


The 747 touches down at Cape Town International airport and Cedric Thompson is one of the first through customs, where he hurries along to the domestic departure hall in order to catch his connecting flight to Port Elizabeth, the ashes and bones sit securely in its lead-lined box in his briefcase.

In the pouch, along with the ashes are thirteen human bones, these bones are from the right hand of his uncle; Petrus which was obtained when Cedric aka Amos robbed his grave in the dead of night and removed the hand from the corpse. The bones are the ones used in forming the gateway for the demon to enter the world of the living, and to move amongst men, they are also the gateway to return the creature to the black depth where it belongs.

The hired car turns off the highway, into the university town of Grahamstown, drives past the Music Department and enters the large grounds of Rhodes, and parks in front of the administration building.

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