


They arrive at the police compound in Loango, where Roger has arranged for officers quarter’s to be made available for Piet for the duration of his stay, as well as access to all the facilities that are on offer. The most important being the officers’ pub, in order to wash the dust from the back of one’s throat after a long day.

/"Roger, our biggest problem with hunting this cat is that these bloody things cover a territory of about 40 square k’s, and this one is not keeping to one area. As you say these killings have been taking place all over this damn rain forest of yours, and that means the possibility of building a blind and baiting the area to attract this cat to our party might not work. But the scent of guts and stomach contents, along with blood and some rotten flesh just might attract the cat to the bait. So the first order of business; we need to build the blind in the area of his last kill./"

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