

A/N:If you want to donate or read up to 30 chapters ahead you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi

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"How good can you be with sword and bow that Lord Stark gave you such an honor? If you hadn't come here by yourself, I would have said you are just a babe who just got out of his mother's milk, but I can tell you have balls."

"I have some talent, and I'm more powerful than I look."

"Then let's test your talent."

The Wull was a big man and the strongest man I had ever seen. His str was 11; he could basically crush me like a melon.

"Chief Wull, I couldn't compete with your strength."

"Rahahah! of course you can't; if a 10-name-old babe could compete with me in strength, then I wouldn't have a face to show in public. I just want to know how good you are."

"Okay, if this is Chief Wull's wish, then I can only accept it."

he took a big gulp from his drink and said,

"That is more like it; let's go somewhere with more open space."

All the men inside started to shout in approval.


We left the building and went to a small open field under the snow with trees around it. Other men brought wooden weapons, which they used for mock battles.

"What do you want to use first, sword or bow?"

I took a short bow and a quiver of cloth-tipped arrows

"Okay, then, how much distance do you want? Thirty steps, forty steps."

This time I laughed, but I was laughing because of annoyance.

"Haha, you are underestimating me a bit too much, Chief Wull. I could even beat Arthur Dayne in forty steps."

Everyone started laughing with all their might.

"You are an amusing boy, and I like you. But you need to learn some humility too."

One of the men from the crowd shouted.

"Chief, are you the one saying that?" all the men around us started to laugh again.

"Then let's do this. The first clash will be a warm-up round, and we will go for real."

With a low voice, I casted my usual buffs, then we stood face to face, about forty paces apart. Chief Wull held a two-handed wooden mace in one hand and a large round shield in the other. There was no way I could physically compete with him, but Chief Wull was as slow as he was strong. His speed was only 7.5, but my stats were 8 str and 8.2 spd with buffs.

I drew four arrows from my quiver, an arrow between each finger, took a deep breath, and prepared myself.


In a second, the boy's gaze turned to ice, and this boy had killed before; I was sure of it. I started laughing at myself; maybe the boy was right; I underestimated him. He pulled out four arrows from his quiver. I've never seen an archer hold their arrows like that. As soon as one of the men gave the signal to start, the boy had already put his arrow in the bow and aimed.

I could hear the whistling of arrows, one after the other, and then, one by one, they started hitting my shield. It was as if I was under the fire of four archers. This boy... he was really good with the bow, but as long as I hid well behind the shield, it would be fine.

I was closing the distance quickly; if I were in his place, I would try to slow my opponent down with the next volley by shooting it toward his feet. I was lowering my shield a little and checking where he was aiming with the corner of my eye, and the moment I lowered the shield, an arrow bounced off the tip of the shield and passed tangentially over my head. To be honest, at that moment, I felt a cold sweat run down my neck.

He constantly changed his target; one arrow shot toward my head and the next toward my feet. I couldn't keep up with him anymore, and about 15-20 steps were between us. I was trying to zigzag and be unpredictable, but it was like his arrows were following me. He fired almost 15 arrows, and none of them hit anything other than my shield, but if I weren't fast enough, they would have hit my face and feet multiple times already.

Just as I was changing direction, one of his arrows hit me in my ankle. I stumbled, and at this very moment, another hit me right in the middle of my forehead. The boy said:

"Thank you for the warm-up, Chief Wull; should we go for real this time?"

Nobody was laughing now because they saw I couldn't get close to him, and the worst part was he didn't move a single step from where he was.

If he had moved from his place, ran in different directions, and tried to catch different angles, he could have easily hit me with his first four arrows. I felt a cold sweat on my neck once more. The boy suddenly became a giant in my eyes. Something inside me told me to stop playing and seriously fight this boy.

" Yes, I think this much warm-up is enough."

I got up and started walking slowly toward him; when I was about 15 steps away, I stopped and said.

"I think this much distance is more than enough."

The boy smiled a bit, then respectfully saluted me by bowing his head. With every exchange, I liked this boy more. The first time I belittled him, he acted condescendingly, but this time, because I respected him, he started to respect me too. This boy is just the kind of guy I like. He treats you the same way you treat him.

I responded to his salute by bringing my weapon-holding hand over my heart, and this time, as soon as the signal was given, I started running toward him with all my speed.

He shot a few arrows at my feet, I avoided his arrows by jumping to the side, and he started running towards the woods. It looked like the damned brat was faster than me, and I couldn't keep up with him.

He jumped on top of a tree and started climbing like a squirrel. All the snow on the trees began to shake and fall. Everywhere was white with snow, and I lost sight of him. This made me so angry. Until this moment, it was such a fun fight, and I had so much fun. Now that he has run away, were I mistaken about the boy?

"Come out, boy; why are you hiding in the trees like a squirrel? Come down right now and fight like a man!"

I was circling around the tree, looking at the top branches of it. At this moment, I saw a silhouette out of the corner of my eye, and when I lifted my shield as a reflex, an arrow hit the shield. Before I could understand what was happening, something slipped under my shield, put an arrow on my throat, and said.

"I wasn't on that tree."

"How?" I could only say that, and I saw him climb that tree.

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