
Chapter 340: We need to wake him up!

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 340: We need to wake him up!

"How is the Captain?" asked Zoro.

"He's fine now," Vivi glanced back at where Law was. The doctor had finished attending to Luffy and was now taking care of Ace and Chopper.

"But I don't know how long it will take for him to wake up," she added.

"What do we do then?" asked Sanji.

"What happened to the Emperor's subordinates? Did you defeat them all?" Kinemon wanted to know.

"Yes... I fought a crazy strong guy with wings," Zoro said.

"And I took care of that one they call Queen," said Sanji.

"The most dangerous ones have been neutralized in one way or another," Robin commented.

Vivi looked at her friends. They all won their encounters, but none of them came unscathed... they looked tired and injured.

'If we keep fighting Kaidou like this... we are going to die,' Vivi thought.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's get out of here!" Usopp said before she could.

"No one will blame you if you want to escape," Kinemon looked down. "You have done more than enough for this country... there is no need to stay and die at his hands."

"He is right!" Momonosuke shouted. "This is not your war…"

"Momo..." Nami muttered.

"We are not running away!" Zoro huffed. "I'd rather die fighting than turn my back on an opponent."

Sanji stared at Vivi for a second. "Can you still fight?"

Vivi sighed and shook her head. She lifted her hand and tried to spin some water, but it quickly dissipated and fell to the ground. "Can't do much…"

"That's great," Reiju raised an eyebrow. "The strongest ones are either too tired or unconscious…"

"Can we revisit the matter of retreating now?" Usopp requested.

"I'm not retreating!" Zoro shouted. He held his swords with a firm grip and walked towards Kaidou. "I'll face him alone if I have to, until the Captain awakens."

Drake and Hawkins looked at each other.

"I'll help you, of course," Kinemon said. "If anyone has to die today, it should be me."

"I'll do what I can," Brook said too.

"Let's all do what we can then," Robin felt very tired but still stood up.

"That's right! You there!" Nami pointed at Zeus. "You have to help me now."

"Eh? I do?... but that man is so scary…." The cloud trembled.

"Finally! Someone who understands me!" Usopp declared.

"You are helping too!" Nami shouted at him.

Kaidou didn't feel like waiting any longer and went on the offense, only to be stopped by Zoro before he could decimate the area where the group was.

Vivi clenched her fists with frustration. "I can't do anything... damn it!" After all that training and preparation, she still felt weak.

"Can you move Luffy over there?" Law requested.

Vivi nodded. The least she could do was to help Law treat those two brothers.

"Feeling better, Chopper?" she asked.

The deer had finished wrapping his wounds in bandages and taking some pills. "Much better, but I should start preparing something for them…" He looked at Zoro and the rest. "They were already in bad shape... I cannot imagine how they are going to fare now."

"Ugg!" Ace woke up and tried to stand up.

"Stop moving! I just finished closing your wounds," Law scolded him.

"That hurt…." Ace groaned. "Being hit like that with his club..." He glanced around to get his bearings back and stopped at Luffy. "You got him out... thanks. How is he?"

"Luffy is fine. I patched him up already," said Law before standing up. "I guess I should go help those guys too."

Ace now realized that her crew was now fighting against Kaidou. "Why are you all still here?! I told you to run away. You can't defeat that monster!"

"That was one of the suggestions that were made, but... in the end, it was decided to fight until our Captain wakes up."

"That could take hours!" Ace shouted.

"Yes, if only... wait! Does anyone know where to find meat?!" Vivi exclaimed.

"That's right!" said Chopper. "That could work!"

"There is a kitchen one floor below; they should have plenty of food there," Drake joined the conversation.

"Okay, you take me there!" Vivi ordered. "Now!"

"Fine! Calm down," Drake huffed.

Before leaving, Vivi turned back to look at her friends. "You guys better not die now."

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