

A/N: If you want to donate or read up to 35 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi 

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295 AC


In the anxious atmosphere of his tent, Yohn Royce's voice cut through the tension, "Didn't you say they were on their way? Why is it taking such a long time?" The knight captain, reviewing the scouting report, replied with a measured tone, "My lord, it looks like they are making camp for today, and they will be marching on the morrow."

Suggesting a night raid, one of the advisors voiced a strategic option. However, the knight captain swiftly dismissed the idea, "I wouldn't recommend that since it would have exposed us." Another advisor raised concerns about the Druid's ability to control animals and whether he might already be aware of their presence. The response came, "We are shooting down any bird we see, even if he can see through them. All he should be seeing would be our scouts."

Unbeknownst to the Vale Lords, their confidence in countering the Druid was misplaced. Little did they realize the unique capabilities of the Druid's familiars, Poe and Erebus. These creatures could soar from such great heights that they were nearly indistinguishable from the sky. Even if spotted, reaching them with any conventional weapon was an impossible feat.


Aermir observed in silence as his ranger companies navigated the challenging terrain of the mountains, their figures gradually reaching the designated destination. Satisfied with their progress, he signaled for the rest of his army to follow suit.

The army, like a flowing river, descended into the valley. Their disciplined formation maneuvered through the undulating landscapes, the rhythmic cadence of boots resonating through the air. The valley was a bit wide since 50 men could walk side by side, but the place was still a death trap to any unsuspecting army. 

As the army progressed through the valley, Aermir's watchful gaze surveyed the surroundings through the air. He could see Osric riding Sith in his armor. Sith was obeying him since this was not for pleasure but for a strategic reason, but she was still whining constantly about how weak Osric was and how he was doing everything wrong. She constantly threatened his life, 

-Master, if this asshole giddy-ups me one more time, I will rip his leg off. He should just stand there and look cool. I will do all the killing and fighting.-

After Aermir pacified Sith, he turned his attention back to the valley. Aermir, flying high above the valley, meticulously orchestrated the ambush against the Vale soldiers. 

His ranger troops lurked about 600 meters behind the waiting Vale soldiers, who were oblivious to the impending assault. Observing the preparations at the slopes, Aermir noticed the rocks carefully placed on the valley slopes, a clever move to create chaos during the ambush. Using Jory and Harlik, he summoned the lords back, ensuring their safety at the rear of the army. As they entered the valley, Aermir did a ritual to summon fog to his side. The line of sight was really bad for Vale soldiers.


The tranquility of the valley shattered as arrows rained down and boulders thundered down the slopes. Aermir had ordered his men to scream in agony when the battle had started; as the Vale soldiers heard the screams, they thought their ambush was a success, but his soldiers had retreated just enough not to get hit by the boulders, around 100 of Northern Lords' soldiers were killed, and 300 of them were injured because of the arrows. Thinking that the ambush was a success, Lord Royce ordered an assault. The ensuing clash between the two armies became a chaotic maelstrom.

With precision and swiftness, Aermir's rangers initiated their attack just after their first volley, sweeping the slopes and eliminating around 1000 Vale archers from both sides. The big shields and Aermir's healing magic minimized the losses among the Northern Lords' forces, bolstering their resilience against the onslaught. Having healed the wounded and empowered the Juggernauts, Aermir took flight towards the main force of the enemy.

Harlik and the Juggernauts cleaved through the enemy lines. After all that healing and buffing, Aermir had only one-third of his mana, but he thought it would be enough. He dove into the fray, summoning Berus, Artio, and Imu, and with Poe and Erebus executing diving attacks, the chaos of the battle continued. In seconds, a legion of 180 crows and ravens swarmed the battlefield.

Aermir touched the ground, invoking his elemental powers,

"Tegon Modocalcinum (summon medium elemental)."

A humanoid figure of dirt and rock emerged. Enhancing his connection to the earth, Aermir cast,

"Incoinfra (dwellers below)."

Thorny giant roots erupted from all around, pummeling soldiers within a 20-meter radius. The casualties mounted, and the stampede caused by those fleeing the spell was responsible for nearly half of the lives lost.

Artio, Berus, and Imu created a dead zone, diverting some attention from Aermir since almost all of the soldiers relentlessly targeted Aermir. Unfazed, he unleashed the spell,

"Narys Jelevre (Poison Breath)."

A colorless, dense mist spread forward, causing havoc; it looked like a water spray. Victims vomited, eyes bled, and death followed. The medium earth elemental, slinging small rocks, further decimated the enemy, but with every rock, it was growing smaller.

Yohn Royce, witnessing the slaughter, attempted to rally his troops, but it was a one-sided massacre. The Druid and his familiars alone had claimed 2000 lives. Determined, Royce diverted more men towards Aermir, intent on proving the Druid was not invincible. With every spell cast, he was spewing death from his hands. Fire, earth, and lightning were raining down on the Vale army. Vale men were dying, but Lord Royce and other vale lords were trying to rally the men,

"Fight!! Fight... If you run... Your families will be burned by this demon!! Fight for the light of the Seven; fight for your families!!!"

Realizing the need for a breather, Aermir retreated momentarily into the Juggernauts and did a quick ritual to empower his spells. His mana was running dry, but he still had some tricks left.

"obtedȳñes (conjure animals)" 

Conjuring three bears with strengthened power, they fought ferociously, costing only 20 mana but claiming the lives of more than 60 men. As the final push approached, Aermir transformed into an eagle, soaring to where his rangers were stationed. Their fatal arrows had already claimed over 1000 lives, leaving the Vale army with less than half its original strength.

Pulling strands of water elements from the air, Aermir wove another combined spell, this time blending water with air. Spending 120 mana, he cast,

"Jelmōñe Jelmior: Prūmia Hen Sōnar (Northern Winds: Heart of Winter)."

As Aermir's incantation echoed through the valley, the Northern Winds: Heart of Winter spell unleashed a malevolent force upon the Vale army. A giant mass of freezing air descended from the sky, an icy tempest that transformed the once-temperate valley into a frigid nightmare. 

The Vale soldiers, caught off guard by the sudden onslaught of unnatural cold, felt the biting chill seep into their bones. Within minutes, the effects became apparent. Fingers turned a sickly shade of blue, and those exposed to the relentless cold began to lose sensation in their extremities. The frostbite, a cruel consequence of the Heart of Winter, progressed swiftly.

In the midst of summer, a paradoxical winter gripped the battlefield.

The spell was not an immediate executioner but a relentless channeling of freezing air that persisted until the channeler's mana was depleted or until it was canceled. Vale soldiers desperately clutched at their freezing limbs, attempting to ward off the encroaching frost. The once-muddy terrain now bore the frost's signature, and breaths hung in the air like ethereal clouds. Armor and weapons became unwieldy as they became ice cold. Holding a sword or wearing armor was like being burned by icy fires.


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