



/"Don't cause any more trouble./" The shorter one of the two goons spoke. They dragged me into a narrow, dark hallway with countless doors lining the walls on both sides.

Finally, they stopped in front of a door at the far end of the hall, the tall one took out a key and pushed the rusty door open and the short one pushed me roughly into the small, windowless room. The door had been locked shut before I had time to react.

With a loud sigh made my way to the corner of the room and sank down to the ground. I was exhausted, mentally and physically.

I rested my head against the wall and allowed myself to close my eyes.

Minutes ticked by and nothing out of the ordinary happened.

Suddenly I was started by the sound of the door bursting open. I jumped to my feet taking up a fighting stance, surprised by the sudden intrusion.

/"Marriah! You're alive. Thank God!/" Rachel burst through the door running towards me.

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