


Slowly, ever so slowly the Nile crocodile moves towards its intended prey, tail moving just below the surface of the water, silence fills the area as it moves into position to attack.

The sound of the rifle shot echo’s across the river, the crocodile arches out of the water in a macabre dance of death, blood spraying from the bullet hole between its eyes. David turns at the sound of the shot, to see his wife standing at the edge of the river bank, rifle in hand, aiming in his direction. Another shot, he spins around expecting to feel the tug of a bullet slamming into him, only to see the dead croc pop to the surface of the river, blood running from two bullet wounds, one between the eyes, and the second just behind the head. He finds himself slipping on the rocks, overbalances and falls into the water. The fishing rods forgotten slowly bob up and down on the surface as they join the current and are swept away.

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