



To hear him call her that, to address her by such an affectionate and personal appellation, had almost given him a stomach ulcer.

/"You can’t tell me what to do rich boy,/" the man replied, as he clenched his jaw.

/"It’s my house, my space, my woman. I think I can tell you and do whatever I want to as long as you’re on my property. So, I’m suggesting you behave yourself, address her by her name and keep your damn distance and respect./"

/"What do you want Richard? How the hell did you find me?/"

/"I spoke to Lucy./"

/"What do you want?/" she asked again.

/"I want to be involved in my son’s life./"

/"My son,/" she corrected. /"He’s mine. The instant you told me to abort him because you didn’t care for him, that very instant, you lost the right to be his father./"

/"Tell that to a judge,/" the offended man growled, lifting his chin arrogantly.

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