
War for MarineFord 3


"Luffy!" The two brothers shout out as they hug each other that they meet again after so much trouble and hardship they have both gone through.

But at this point WhiteBeard has been severely injured and was on his last legs but everything that the Marines had planned to make it look like they were the winners in this destructive war had been thrown out the window with the appearance of a man by the name of Dio Brando.

Though my natural six sense kicked in as I felt two attacks coming from separate directions heading straight towards us.

Not feeling it worth it to stop time or even slow it I just focused my haki in my arms and taking on a chopping stance I cut downwards with both hands as I cut down a razor sharp string and a cutting wave attack.

"You know it's rather rude to bother your betters, right? Doflamingo? Mihawk?" I say as I look at the two assailants that had made their attacks only aim for me and the nearby pirates while ignoring the Marines.

"Heh heh heh, man you really something else you know that? You really sent a middle finger to the whole world with that stunt you pulled off there, never thought I'd see the day when someone is faster than Kizaru himself." Doflamingo says as he saunters on over towards us.

"Dio, was it? Your both fast and strong, mind if I test that?" Mihawk says as brandishes his sword while carrying it over on his shoulder.

I grin before I turn to the two brothers, "You two better get out of here, looks like your old man is gonna make his last stand." I say as I look over as he's using all of his might to fight off both the Marines and the other Admirals for Ace and his men to escape.

"What?!?! Pops!!!" Ace shouts out in shock hearing what I say their Old Man is about to do.

"…. Gahahaha…. So it's finally come to this Huh?…. Fine, ATTENTION ALL CREW!!!" WhiteBeard says as he sees Ace safe but with his wounds none of them will make it out of this place alive if someone doesn't stay back and cover their backs as they escape.

"!!!!" Everyone of the WhiteBeard pirates and all the other allied pirates turned to stare at the tall frame that is WhiteBeard.

"This is my finally order as Captain! Escape! Every last one of you get out of here so you all can live to fight another day!" He shouts out as he grabs his Naginata and cleaves the battlefield in two before clenching his fist and using the full might of his Gura Gura no Mi that it causes most of the island to tilt and shake from its powerful attack.

"Pops!" "Dad!" "Old Man!" Various shouts could be heard from all of the many sons and daughters of WhiteBeard shouted out in both shock and sadness at what he was about to do.

Marco, Whitebeards son and second in command, shouted out to the rest of the WhiteBeard pirates with a pained expression seeing what is to become of their father, "You all heard him! Everyone! Fall back to the ships and protect Ace as your lives depend on it!"

Hearing that and gritting their teeth in sadness they all followed the command as everyone began to back off a flee while Luffy was pulling Ace away at the same time everyone was running as I stared down the two Warlords that stood before me as I grinned.

"Well you two are both talented fighters, so tell me? What do you see when I get serious?" I said with a smirk as I naturally unleashed my conquers haki upon them both as they countered with their own, in Doflamingo's case, or through sheer willpower to be unfazed, like Mihawk.

And both of them having high levels of observation haki, Doflamingo's constant smile turned into a teeth gritting frown as Mihawk just squinted his eyes and positioned his sword in a fully defensive position.

What put them both off balance was that they both saw themselves either getting severely injured or downright killed and ripped apart in the near future if I went all out as they still don't understand how they are instantly defeated like that making them cautious and wary of me.

"Hummmmm…. You know what, the government doesn't pay me enough to deal with this kind of thing, besides the war is coming to an end, I'm just gonna sit this one out and watch to its end." Doflamingo shrugs off and gives up before zipping away on his string.

(Optional Objective: Defeat one of the Warlords of the Sea, Complete!)

I guess making a Warlord give up on this war of their own volition counts as completing that objective from the chats stand point as I look at Mihawk as I coat my arms in haki as we both prepared to fight one another one on one but-


A giant magma fist is sent flying in the direction of the WhiteBeard pirates which Ace uses all his might to deflect as Akainu appears and begins to walk towards Ace and company, while also keeping one eye open on me as he walks on over as me and Mihawk face off against each other.

"Running away the moment you grabbed Ace, the WhiteBeard pirates really are a bunch of cowards after all, and the Captain as well, after all WhiteBeard is the 'Failure' of the previous era, his crew would be no different than him." He says as he talks down upon Ace and everyone else of the WhiteBeard pirates.

"Mihawk, mind we postpone this fight for the moment? I have some business to deal with, in return I'll promise you a fight with none of my powers and haki alone." I say as I look at him as we both stare each other down.

"…. Fine I can agree with that." After all he can feel it in his bones he has no chance of winning when this man before him uses his powers in a fight, Mihawks reaction speed is inhuman but isn't on the level of what Dio's powers can supposedly do.

Meanwhile as we talk I turn back to see Ace turning back and facing down Admiral Akainu, "Take it back…."


"Take back what you just said about my pops!" Ace shouts back enraged as Luffy pulls on him but Ace breaks free from his brothers grip as he is clearly pissed off.

"Ace forget about it! Don't let him get to you we have to go!" One of the many commanders of the WhiteBeard fleet tried to reason with the seething Ace.

"That bastard treated pops like a fool!" Ace said right back but Akainu kept egging him on.

"Even after Rogers death, WhiteBeard couldn't become the next pirate king, if that's not what you call a failure then I don't know what is."

"Shut up!"

"WhiteBeard has been and will always be a failure! And his death will because of protecting a bunch of scums such as yourselves!"

"WhiteBeard made this era become true! And this era will be named after him as well!" Ace shouted as he could no longer hold back as they both punched eachother with a full force attack, but….

"Guah!" Ace was sent flying back from the attack and was actually burned in the process.

"Fool, we maybe Logia users, but Lava beats fire anytime they fight, now I'm in a perfect situation where I can kill both the son of Dragon and of Roger, I can't let you both live but I'll take out the easier one of the two…" Akainu says as he looks upon Luffy who's legs have given out from how tired he has become for fighting and running nonstop for well over 24 hours to try and save Ace.

"Die Monkey D. Luffy!" Akainu shouts out as he easily circles around Ace and reals back a punch to finish him off for good.

"LUFFY!" Ace shouts out and moves to make the-


*step step step step*

"Sorry, but I can't let you have your way here, good thing you were only focusing your powers on your fist rather than the rest of your body." I say as I grip a armament/conquers haki covered arm before realign it back.

"MUUUUDDDDDDAAAAAAA!!!!!" I shout out as I force my fist through his back, gripping and tearing at his heart before pushing it out on the other side and ultimately crushing it in my hands.

"Your time, has run out." I say as I extract my bloodied arm before using it like a sword and cutting off the Admirals head before grabbing it and looking at it.

"Time moves on…."



"….. Hm?" Ace was surprised nothing happened before he turned around in shock to see the headless corpse of Admiral Akainu as he looked at the man who held the one who was about to kill him head.

He looked at me in both gratitude and a bit of fear as I stared him with my blood red eyes, "Go on Ace, you and the rest of you get out of here, your old man will die today, but he won't die like a dog he would have had I not changed fate." I say as I smirked while I just juggled the head of Akainu in my hand before I began to walk away back towards the center of the battlefield.

"….." Pirates and Marines, nay the entire world was shocked to see how strong one man was that his presence alone will change the course of this world and that many would gladly join under his banner as a new age would rise.

And this era will be named


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