
New Skills

In a small clearing of the forest, a horde of Goblin mages were walking and going on as their Usual life.

A little far away from them was the figure or should it be called avatar of a Young man, a beautiful young man, with long angelic white haire tied in apony tail falling on his back. He was wearing nothing but a white shirt and black pants, along with high boots that covered his ankles. In his hand was a normal short sword, that he held in his right hand.

Noticing the group of the goblins getting closer and together in the clearing of the forest, Noah clenched his hand and gripped the sword tighter, as he ran towards the group of goblins.

Swiftly he started dissecting them, one by one after arriving there. He swung his sword and the goblins body disintegrated, accompanied by a notification indicating he has gained Exp.

It hasn't even been a minute and he has already killed over 19 goblin mages, that lives in the small village of goblins.

[Killed a level 15 goblin mage]

[Exp Reached 100%]

[ Level up]

[ Reached the max level of racial class. Please choose another racial or job class to level up in]

Seeing the notification on the game panel, he finally realized that he has already reached the max level of his racial class. He decided to open the game panel. He has been ignoring it all this time, because he was having too much fun hunting and Killing goblins. Truly, he was enjoying this game very much and he finally understood why people like momonga and his guild mates were so addicted to it to the point of spending real life money to get a little more enjoyment out of it. If asked, wether he would do the same or not. He would do it, even if it didn't include the new world and he was unknown to the matters.

Noah called for his status, and a golden game panel appeared in front of his eyes.

[IGN : Noah Paeris Ianfiel]

[Alignment : Neutral]

[Karma : 0 (Neutral)]

[Race : Godkin]

[Racial Level :

True God Kin - Level : 5 (Max)]

[Job Class : None]

[ HP : 60/60]

[ MP : 80/80 ]

[ Physical Attack : 70]

[ Physical Defense : 60]

[ Agility : 80 ]

[ Magical Attack : 90]

[ Magical Defense : 100]

[ Special : 120]

[ Resist : 90]

[ State points available to distribute : 500 ]

If someone saw Noah's stats right now, surely they'll puke blood and think that there's a bug in the game. Knowing it's still in beta mode. However, Noah knew that it was because of his racial class and special race of God Kin. He knew that his reward system was broken but he didn't expected it to be this broken. If he was this broken and Powerful having stats that are comparable to level 100 at this stage, then he'll surely be something to contend with when he reached level 100. Perhaps even beyond those world enemies, that max level players even in group had hard time defeating.

Not to mention, that he has gotten 500 stat points that he can distribute as he likes. Noah felt almost overwhelmed, due to how broken this race was, which gave him not only boost in stats but also stat points to distribute as he likes. If this is not game breaking than he didn't new what was.

Noah was happy, to say would be understatement. Who wouldn't be happy about being a litteral game breaking player ? He was truly gonna enjoy himself alone instead of joining any guild. Because it'll just ruin the game for him, from his monstrous stats he can assume that he'll be able to solo dungeons. And most of the players joined guilds to have a secure place and to have friends and people they can go into different dungeons and places in, that they can't solo and go alone.

However, he knew that if he had to go to the new world, he'll have to join the guild, ainz oal gown. Which he wasn't very fond of joining. If possible he wanted to have his own base instead of joining Nazarick. He knew Nazarick was strong but he knew he can become strong enough to content against Nazarick at it's peak. He thought, he still had a lot of time so, he decided to put that to side and look at the skills he got when he leveled up. Although, he hasn't learned any spells due to having litteraly no way to do so at this point of game without having any job class he has equipped.

[Skill : Divine Retribution ( Active )]

- Description : You are the god and you punish people. If someone hurts you, you shall have your vengeance, As long as you have even 1 HP and 1 MP it can be used without any usage of the HP and MP. Deals an area of effect or single damage depending on users choice.

- deals 500% extra damage to anyone that user has animosity towards

- changes the surrounding terrain to [Holy Garden], boasting the power of the user, and recovering HP and MP in the process.

- if the enemy has –200 karma, the skill will deal 200% extra damage.

- can only be used 2 times a day.

[Skill : Judge of Soul ( Passive )]

- Description : Being a gods child, you have the ability to judge the soul of a person. Anyone who lies to you will get punished. Deals passive damage to anyone that user deems enemy. Deals extra damage to enemy who have bad karma.

- can be used to listen to the thoughts of other, and what they are planning.

- once you judged someones soul, they won't be able to leave your hands and you'll always be able to sense their presence, and know where they are and what they are doing.

- can be used to extract someone's soul, if the user has the job class required to do it.

- Maximizes damage dealt to any enemy, If activated, and increases critical hit ratio.

These two skills, he red the description of and was shcoked at how broken these were.the first one, Being able to deal damage even after getting to almost 1 HP and MP was broken and it costs nothing. It can also heal him and recover his MP, by activating the [Holy Garden] effect.

The second one was the same. A passive skill, that allows you to track your opponent and know their thoughts and plans. Not to mention it deals passive damage to anyone he deems enemy. A broken skill. Noah wondered if those world champions and world disasters. The most sought after job classes have any similar skills or not.

However, when he scrolled through the skills, he got he found some even more ridiculous skills.

[Skill : Heavens Gate (Active)]

- Description : Opens a gate to heaven, through your divine power and summons First sphere angels powerful enough to obliterate worlds with their blow. All angels are your to command. Any angel can be summoned as long as the user has MP required for it.

- Summons an unkown amount of angels each time, depending on the users wish.

- Can be used to summon one specific or more specific angels as per users will.

- If the gateway of the heaven takes damage, it'll take time untill the next time the user is able to summon the gateway.

- The angels summons Range from Third sphere angels to First sphere seraphims.

[Skill : Divine Aura (Passive)]

- Description : Being the son of one true God, you have aura of divinity surrounding you, that makes every being that sees or comes in contact with your aura look at you as their god and saviour. You are holy and divine take pride in that.

- Increases favourablity towards beasts and any living beings.

- Can be used to tame holy beasts and be used to make undead monsters submit to you, if the user has the required Job classes.

- The aura will have negative effect and can destroy undeads if users wills it.

[Skills : Angel Authority (Active)]

- Description : You are the true child of God, all angels are your to command. Using this skill you can make any and all angels available listen to your authority and make them your own summons.

- Can't be used to make other player your slave.

- Angels can only be commanded untill the skill is activated.

- Fallen angels can't be controlled.

[Skill : Sword of Judgement (Passive/ Active)]

- Description : Summons swords made of holy and divine power to judge your enemies. Summons 20 swords made of Divine elemental power. Can be used as a passive skill to eliminate any targets that you deem enemy. Or can be used as an active skill by combining all the swords together and unleashing the power of judgement.

- Damage dealed increases by 20 times if the skill is used actively.

- No one can resist the attack even angels of first sphere are no exceptions.

- Can bypass the world items.

When Noah red the description of the skill, [Angel Authority], he felt this skill was broken and overpowered. If he decided to fight an angel summoner then they can't even lift a finger towards him cause if he uses his skill, he'll be able to control their summon.

But even more shocking and powerfull was the last skill. [Sword of Judgment], even the name is cool. The description says it can bypass the world items. That means eve if the target had an world item that can negate any damage, the skill will bypass that and will deal the damage anyway. This was broken. From what Noah knew from his knowledge of past, there weren't any skills that can Bypass world items. Other then wild magic of the new world. Even those were only on par with world items, not beyond that.

These skills were crazy and overpowered to say the least. And it seems like his god kin class is giving him most of the holy based skills. Though there were many elemental and physical skills, but those were nothing, compared to these broken and holy skills. No! It would be better to call it divine. No angels can probably get the skills he got. He was once again thankful to the system and to himself, for choosing this race of Godkin..

Noah then scrolled down the game panel yet again and found even more skills there were many skills. However, they were still beneath the five above. That's why Noah paid it no mind and looked at his racial class

[ Racial class :

True God Kin - Lvl : 5 (Max)]

Noah saw that there was no advance class to this. He would've been surprised if there wouldve been any. After looking through all the racial class that were available for him to use, he decided to use one that aligns with his good nature an angel. Although he didn't understood how it worked from God kin to angel, it was truly funny but he found it interesting enough, hoping for some spicy devlopment in future.

He then looked at the job classes available.

[ Job classes available :

















Etc.. ]

There were many classes that were available to choose. However, these were common base classes anyone can choose. What Noah wanted was something rare, And he got exactly that. When he was leveling up, he saw a reward the system gave him.

[Job class : Glacial Child (Available to Equip)]

Noah, without hesitation equiped the class and then he continued leveling up for hours. Untill his sister send him a message, telling him 's time to eat dinner. In the game you can still send message to someone through an app available on the modern smartphones.

Thinking about today, Noah got up from his Bed and removed his VR gear. Placing it on the side of the bed. He felt very excited as he was leveling up fast and he knew that before long he'll be reaching levels without any limit.

"What were you doing? What took you so long to log out ?" Noah's sister, Akane asked looking at him with a pout, showing that she was angry at him.

Akane was very lonely today, she was all alone watching videos on the internet trying to not think of Noah. but not being able to help herself she ended up thinking about him all the time, Making his absent presence even more eminent.

Noah looked very excited when talking about playing Yggdrasil, So, she can't stop him. After all, she wanted to see Noah happy and if a game was making him so be it. However, she wanted to join him, but he said that it was impossible because he was a beta player.

She felt heartbroken, at the prospect of her brother spending most of his time in the VR game, rather then with her.

She was crying thinking about Noah leaving her and imagining many possibilities that might happen that broke her heart even more. The time didn't helped as it passed by, and when the night came she started to crave for his presence like a thirsty crow in a desert. Not being able to bear it, she texted him through the app that allowed people to contact their friends in VR games.

"I'm sorry Akane Nee, i was Really enjoying the game and forgot about time. I'm really sorry." Noah said with an apologetic look.

Noticing the stains of teardrops on her cheeks, Noah was able to discern that, she was crying being alone. Noah calmly walked towards Akane despite him being shorter, he was already above her shoulders.

Looking at her pouting face, Noah without hesitation took her into a hug, as he apologized once more.

"Forgive me Akane Nee, i didn't knew you were so lonely. If i knew you would be so lonely with me being in the game, i would've applied for beta player for two people." With a sad tone he said, as he hugged Akane. Akane finally felt warmth in her heart hearing that her brother really cared about her. Her heart was beating fast and she felt herself losing into his embrace. It was intoxicating for her, like always. Although, he was still a little shorter then her, he was still able to make her lose into his embrace.

" Don't leave me alone again." Akane said before she hugged him tightly, clenching his shirt from behind wanting to never let go of his embrace.

Noah felt very sad at his sisters heartfelt words, and wondered what he should do. If he left her alone again tomorrow there was a chance of her crying again. And seeing her cry, Noah really felt his heart breaking. He didn't wanted to make her cry again.

So, with that, he didn't even contemplated anymore and decided to not play Yggdrasil untill it is released for everyone. He knew he already had an uper hand above all the otherYggdrasil players, and he didn't wanted to make his sister sad again. So, waiting for her to also join him when he dived again into the world of Yggdrasil, wouldn't be bad.

Some might think he is stupid, but people tend to become stupid when it comes to their loved ones.

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