him.

His eyes roamed the surroundings, releasing his territorial wind magic, and he chose a direction before running.

Adam had a smile on his face. He had felt something unique, a sense of energy surfacing somewhere in the castle.

It was fast and he couldn't confirm the location. But it was a kind of magic he could recognize with a simple look. It was the kind of feeling only one thing could bring you, ancient magic.

''Where is ? Is it the inheritance? But why now?'' he wondered, his steps nonstop.

Then he came around a bend, and felt the presence of another person, but one, really.

He stopped running and put his guard up, but relaxed in the next moment.

He could distinguish who they were the moment he received the full response from the wind magic.

Not only that, but he realized that the other person was running without paying attention and was going to crash into him.

With a nod, he made a cushion appear between them before they collided.

Now, after knowing that, Harry heard something. Adam had thought of something.

' Harry must have started to hear the basilisk, at the same moment i felt the energy of ancient magic. '

This information, while not accurate, appeared to be valid. And if thought about carefully, it would make sense.

Adam felt a calling, and he knew there was ancient magic involved, it could only be one thing.

One of the Legacies, One of the legacies of the founders.

''Let's see what Salazar left for his Heirs.'' He smiled, anxiety and excitement mingled.

Now, after learning about the basilisk, he understood something.

The first Inheritance was in the secret chamber.

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