

A/N: I have started writing another Fan-fic, this one is a One Piece fan-fic called Sword Saint In The One Piece (D&D) if you are interested, please take a look.

If you want to donate or read up to 30 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi

If you see grammar errors, please let me know so I can fix them and I'm always open to constructive criticism.

I would like it if you guys left some reviews.

Thank you for your good words and support.



I couldn't believe my eyes. I had five dire wolfs in front of my eyes, and I went all the way to the other side of the wall to find them. I opened my mouth to speak, but there was no sound, and Robb stood proudly in front of me with his hands on his hips with a smug smile.

"Where did you find these?"

"My father, I, and Jon were on patrolling the northern side and found them on the way back. Their mother bled to death after being injured by a deer's antler while hunting the deer.

I took Grey Wind in my hand; it had smoke-grey fur and yellow eye. Something inside me was telling me to bond with him secretly, but I couldn't bond with it even if I wanted to. I didn't have enough soul space anyway, and it wouldn't be right for me to take the wolves of the older Stark children, but even for Rickon, who was just one year old, there was a wolf. According to Robb, the wolf with long tangled black fur and bright green eyes belonged to Rickon. But I wanted to know if I had enough mana to bond with a dire wolf.

I sent my mana toward the Grey wind, but the Grey wind immediately started growling and became aggressive, and my mana also backfired. It wasn't possible to send my mana to the Grey Wind. This could have meant two things: first, this pup was warded, and the second possibility was that he was already bonded with someone.

I immediately turned to Robb and grabbed him by the wrist. Robb was surprised but didn't say anything right away. I directed my mana towards him to examine his body, and when I tried to enter his body, it stood before me like a weak barrier. Mana, it was there. He had 25 mana. Robb was a warg and was bonded with the Grey Wind.

I immediately began to pick up the other wolves in turn and tried to connect with them. On top of that, the one I got in my hands was getting aggressive. Seeing this, Robb said

"Aermir, what's going on? What are you doing?"

All but Rickon's cub were bonded, and all stark kids were wargs. I turned and looked at Jon. Now that I know how other people's mana feels, all I had to do to measure Jon's mana was use Authenticate. Jon's mana was much higher than Robb's, and he had 56 mana.

"Nothing happening, I'm just surprised, I've never seen a dire wolf before, and you know how much I love animals."

"Yeah, I know. You may have ravens and a dog, but I have a dire wolf."

my face twitched, and I wanted to slap the shit out of Robb's smug face, but it was true. I was dying from envy. I started walking away, and Robb said.

"Where are you going?"

"To beyond the wall, and I'm not coming back until I find a dire wolf!"

"Come on! You don't have to go all the way there, and you can always pet MY dire wolf."

I could feel a vein burst in my forehead as he uttered the words "my dire wolf" emphatically. I turned around and started running at Robb and jumped on him. We started wrestling, and I had the use all of my strength without the buffs; we had close stats. While we were playing, a soldier came and told me Lord Stark was summoning me.


We were standing in his solar in silence. It had been around 5 minutes since I came in. He was reading some reports while we stood silently. All of a sudden, he slammed his fist to the table and said.

"Why would you do something so stupid, arrogant, and immature? I thought you had matured in these two years of traveling north, and in a few days, I would have declared you a knight. But this behavior shows you still do not deserve this honor. The only thing I don't understand is why you would put your Lady in such a situation. I know you are a weird child, and don't act like a commoner. "

He stopped for a second and took a deep breath.

"Most of the time, I thought that was because of your talent, but even the most arrogant commoner wouldn't act as you did a week ago. Sometimes I think I was wrong to give you freedom. There were many times I thought I should have raised you in a much more strict and disciplined way. Why did you do it?"

"My lord, you must have deduced the general reason and the more selfish reason. I did it this way to pull Lady Stark's ire to me. So, she won't focus on others."

"What do you mean?"

"My lord, you might have been away from Winterfell most of the time because of inspections, but you must have realized how Lady Stark acts against Jon. she treats him like a servant or worse. I know in the south, they lived under Blackfyre rebellions for years, but Jon did nothing to her, and Jon didn't want to be born. If I were the person, she hated the most, she'd leave Jon some breathing room."

He looked like he had no idea.

"Yeah, Cat rightfully doesn't like Jon, but how did you reach the conclusion she is being mean to him?"

"My lord, she will never let Jon practice swordsmanship when you're not here or let us play with him."

"If she had given such an order, I would have known, young man. You must be careful what you say, and you cannot say everything that comes to your mind just because I am favoring you." it looks like he started to get angry.

"My lord, Lady Stark is not stupid. She knows if she gives an order like that, you will know it. But if she uses different soldiers and knights every time and only orders him to do chores first, then he can do his training. No one would be the wiser and wouldn't report it back to you. My lord, if you had to do hard chores like cleaning stables for hours as a child, would you have the strength left to train with the sword?"

"Only time Jon has time to train with a sword while you are not here is when Lord Benjen is here, and this is only one of the things she does. I know our Lady isn't a bad person in her core, but she is hurting Jon, and I want to protect people around me."

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