
Fate is on my side 2

The wind whistled between the tall skyscrapers of the city as the two combat helicopters of the powerful S.C.T. the community approached at high speed. The mission was clear: intercept and neutralize the enemy soldiers who had entrenched themselves in nearby buildings.

In the cockpit of the lead helicopter, Captain Ian Dietrich closely observed the screen of his tracking equipment. The movements of the enemy helicopters were clearly displayed, indicating their exact position. Beside him, Lieutenant Williams adjusted the controls of the weapons, ready to fire if necessary.

The pilot maneuvered the helicopter with precision, flying through the narrow spaces between the skyscrapers. As they approached, the deafening noise of the rotors mixed with the sound of gusts of wind. The buildings appeared as giants of steel and glass rising towards the sky, forming an urban maze.

In the second helicopter, the assault team was prepared and ready for combat. Loaded with tactical gear and state-of-the-art weapons, each soldier knew their life was at stake. Commander Elias, experienced and composed, led a final review of the action plans.

Captain Ian Dietrich radioed Commander Elias, "We're about to reach the interception zone. Stay alert and prepared for the assault."

The lead helicopter positioned itself strategically on one of the buildings, while the second helicopter took position on the other. From above, the S.C.T. a reconnaissance team had confirmed the presence of armed enemy soldiers in the buildings.

"We are the Armed Forces of the S.C.T.!"

"Please lower your weapons and make no movements that warrant an attack on your persons! Any sign of hostility will be enough for you to be eliminated!"

Cesar, who was in the helicopter cabin ready to make a quick escape, nervously looked at those powerful weapons pointed at him and his soldiers. Only now did he remember the words that a man named Airon told him.

"We need to inform the base, sir! This community is not ordinary; we underestimated the enemy!"

Captain Ian Dietrich gave the order, and the helicopters descended rapidly, deploying ascension ropes to allow the S.C.T. soldiers to descend. The soldiers skillfully secured themselves to the ropes and began their descent towards the rooftops of the buildings.

The wind whipped their faces as they descended swiftly, mentally preparing for the imminent confrontation. Once on the ground, the assault team moved quickly, using their training and experience to silently advance through the dark hallways and emergency stairs.

Suddenly, they came face to face with the enemy soldiers of the CRM. Tension filled the air. However, instead of opening fire, Commander Smith raised his hand as a sign to stop.

"Everyone, hands on your heads! We were ordered to bring you in alive, but if you resist, you'll be eliminated regardless of who you are or what you know!" shouted Elias, who had also descended.

The CRM soldiers, surprised by the unexpected revelation, slowly lowered their weapons. A mixture of fear and astonishment reflected on their hidden faces as they watched the SCT soldiers descend from the helicopter and approach them.

The leader of the SCT team, Captain Ian Dietrich, approached the enemy team leader and spoke with a firm yet calm voice:

"My men and I have not come here to kill you. We seek a truce in order to negotiate peace between our organizations. You have violated our territory, so now you will be placed under arrest."

The enemy leader, who identified himself as Captain Cedar, nodded slowly, and his soldiers followed suit. The two teams of soldiers exchanged cautious glances, but after a moment, the tension in the air began to dissipate.

Captain Ian Dietrich offered the enemy soldiers the opportunity to surrender and follow them so that no one would die today. He also said that in this world, there was a common enemy, and it wasn't humans but the undead.

The path to peace wouldn't be easy, but for the first time in a long time, there was a ray of hope for a future that was once murky. The two teams of soldiers boarded their helicopters again and departed for the city.

Of course, the soldiers were strictly monitored by the helicopter's weapons.

On the way, Captain Ian Dietrich and Captain Cesar exchanged stories about their lives and their motivations for joining the military. Despite their obvious differences, both captains shared a strong sense of loyalty and commitment to the organization.


Once the helicopters landed at the S.C.T. military base, the CRM soldiers were stripped of their masks, weapons, and some hidden knives on their bodies.

They were all taken to vehicles to be sent to the city, where Commander Airon was located.

After being treated and fed, the CRM soldiers were taken to a room where they met with some of the S.C.T. leaders to discuss the possibilities they have.

On the way, they were all surprised to see children running through the streets, food stalls, and open restaurants.

During this period of time, they only saw a few police officers calmly walking down the street. But no matter how much they observed, they hadn't seen any military or civilian vehicles. Instead, there were some horse-drawn carts.

"Surprised?" Ian Dietrich looked at Cesar and said, "The higher-ups in our organization are quite tense about your appearance. Based on the information we have about you, the situation can go either way, so you must cooperate and tell the truth in front of our commander if you don't want to die."

Cesar looked at the man telling him this, looked again at the streets of this city devoid of the undead, and asked, "There are at least ten thousand people in this place. Do you think provoking the CRM will make them escape their radar? Living in that way only condemns them day by day; they will soon die at the hands of the undead."

"You're right, maybe or maybe not."


In a church, Airon wasn't a religious or devout person given his situation. If he's honest, he no longer knows what to believe in.

"Destiny is with me... I will never fear, what harm can man do to me?"

"Destiny is my future..."

"I will see triumph in my enemies..."

"The future is with me..."

"That is my strength!"

Novel finished on level 3 of my Patreon: SrCuervo

SrCuervocreators' thoughts
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