
Chapter 147

(A/N: This chapter is brought to you by monkyphil. Enjoy~)




With Ryuko's antics invariably causing everyone else to feel horny, Izuku was making the rounds, as it were, when the blonde-haired cat girl perked up, staring in the direction of the dome covering the breach.

"Someone just came inside, and I'm not talking about you," said Ryuko, prompting Izuku to slow but not cease the movements of his hips as he looked over and asked, "Can you tell who it is...?" while Shino, bent over with her hands against the reinforced dirt wall, did her best to stifle her moans.

"There was only one of them, and they immediately passed back through the breach," Ryuko explained. Her Quirk allowed her to share her senses with her earthen constructs, but since the breach interfered, she couldn't detect what was happening outside.

Since his [Intuition] triggered, Izuku sped up the movements of his hips, causing Shino's fingers and toes to curl as he proposed, "It could be one of the groups tasked to monitor us. They probably thought we had moved on from the immediate vicinity of the breach and sent someone to confirm or follow after us. With this mist obscuring our senses, it wouldn't be that difficult for someone with a stealth or presence-concealing Quirk."

"Mmm...if that's the case, it might be wise to split into two groups in the future," said Momo, feeling slightly anxious as it was supposed to be her turn after Shino. "We would lose out on some experience, but if an enemy were to set up an ambush for when we complete the breach, things could get tricky..."

Nearly passing out from holding her breath, Shino briefly went limp but managed to regain her senses and catch herself with her hands before Izuku used Black Whip to ensnare her torso. The latter thought to help her up, but Shino surprised him by seizing the opportunity to support herself on the palms of her hands as she brought her feet up and tucked them behind his ass.

Going with the flow, Izuku resumed his movements while simultaneously responding, "That's a good point, but unless we control the surrounding area, posting people outside will just give the enemy a chance to observe and make preparations to deal with them. That's why I decided to set up a base on the inside. Here, we have the advantage since there is only one place they can attack from. As for the possibility of an ambush..."

Since he was already pretty close when Shino briefly lost consciousness, Izuku waited until her pussy tensed and began climaxing before releasing a thick load of semen directly inside. Then, following a contented sigh, he added, "We'll do what we did when we first entered. I'll head out first, and if any enemies are present, I'll beat the shit out of them or retreat into the breach. So long as we don't destroy the core, we won't be ejected, giving us time to prepare and forcing them to come to us."

"I should have known you thought ahead..." muttered Momo, her voice faint as her throat and pussy tightened in expectation. Fortunately, after the first intrusion, no one attempted to enter the breach, sparing her from being the only one in the watchtower without a fresh batch of innervating semen to warm her belly...




Though the Goblins in the Redcap's Enchanted Forest had a Level range of 47-52, compared to her starting Level of 31 and their group's average of 25, Yu had no trouble making her way through the mist-filled forest. A few Goblins and Hobgoblins tried attacking her feet, one even shooting an arrow at her ass, but their attacks simply bounced off before she casually stomped or kicked them. After all, even when Izuku first laid eyes on her ecliptic ass, her Effective Level had been 1,508. Now...


Name: [Yu Takeyama]

Title: The Ass that Eclipses the Sun(Vit+100)

Quirk: Gigantification

Bond Level: 83

Current Level: 31->42

Effective Level: 85->95(6,595)


Strength: 45(5,535)

Agility: 42

Vitality: 488(59,532)

Intelligence: 52

Dexterity: 41

Luck: 265

Free Attributes: 55


[Healthy Body], [Partial Transformation], [Lucky]


Not even paying attention to her surroundings, Yu, having been speaking to Inko, asked, "What are you planning to do once you return to Japan? At the pace we're going, your Level should easily be in the 50s. That's higher than most Pro Heroes."

"It's embarrassing to admit, but I haven't really thought about it," replied Inko, smiling awkwardly as she appended, "Eri-chan spends most of the day with Chiyo-sensei, so I usually spend my time at the gym, cleaning up around the house, and doing...yoga in my room. I want to do more, but my priority is keeping myself and Eri-chan safe so that Izuku-ch—kun can act without worrying..."

"Ah, so you're planning to be a part of the 'stay at home and take care of kids' group," appended Yu, referring to Eri but causing Inko to blush up to her ears. Yu didn't notice this, as Inko was small, and she was at least partially paying attention to where she was stepping, but the others, sans Mei, who was using her Zoom Quirk to spot and point out the locations of Goblins, did.

Though her blue eyes twinkled and she sported a broad, titillating smile, Nemuri threw Inko a bone by suggesting, "Then, why not turn your home into a nursery? Izuku-kun is likely to have at least 4-5 children before the end of next year, and it would free up time for Shino, Ryuko, Tomoko, and Rumi if you helped to look after them."

"That's certainly an option," replied Inko, nodding in approval and smiling as her green eyes glistened similarly to Nemuri's. She loved children, so while it would doubtlessly be hectic, she didn't mind lending a hand by turning her home into a daycare. There was the issue that she planned to embrace her identity as Midori, but she was certain Nezu would come up with something to make the transition easier.

"Hey, I think that's the location of the core...!" shouted Mei, pointing in the direction of a slightly larger tree that, from afar, didn't appear particularly conspicuous. With her Quirk letting her zoom in to such an extent that she could make out individual leaves, however, Mei could see a group of much smaller than average Goblins wearing pointed red hats hidden among the foliage.

Looking in the direction Mei had pointed, Yu briefly paused before asking, "Then, should we make our way over or return to the camp? We should all be in range for Experience Sharing."

As even Inko's Level had shot up to 41, causing her to feel full of energy, Nemuri responded, "Regrouping is the correct decision. The only reason for us to press forward is to demonstrate to Izuku-kun that we can handle ourselves, but we can do that just as easily with him present. Besides...I don't know about you girls, but these rapid-fire Level-ups have me feeling a little...restless."

"Well, that's a relief to hear," said Mei, exhaling an audibly heated sigh as she pulled at the front of her tanktop to let her 'puppies' breathe, adding, "I thought I was the only one feeling horny."

"Yours and Midori-chan's Levels have risen the most, so I imagine you're feeling the effects stronger than the rest of us," contended Nemuri, doing Anan a favor by not mentioning her. The space-themed Heroine had a bit of an unfocused look on her face, and though she wasn't wearing her hot and heavy costume, she was sweating up a storm.

Nodding in affirmation, Inko smiled wryly and admitted, "I'm definitely in a predicament, but I feel that Izuku-chan has been...overworked recently. Even if this is a side-effect of his power, I can't help feeling we're pushing him too hard..."

'This, coming from the woman who barely allowed him to leave his room for three days...' thought Yu, gazing down at Inko with half-lidded eyes as she externally responded, "Maybe, but even though I barely know him, I know he would feel even more troubled if we bottled things up and didn't go to him. We have his pride and our well-being to consider."

"That was very well put, Takeyama-san," said Nemuri, surprised that the words had come from Yu and not herself. She was the de facto 'voice of reason' in the, helping everyone else to make sense of and come to terms with Izuku's 'condition,' so she felt a smidge of vindication hearing others echoing the sentiments she frequently purported.

Exhaling a somewhat feverish sigh, Inko hung her head and shoulders in resignation, responding, "I understand..." in a defeated tone that couldn't fully disguise her yearning. After all, while her worries regarding Izuku's mental and physical health were genuine, she eagerly looked forward to the relief he would invariably bring her...




While Inko was eagerly looking forward to the dicking he would invariably provide her, Izuku was enjoying a short rest, fully cognizant of the fact he would need to 'tend' the quintet the moment they returned. Fortunately, it was a cool and pleasant 20°C within the breach, so even though he found himself sandwiched and buried beneath Shino, Momo, and Tomoko, Izuku didn't feel stifled.

*thoom* *thoom* *thoom*

Hearing the tell-tale sound and feeling the vibration of Yu's steps, Izuku, without opening his eyes, quietly expressed, "Looks like nap time's over. Time to get up..."

Though Momo and Shino immediately rose, the latter stretching her body and issuing a suppressed, yawning groan, Tomoko, once again, pretended to be asleep. She was usually the most active and enthusiastic among the Pussycats, but ever since he told them he wanted to be a part of their and their children's lives, she had become somewhat clingy. Izuku didn't mind, even finding it endearing, but it was at least a little...inconvenient.

"Come on, Tomoko. You'll have plenty of chances to cuddle in the future," said Shino, gently smacking the green-haired girl's butt but producing a crisp 'pa' sound. In response, Tomoko clung tighter to Izuku, but only for a moment before abruptly rising to a seated position, eyes wide without a hint of fatigue as Shino 'whispered' something into her mind via telepathy. Then, loudly exclaiming, "I need to use the bathroom...!" she bounced to her feet and promptly leaped over the side of the watchtower's 120cm tall railing.

Rising to a seated position and raising his brows, Izuku asked, "What did you say to her...?"

"It's a secret," replied Shino, winking playfully before extending a hand to help Izuku climb to his feet. It wasn't really necessary, but he accepted it nonetheless, smiling down at the beautiful, burgundy-haired woman, who, even with thick-soled hiking boots, was at least 15cm his lesser in height.

Feeling a little sheepish with Izuku looking down at her, Shino averted her eyes and telepathically whispered, 'Cut it with the smoldering look...you're making me restless...'

"You're welcome to join the queue..." Izuku responded, reaching up to caress the left side of Shino's face. Unfortunately, while he succeeded in provoking her instincts, Shino exhaled a sigh, shook her head, and replied, "I'll be investigating the other side of the breach with Ryuko and Tomoko. After that, we plan to expand our defenses on the off-chance we need an even more defensible position."

"I understand and approve," replied Izuku, nodding for effect. He would have preferred to investigate the other side of the breach himself, but he wanted to respect the trio's autonomy as a pre-established group. They were currently short one member, but as their base stats were presently higher than Chatora's, excluding Strength, they didn't exactly need extra muscle. If the person that trespassed their breach earlier was a genuine threat, something like a reinforced dirt wall wouldn't have stopped them...

With such thoughts not triggering his [Intuition], Izuku released Shino and watched as she and Momo made their way down the stairs that ran along the watchtower's interior. Shortly after that, Yu arrived with Inko, Nemuri, Mei, and Anan, allowing the four girls to descend from her hand to the top of the watchtower before grabbing the edge and shrinking to her far more diminutive size to join the others in pulling lots. She had a good argument for going first, as she had literally carried everyone, but Nemuri managed to talk her down fairly easily, pointing out that if they started factoring in individual contributions, things would quickly spiral into semantics as Yu had effectively just spent the past hour leisurely wandering around while chatting...




(A/N: Izuku doesn't have it easy, but I can't help envying him at least a little xD...)

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