
Chapter 321: Masked men

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 321: Masked men

Something started to move behind the palanquin, earning the attention of both Vivi and the blue-haired samurai.

"Eh? he is still alive?" Vivi could feel Orochis aura getting stronger.

"You didn't think it would be that easy to kill the Daimyo, didn't you?. You foreigners know nothing about Wano." The samurai scoffed.

"Hey, don't get all pretentious with me now. This country is beyond messed up." Vivi pointed her finger at him.

The palanquin was broken into dozens of pieces as several snake heads rose in the air.

"Now you have done it!" Orochi screamed with rage.

"What is that thing?"

"It's awful!"

"A monster, run!"

The citizens of Ebisu town had never seen the Lord transform. Only his closest allied knee about it.

"What have you done, Orochi?..." the former Lord, Yasue watched this with an unchanged smile, but it was easy to tell that he was perturbed.

"This is my reward!" Orochi shouted as his eight snake heads rose in the air.

"This is the power that was given to me by Emperor Kaidou!"

"A monster!"


Everyone continued to run away from him. 

"You dare call me a monster?!. Once I'm done with the foreigner girl, I will be burning that town!" Orochi threatened.

"Totally not what a monster would do..." Vivi muttered.

The eight heads turned to look at Vivi.

"Denjiro, don't move from there. She is mine!"

"My Lord, this opponent is too dangerous. Allow me to assist you at least." The blue-haired samurai knew that despite its intimidating aspect, Lord Orochi had very limited combat capabilities because he never bothered to train. 

The one saving grace was his ability to survive any wounds inflicted on him. As long as one head remained intact, it would eventually regenerate the rest. Making it very difficult to kill him for good.

"Mmm…looks like a hydra," Vivi recalled seeing a creature like this. 

"Would it work the same?."

Vivi decided to give it a try. She made a blade with water and shot it at one of the heads.

"Ahhh!" Orochi yelled as one of his heads was cut clean and fell to the floor.

She watched with interest as the lost head regrew in just a few seconds.


"Give up, woman!. You can't kill me!. As long as one of my heads remains, I will never die!" The eight heads launched themselves at her with their mouths open.

"My Lord!" Denjiro called to no avail.

'Did he just tell me how to kill him?...'

"What a foolhardy man…how did you survive for that long?" Vivi muttered.

With all eight heads in one place, she had an easy target. 

"Water blade…"

A thin layer of water shoots out at an extremely high pressure.

Orochi shrieked in pain as seven of his eight heads were severed.

The last one only stayed in place because someone had intervened.

Denjiro's sword fell down on the ground with a loud clank noise.

He had prevented Vivi from cutting the last head, but it cost him his beloved katana…and a decent size cut on his chest.

"You want to protect this man until the end, huh?...so be it." Vivi pointed her index finger forward. In front of it, a small mass of water appeared and started to spin until it formed a donut shape.

She lifted her hand up and the donut absorbed more water while expanding and continued to spin.

The air began to make a terrified noise as the blade continued to increase its spinning motion.

The blue-haired samurai called Denjiro could have moved out of the way but chose to stay, giving Lord Orochi some time to recover.

Vivi did not wait any longer and tossed the spinning water disc forward.

"Tsk, what now?" Vivi said with annoyance. 

Three new auras had suddenly appeared, Meaning that they had been around for a while but decided to conceal themselves.

'Someone who can hide from my senses cannot be anything but exceptional…'

A massive sword came crashing down and collided with Vivi's water disk, destroying both in the process and preventing it from hitting its target.

"Damn it, Joseph!. We were told not to confront her!" 

"Enough, Guernica!. We cannot let her do what she pleases!."

"You two better stop fighting, is too late to back off now."

A group of three men jumped in front of Vivi.

They were wearing some elegant white suits and masks.

She was not familiar with these people but they did not look like pirates. In fact, those suits and masks reminded her of a different group.

"You look like Government agents…what exactly are you doing here?." She asked.

"That is none of your business, pirate." The one referred to as 'Joseph' talked to her. 

He had a white mask with a single vertical black line and a top hat with red stripes.

"We can still leave…" The one called 'Guernica' said.

He wore a white simple hat and a mask that seemed to include a short beard, as well as one pair of white and one black eye.

"I already told you…is too late. She won't let us leave." The last one, whose name remained unknown, wore a tribal mask with red eyes and some sort of green hair coming out of it.

"Well, you are right on that one…I suppose it doesn't matter if you are members of Kaidou's crew or Government agents. There is no doubt that you are enemies for me and my crew…" Vivi transformed both arms into the water, making the three men stand on guard.

"Tsk…this was such a bad idea…if we survive this, I'll make sure you are demoted, Joseph!" Guernica shouted at him.

Joseph was in the middle white Guernica and tribal men were at his side.



The two of them disappeared with a quick step, leaving Joseph alone.

"World Government then…" Vivi grinned.

"It's been a while."

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