


With the full moon high in the sky, the howl of the creature echo’s across the water as it catches the scent of the hated /"she thing./" It follows the scent, and slowly enters the camp area, moving from shadow to shadow. Stealthily it advances on the villa, the urge to howl out its defiance at the world is strong, but all that is issued from that mighty throat is a low growl. It moves across the veranda towards the front of the villa. The hated scent of the female inside getting stronger. There it finds the sliding door open; it slips inside, the pad of its footsteps hardly breaking the silence.

It sees the hated /"she thing/", the one who has stood up to it, the one who has shown no fear in the face of death. Now it will pay for the creature will rip out her throat. It springs onto the sleeping form that is Adele.

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