
The Kamado Family (Long Chapter)

A Week Later.

"Good, that's finished then." I say as I look out upon the Atlantic Ocean off the shores of Florida after finishing brainwashing the president of the United States.

"The quest is done but I still have things to do…." I say as I look up into the night sky watching the stars.

"28 degrees 24 minutes north latitude, 80 degrees 36 minutes west longitude, under the new moon, say the 14 phrases, have the Stand of The World, gain the souls of 36 sinners, when all of those align…. Only then will you achieve heaven…." I say as I keep looking up at the sky before shaking my head.

"The conditions are perfect, but neither I nor is this world perfect…. It must be my world with my soul in perfect condition or else I will face my imminent death if I do it now as I am." I then turn and walk away from here.

"The Jostars must be eradicated first before I can complete that plan, it's the only way that I'll be happy and achieve peace of mind…." I say before disappearing in the darkness of the night.



"Yosha." A young man says as he wipes his head as he finishes chopping some wood.

"Everyone! Breakfast is ready!" He hears his younger sister Nezuko shout out to him from the house as he sees his younger brothers and sisters playing around before they turn and head inside to eat.

"Coming!" He responds back with a smile as he heads back inside to eat breakfast with his family.

"Thanks for the food!" They say together before they begin to eat the food that was prepared by their mother and older sister.

The meal wasn't very large and was rather plain but something affordable to a family of coal burners that with there food they were at least able to get some decent vegetables and once or twice a month they would be able to afford some meat for everyone to eat.

They were a happy family, and even if with the loss of the family patriarch almost a year ago with the help of the eldest son they were still able to make what little money they could get as coal burners for them to be able to scrape by without issue.

But soon enough everyone was done with breakfast they went to do their things, the mother, Kie Kamado, along with her eldest Daughter Nezuko would do the house chores while Tanjiro would get back to do the hard work while the younger siblings would go out and play, even if he is only 12 years old now he has already taken on the mantle to help the family anyway he can.

"Niichan! There's someone coming over here." His younger brother, Takeo, runs over to get Tanjiro's attention as he points at a man approaching the house.

The man is considered a giant compared to them, standing around 6'6" tall, wearing a black Yukata with a sword at his side with him carrying a giant boar over his shoulder while in his other hand that was wrapped in pitch black bandages was holding something that he was looking at, his hair was long, black and his eyes were an orange red hue, but what stood out looked like the scar like tattoo going around his neck.

Seeing them he put the item away within his yukata and smiled slightly as he continued to approach, "Is this Tanjuro's family? My it seems he has lived quiet a life to have such a large family Huh?" The man says as he approaches before letting go of the massive Boar fall with a thud that shook the surroundings a bit from its sheer size.

Tanjiro approaches the man, "Hello Sir, I'm Tanjiro Kamado, did you know my father?" He asks politely, but internally he's a bit afraid

'This smell…. Even if his body is clean he reeks of blood, but maybe he's a soldier so that might makes sense, and he has a Katana after all so he has probably had to kill people…. But just how many has he killed to smell like this?' He thinks to himself but as far as he sees the man is exuding a kind and friendly demeanor so he can't jump to conclusions.

"Tanjiro? My you look like a spitting image of your father when he was young, as for me you can call me Takahashi, I used to have a family name but I threw that away long ago so you can call me Takahashi-san, and as for how I know your father, well let's say he saved my life when I was younger so I owed him a life death…. But I heard from the village near here that he passed away not that long ago…." Takahashi says with a sad look on his face as he realizes the man who he owes his life to had passed away not to long ago.

Takahashi then comes down to one knee and bows his head towards Tanjiro and the rest of the family which surprises them, "I'm sorry that I couldn't come until now…. If I had I might have had a way to save him from his disease."

"Ahh! Please sir don't bow your head like that! Its-it's not your fault! You must have had your reasons for not coming until now!" Tanjiro says in a flustered way as Kie walks over.

"Oh? You must have been his wife, huh I guess that's the girl he was talking about back then that he was going to propose too, and just like he said your a real beauty that he fell head over heels for." Takahashi says as he raises his head and looks over at Kie.

"You met my husband before we got married? But why did he never mention me about you before?" Kie said as she found it a bit odd she never heard about this man before.

"Haha, I guess you could say Fate only let us cross paths once in our lives on that fateful day where he saved me from a bear attack with his axe, I may have just been a passerby in his life but I did ask for his name so I could repay him whenever I got the chance so he introduced himself to me with a bright but goofy smile on his face, like he was lovestruck and then left to go to see the most beautiful woman in the world, and that woman ended up being you, so I'm not surprised he never mentioned me one look on his face I could see he was deeply in love that everything else was just a blur to him." He says before getting up and looking down on the family from up on high with a smile.

"But Fate is like gravity, it attracts people who were always meant to meet one another to each other, and even if our fate was small it left a big impact on my life." He says with a slight smile before lifting the rather large wooden crate off of his back and placing it down.

"So I came to pay back this debt of mine by helping his family live a happy and healthy life, the boar is part of my gift as I heard it's hard for you guys to get meat often so this is part of my gift, as well as various other things." He says with a smile as he opens his crate to let the family see the contents.

"Whoooaaaa!!!!" The children said in awe as they saw all the fancy things, but what really caught their interest were the various toys, Kie and Nezuko were attracted to the beautiful clothing and Tanjiro was interested in the sheathed Katana that was in the crate.

"Go ahead! Think of this as also part of my gift for you all so this is all for you, and Mrs. Kamado I won't let you refuse my generosity as I insist you have these." He says not giving her any room to refuse, but not like she really could as her children were already playing with their new toys, looking at the new clothes and Tanjiro being fascinated by the Katana he held in his hand.

"And that's not all, Mrs. Kamado think of this as my late wedding gift for you, and even when you open it you can't refuse because I won't take it back." He says as he pulls out a small chest from deep inside the crate as he hands it to her letting her open it to see the contents before instantly closing it.

"Thi-this is way to much I-" but he just waves his hand at her stuttering, "I won't have any of that, if I could I would give you even more, if I didn't think you would absolutely refuse I would have opened up a bank account in one of the major cities under your family's name if I didn't believe that you would have completely refused it entirely."

She seeing that she couldn't refuse just bowed her head, "Thank you for your kindness to my family."

"Good, and it's better you accepted and didn't see the deed to your new mansion at the bottom of all of that money in there." He said with a cheeky grin as he gave her a thumbs up.

"Wha-" she stops and opens it up again and moves the banknotes out of the way and sees a folded sheet of paper at the bottom which she pulls out after replacing the money and shutting the chest before her eyes go wide at the deed in her hands.

"Ky-KYOTO?!" She shouts out in surprise as she sees the exact location of where the mansion is located which was not far from the city of Kyoto.

"And you don't have to worry about any of the furnishings as it's filled with enough furniture to keep you guys comfortable from now on with enough bedrooms for every family member with several extra rooms to spare!" He said with a big grin as he had to hold back his laugh as he saw the shocked faces of Kie, Nezuko and Tanjiro while the other children were going around not really listening to the conversation as they enjoyed their new toys.

"And I got one more thing for you, and don't worry this is my last present, one that I wished I could have given to him to save his life, but seeing as he is gone I will give this to the rest of you to make so you will live long happy and healthy lives." He says as he grabs the last thing from his crate and pulls out a small box, and within the box is filled with 8 syringes with with a bright red substance.

"What is that?" Tanjiro says as he looks at it as it looks like blood, but it's to bright red to be the color of blood so he was confused as to what it really was.

"Maybe I should just show you what this can do." He says as he hands the box to Tanjiro before pulling out his sword with his bandaged hand and resting the blade on his palm.

"Now watch carefully." He says before he proceeds to slide the blade over his palm leaving a gash causing some blood to spill but not to much.

But before they could say anything under their widened eyes they watched as the wound quickly close up as if nothing happened with only the little bit of blood on his palms saying anything that had happened.

"This is what that can do to someone, it helps heal injuries rapidly, keeps them from ever getting sick and extends your life expectancy as a result, this is the true gift I can give to you as compared to everything this is the rarest and hardest to receive medicine in the world, I won't be able to stay with you and your family to protect all of you from the dangers of this world, so this is my last gift I can give to all of you." He says before sheathing his sword.

"I-I don't know what to say I-" but he puts his hand up, "This is me repaying my life debt to your late husband so that his family can live long, healthy, happy and fulfilling lives together without the fear of losing one another for a long time, now…." He says before stopping his words before the Kamado family comes to a stop at his next words.

"Let's go inside, I need to administer your treatment." He says with a magnetic voice as all the family members enter a daze as they nod their heads and head back inside and lay down on their futons.

"Sleep." He says and instantly the entire family falls asleep before he takes out the syringes and injects them into each family member who curl up as cocoons cover them all.

After they enter their cocoons the man's appearance changes as his eyes turn blood red, hair changing to a blonde color as his left arm fades away into nothingness as he looks upon the bow cocooned Kamado family.

"Haaaa, good thing I'm a good actor, your lucky that your mother reminds me a lot of my mother…. That's probably why I'm so attracted to her at first sight, I was just going to just hypnotize you all and forcibly turn you into demons but seeing her for real and in this worlds story made me change my mind." I say with a smirk as I walk over to Kie Kamado's cocoon before placing my hand on it.

"After all when you meet the real me in the future you will be infatuated with me at first sight." I say before I pull away my hand before the crate and all of the valuables are brought into the house by tendrils made of darkness before I pull out a paper and pen writing on it and leaving it on the table before the darkness grabs the boar and hoists it up to let it drain of its blood into a bucket as I turn to look at the Kamados one last time and smirk.

"Hmph, I wonder how The Will of the World will react when the Hero becomes the son of the Demon King." I say before turning away and entering a portal of Darkness as my conquest of this world is complete.


Man I have not written chapters this long since my first fanfic, but this one I couldn't really see myself breaking it into two parts so that's why it was so long, some people might like it if my chapters stay this long and my answer to that is.

Are you fucking kidding me?! When I wrote chapters like these back then it would burn me out from writing for a few days so these will be rare and don't expect me to do this often unless I have to.

Oh and including all this it's about 2546 words total.

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