
Chapter 16: A Bonding Battle

Desmond tucked himself from plain sight between two dumpsters in the alley way. It wasn’t an ideal place to be, but he was in a bit of a rush. The call had sounded urgent and he didn’t want to waste more time by rushing to Atlas’ place. So, once he settled himself on the ground, he set his phone alarm once more to sunset. This time, he just hoped that nobody found him and stole anything off him while he was 'asleep'. It was a risk he was going to have to take, as stupid as it might be.

Once he was settled, he focused on entering The Echo and crossing through the veil that set the worlds apart. Just as it was whenever he was in Atlas’ apartment, when he opened his eyes next, the world around him looked different. The sounds of people had faded and the sky had taken on that perpetual twilight. It really was getting easier for him to enter The Echo, just as he was told it would be.

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