
Idk side character development

I look around and project my voice to the crowd "Listen up the other tribes don't know that there is a new clan head let's keep it that way. The more unpredictable we are the better and starting tomorrow all men in the village will undergo training by me. We have become too comfortable with fighting things around us that it poses no real danger if were careful." I say what I needed and ran toward my parent's house it only took a few minutes ut my family was right on my heels the moment I turned around. My father was the first to speak "Training? what training do our people need were already strong enough to face any other tribe" I nodded and gave him a thoughtful look and said "We are powerful against other Na'vi, not the sky people and even if we are able to defend ourselves we are bound to be defeated if we stay at our current standstill" I shifted my gaze toward my mother while leaving my father to ponder knowing that the most independent tsahìk has something to say " It is going to be impossible to get all the men to participate because we usually learn from the people in our family like your father fighting style was taught to him by his father and so forth so don't get your hopes up" I nodded knowing that total compliance from the clan is impossible but as long as I get a few ready for combat it lowers the casualties on our side.

I thought for a few moments before saying " farther starting tomorrow pick your most trusted brothers and meet me at the back mountains ill do my best to train them to survive what comes next" I started to walk toward the water before I heard "brother what can I do to help?" I looked to see Tsireya following me with Aonung on her tail. I smiled and said " keep learning from mother and trust in yourself" I looked at Aonung " When you learn how to control your impulsiveness that is when ill train you" I jumped in the water swimming back home but noticed it wasn't anything in the wide area and just slept on the floor.

The next morning I woke up bright and early while waiting for the tribesmen " Damn!" I forgot to tell the tribesmen at the meeting were to go forget it they probably wouldn't come. Soon my father arrived with 32 men including himself " Alright since my father trusts you so much I shall trust you a little in two years there will be a time were your strength is needed you may die but it is our duty to protect our homeland" They all looked surprised but they saw I was serious and straighten up " Here is the fun part if word of this matter spread there won't be a corpse left for you" they were confused but I waved my hand and humanoid started to form from the ocean. They all looked surprised and even a few retreated but my father stood still and slammed his spear on the ground and they all stopped.

I nodded and said "When you are able to best them in hand-to-hand combat then ill considered you worthy" but what they didn't know was I created an avatar of IP MAN and it going to take more than weapons and strength to beat him especially since he has the same body strength as them now. I Smile and look at them all pick their clones like it will make a difference. I looked toward my father to see him thrust his spear at IP Man but he sidestepped my father who is a warrior and sent a punch toward his left IP Man soon went into action he used his left hand to deflect the punch and moved into my father range and sent an elbow to his chest immediately making him lose all the air in his lungs.

But he didn't back down he kicked up off the grown and sent the spear toward his chest only for IP man to sidekick him and he flew across the beach.

He did better than the rest who lost with a punch which is good in my eyes. " Alright we shall rest for 10 minutes then you'll have a second go this will continue until your 12 round then you may go home" After A few hours of horrible Na'vi battle cries and thuds almost everyone is on the floor with purple bruises. Only my father and another Na'vi Jon are standing. I walk over and crouch down "Alright you all can go now be back here and the crack of dawn" Everyone but Jon and my dad stayed I waited to see what they had to say before here they say " Can we continue" I nodded toward my father knowing he is a battle junkie before staring at Jon but before I got to say anything y father said " He is my most trusted subordinate and has helped me fight for the clan head position," I thought for a moment and said " Yes under one condition in six months you must be able to land a solid hit on Ip man" He nodded with a battle harden smiled but the smile on my face left my lips and I hurridly ran toward the water and closed my eyes and did a dragging motion but nothing happened. So they thought but I kept looking and soon the badly bruised men can be seen shooting in our direction and *BOOM* they crashed into the said. " A little too hard I said out loud" but I waited for them to get themselves together and said " I need you to eat this bead" suddenly 31 ice beads appeared in front of the men except for my father "This is so that you can never divulge my secret to anyone" I watched slowly as each one took it some did it with a shaking hand before they strengthened there to resolve and swallowed it they all felt a cold gush of the air come out their mouth but it soon vanished.

They all got up and bowed and jumped back to the sea, not before double-checking they weren't needed. My father waited until it was us three again before saying " There was no need for that the clansmen are loyal to the tribe and would never betray" I gave my dad a smile and said " I know all I did was give them an iceball no special effect its the mind that will do all the work for me as long as they think I'm listen the thought would never cross there mind to divulge information" My father and Jon were shocked by my genius plan.

But soon it started to fade because they got ready to fight their IP men. I slashed my finger with compressed water and a couple of drops of blood flew out I fused it with some water I summoned and soon a light red water bubble appeared around them and within five seconds it dropped and a healthy duo appeared ready to fight again.

-Six Months Later-

My father and his group of Navi can be seen fighting the Ip men easily all of them have developed their own skills for countering a deflecting the Ip men punches but the most impressive will always be my dad and Jon. I saw my dad with his hulky body move more nimbly. Instead of locking himself in place, he developed a loser grip just in case he has to abandon his spear to go into hand to hand. His reflexes are really what improved the most he is able to dodge punches and kick with ease his only problem is his switch from spearmanship to hand-and-hand combat is a little clunky but he's learning. I raised my eyebrow at his next move he swung his spear but it turned out to be a faint because of his lose grip it went straight into the Ip man what a simple and effective way.

Jon, on the other hand, took on more of an IP man style of fighting he no longer used an axe when he was close enough to fight in hand o hand combat but he always hooked it on his back for extra security which is smart. He rushed toward IP man but had to raise his leg because a low kick was coming for him instead of rushing he stepped down and held Ip man in place and punched toward its face but it was deflected and was grabbed to pull him closer he wouldn't let that happen he threw a few punches at its gut while receiving some in a similar manner but the difference was that after months of being beaten and repeated healing his skin has hardened and gotten used to the punches but at such a close distance he used something that IP man doesn't have a tail and hit him in the throat hard and was soon let go. Which is odd because he didn't let go of IP man but instead slammed him in a sumo manner and soo Ip man started to disappear.

The others are also progressing in a fast manner but not as nearly as those two they still haven't won but have a solid foundation against enough to give him a run for his money. I smiled at my dad and "Jon are you ready for hell mode now" Two figures appeared with what seemed to be a bow and hoods on. I wished I can bring out an avatar with a gun but then id be asked all sorts of questions about how I know what those things are. If they pass this before Sully's gets here ill blame the next avatar on Eywa I thought to myself. Soon they got in battle stances ready for what happens next but they were wrong the moment they got in the stance they both retreated into the small forest a little away. I looked and said " Go on how do you expect a man with a bow to fight you head on" they both grinned and ran into the forest on high alert but that was the least of their worries because as they both went in an arrow from both directions came toward then and they both dogged and looked at each other for a moment before splitting up.

I smiled remembering when I first summoned them to fight them myself because the moment he walked into the forest the arrow hit me in the shoulder and quickly created a bubble f water to block any incoming arrows but after a few test shots. The rain of arrows stopped but soon arrows in succession hit the same spot soon one slipped through the cracks and hit my other shoulder. I jumped back trying to use the tree as cover but the moment I hid that's when my nightmare came instead of the usual Wing Chun fighting style I was used to fighting IP Man his was more straightforward forward no redirecting bullshit at all and was soon blue and purple. I guess that was a one-sided defeat for a seven-year-old was crushing back then but now. I smiled arrows good luck not even a bullet can touch me now I developed a danger sense and I hope they will to.

That's not all I did in six months I created a school for the younglings instead of leaving everything to the parents. I even have survival classes for the older children so that they can be well-informed on how to read underwater maps and send a signal if they get lost out in the sea. They must find a nearby island and create a fire while throwing a reddish-pink herb that I required all tribesmen and women to carry now because once the flower hit the fire it shoots up a massive cloud of red smoke. I got the people to build a farm so that all the eatable plants can grow like crops. All types of things to make my people's life a little better.

Bringing me from my thoughts were Na'vi battle cries coming from the forest and soon four figures came out of the forest. I smiled seeing my dad full of water arrows because of his hulky body it was probably an easy shot and plus I bet he let down his guard he didn't even last 20 minutes and was being dragged by the foot. While Jon was a letter better in appearance but he still had four arrows in him one in his hands and feet respectively and was being princess carried.

I looked at them " what did you learn" they both took their breaths and stayed silent ignoring me because I'm assuming I didn't warn them but didn't want to find out or wait for an answer" Don't ever get too overconfident in your power because even he smallest pebble in the right hands can kill you" I smiled and said my piece but soon I frowned and all the water clowns dissipated everyone confused but soon a few tribesmen came I quickly helped my father and Jon up and prepared them for the guest.

I see two Na'vi coming from the water with hurried breaths " Clan Head and former Clan head there seems to be a rouge Tulkun he killed his whole pack leaving only him the other tulkun has deemed him aggressive and outcasted him" I blank knowing what this man was talking about and said "Tell the other tulkun that I know they are destined but let nature take it course and also mention to them that they taught us never to jump to conclusions so I advise them to do the same even though he broke the rules there must be a reason" I smiled and hurridly told the Na'vi to go and tell them.

I waited for him to leave only to see my father's stern face" You shouldn't have done that the tulkun have an ancient no-fighting rule which is considered a dishonor but I shall respect your decision, after all, you only advised them not force them to take him back" I smiled and the Ip men appeared again and the training session started back in action but the green arrows didn't " Take a break a little longer because you guys are losing blood still" they both nodded and stayed in there current position not trying to aggravate their wounds.

Later that day I took the men who don't participate in training hunting this is the only way I can get them to sharpen their skills sometimes I take them a little out of the tulkun protection so they can feel the sense of danger. They are improving but at a very slow paste because they are basically fighting the things they have for years even if it's a little stronger but I just shake my head and bring back the harvest that I killed to give it to my family since my dad is still challenging green arrow.

-1 year later-

The village is growing well and the Sullys should be coming soon but right now I'm in the middle of a meeting with the elder "We need to build more huts we are growing at a rapid paste and families are getting bigger" Another elder roared " IDots what about the new tribe members that have migrated over because of or clan head" A slightly younger fellow also put in his two cents " You guys are worrying about the wrong thing food how are we suppose to feed this many Na'vi" I started to grow black lines seeing these grown adult argue like children "Enough" I said while rubbing my head "start building huts at the back of the island and expand the farms toward the forest it has fertile soil but remember not t expand it too much because nature is easy to remove but hard to get back and there is no need to argue over the new tribesmen they know that they are starting from scratch again so they will be ready to asset in building there new homes" i said what neeed to be said and got up and walked toward my parent house.

and soon I arrived "Mom,dad ,Aonung ,Tsireya do you guys want to move closer to me or stay here " I yelled at the door and the whole bunch of fumbling was heard and soon Aonung ran out " Well of course move toward big brother i heard you claim a part of the island for yourslef wich mean more room to move around" My mom waked from the herb room slowly and thought for a moment " We will stay here for now i like the house i raised all my children and will feel uncomfrtable leaving it no" I nodded and said " how about we just back up the whole house would that be better"

My mom looked at me and then looked around and said "If you can do it quickly and quietly then yes if not no" I smiled and said " I'm the king at doing things swiftly I'll warn you when it going to happen" I beamed and said Aonung looked confused and was thinking "Why does mother always indulge in brother games " I turned and looked for Tsireya but she was nowhere to be seen but I faintly heard griding from the back and let her be. After getting a snack I head back toward the training ground only to see 13 out of the 32 laying on the ground with at least one or two arrows but the other 19 are still fighting for their life soon my dad comes out with an arrow in his back but with a head of the clone. I smiled and said " Finally I thought it was going to take you another six months " My dad smiled and tossed me the head that soon dissipated but without words, I shot a water bullet at him roughly the same speed as the guns the sky people used and to my expectations my father deflected it with ease. "I now can be at ease with you returning to your position in 6 months or hopefully earlier being a clan head is tiring but do you want to go to the next level of training " the smile on his face slowly faded.

He thought for a moment and then said " I'm a warrior there is no next level just a tougher opponent" I nodded and soon A girl with a hood and scythe appeared but this clone was different it at a very detailed outline everything was like it was sculpted to be a real sky person " Father I truly want you to be careful this clone limiter is a little less restrictive and going to beat you until your an inch away from death then it is going to rush you toward me for healing immediately" He just nodded and got his spear ready ruby crouched down and soon petals soon replaced were she was and a clang was soon heard and my father went flying into the forest.

I saw my father's spear break and created a detailed spear with a sturdy shaft and a bigger blade the water outline was perfect but it soon started to freeze and become a work of art. I threw it into the forest right next to my father and he quickly grabbed it. It seemed like he enjoyed the cool sensation against his warm skin I just smiled and let him play. Some might think why he'll never beat that avatar but only I know that I restricted the clone only to use a fraction of its power I mean come on it's ruby how the hell is my father going to beat a real opponent like that but I soon see a few bullets flying out of the forest and knew that he is somehow holding his own (Barely).

After 10 minutes of playing ruby is holding my father over her shoulder and is walking toward me but before they even get close I throw a ball of red water at him knowing that he could die any minute if I'm not quick enough. As soon as he was healed ruby immediately dropped him and sat down and waited until he was ready to fight again. I walked over to my dad seeing him still unconscious. Soon two other figures walked out but Jon was still on the ground with two arrows in him but at least the green arrow avatar was missing an arm. I nodded and another ball of blood water flew and soon Jon jumped up and went back into the forest I looked at the avatar and he returned to his perfect condition.

My father soon woke back up and looked at the clone with a little fright but stilled himself and rushed toward the sitting ruby but was smacked with the scythe back into the forest. I cringed at seeing the child abuse I was witnessing. I mean slaughter, I mean spar I couldn't help giggling.

-5 Months Later-

"I'm sorry but I feel that my abilities as clan head are lacking and as of tomorrow I'm reinstating my father" All of the elders paused at the sudden exclamation. Soon the hall started to bustle " you can't just appoint a clan head like that do you know how long it took your father to get you your position a year and you're trying to do it in a day" An elder slammed his fist on the table "Stop acting like a child do you think you can give this position to whomever you want" I just sighed realizing this is going to be a long day after a few hours of going back and forth they still want me to retain this position. Black lines started to form on my face " I have the final say and if you have a problem speak now!!" many elders stood at once slowly challenging me and that was the straw that broke the camel's back I slammed my fist on the table and it popped up and I punched it toward the wall *BOOM* *BOOM* *Bang* it crashed through the wall and hit a tree but they have exhausted my patience " This will be my first and the last command I give my father is being reinstated as the clan head any words" It was quiet and all elders were shaken because they didn't expect a boy a half a head shorter would possess such an eminence strength which frighten them.

I nodded and walked toward the ocean to get to my house faster. It was something to behold because in this half a year more and more huts started to appear around my cave door and it was nice to see under my rule that the tribe is booming but when I opened the door to my house all I hear was *BOOM* *BANG* and I hurriedly closed the door behind me I see my father and Jon fighting there own ruby obviously still losing but at least they are able to hold out with her using her semblance. It looks like both of them have learned to use their extinct but the problem lies in that ruby is too diverse and they can't touch her without taking a hit.

One ruby is lungeing off the walls toward my dad m dad quickly sidesteps knowing taking that head-on is game over *Boom* without the dust even learning my father slices toward rub but misses but he didn't let her go grabbed the hood a tried pulling her but ruby used her semblance and ran with him and he slipped off heading toward the reinforced dome but he pushed his spear forward he immediately stopping the face first accident but he immediately swung and landed firmly on the pole of the staff all within 3 seconds and jumped up knowing that *BOOM BOOM BOOM* bullets rained on were he just landed but he had to kick off the dome since he was midair and didn't want to be shot which was a bad idea on his part because ruby soon used her semblance to jump and appear in front of them and sliced down. He used the only weapon he had left which was his tail he immediately traded blows with ruby both flying back ruby with a few scratches and torn clothes and my father with wounds on his chest.

On the other hand, Jon is using the Wing Chun method and whenever a bullet seemingly got close he moved like water with minimal movements but when she got close with the scythe that is when he starts to lose she becomes faster and he can no longer doge and he and the scythe dig's into the ground he rushed toward her by running on the staff pole but she shakes it and he falls but soon recovers because a stomp is coming toward him which turns out to be a faint giving her enough time to get the staff out of the ground and she soon vanished left and right but disappeared he felt a threat a rolled to the side and saw a scythe sticking into the ground but not he was hit with a speeding punch in the back and bone can be heard from his lean body.

I nod and get ready to heal their injury Jon was out cold I hurried and healed him worrying that his bone might puncture his organs. I went to try to heal my dad and he said " No, leave them this will remind me that I'm not the strongest far from it actually " I nodded and only helped him sit up" I smiled and said " You will have to be considerate of your body now you are reinstated as the clan head and you can't go around limping all-day" my father paused and then nodded and said ill take that into account.

I looked around and saw the pothole everywhere and said " But before you go I'm going to need you and the others to fix my home" he nodded seeing the holes in the ground and the walls. Looking at the biggest cave on the island "When i have time the house well be transported in here mother has agreed long ago just warning you" He hesitated and looked up and the ceiling that glowed all day " What about all the jelly fish providing light how well you shut them off " I walked up and whispered to him the command he nodded and said "Lights off" and soon it went completely dark..........\

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