
The Domain of the Greater Aspects and the Abyssal Scion, Part 1

In a sense, it was morning. Considering that place technically didn't exist in the physical world, time zones were irrelevant, but the creators of this space established a time proper to it with the intent of guiding its other inhabitants. Near the corner of my room, there was even a device meant to imitate the sun's light, to indicate time passage. By this point, I lived there for over 300 years, so interpreting this light was already pretty natural. 

As for the room itself, it was pretty much adapted fully for my presence by this point. There were paintings of my previous homes in it, some made by one of the hostesses, others by me, as well as various handy functions. Like the bookshelves, which swapped contents automatically, while also storing copies of books I favored once finished within its memory. The place was also spacious enough to house more than one person, and every few years, the colors of the wall, or the furniture would change in its entirety. Not that I would ever see the makeover being made. The masters of this strange place didn't switch things out manually, yet instead had the habit of teleporting them elsewhere, all the while switching for the new decorations. Even the coloring of the walls would alter through a similar method. The only real difference is that the things being swapped are simply the outer layers of it. 

I hadn't slept the previous night. Similarly to normal mages, as my kind grows stronger, the daily hours needed to sleep slowly reduce. For someone on my level, it was already possible to go through a few days without getting any sleeping hours at all, though I did feel the need to do so at least once a week, even if only for a few hours. In emergencies I could go for a month straight with none of it even. Hence, I chose to spend my time in bed that day for my conscient thoughts, not dreams. The exact topic of my thoughts being something I won't elaborate too much on right about now. As I had shared my bed with others the previous night, I wasn't capable of moving around too much, without facing the risk of waking them up. Looking at the ceiling above, I continued my thought process. 

"I've changed so much since arriving here. And most others that experienced the same do so too. That girl is just one of many examples. I wonder what effect their actions will take this time." This thought encapsulated the ideas that made me decide to skip sleeping. At times I would think back to my past there, though a subtle change then made this line of thinking more active. My first meeting with each of the hosts, my conversations with the followers there, and the contacts I would occasionally have with the original world. It was a lot to think about, and yet my mind was extremely sharp by your standards, something that caused all the memories to rush by at an admirable pace. Most of my life was lived there, however that period still felt so vivid, down to the words in our many conversations. 

"It has been a few decades since I last took a night to reminisce, hasn't it? I suppose this place doesn't see many big changes for me to wonder about. It is peculiar to think how life in such a distinctive place can seem so uneventful after a few hundreds of years, to the point where the slightest shifts feel so refreshing. Perhaps just anything can become trivial if given enough time. For an immortal, I'm still young, though maybe I'm already getting to an age where such thoughts and feelings become more predominant. To my predecessors, it's likely already been ages since they grew accustomed to this. As Kalfisnar says, the mundane is inevitable for those without age… Maybe I shouldn't dwell too extensively on such topics, regardless. I'm not even 500 yet and here I am, trying to think like an ancient. I'm still a young lass compared to most on this comparison. Let go of those thoughts for now, and embrace thy youth while it remains, fool of a girl." I continued to reflect, staring at the ceiling, and occasionally looking at the imitation of a window nearby. 

As you might expect, considering I was inside a room in conjured space, the window didn't actually lead outside, or to anywhere, really. Basically, it worked similarly to a link mirror, as it projected an image being captured at a different place of the physical world. At that time and over the course of that night, the scenario it showed me was one of the sea. Not a beach, mind you, but one of a cliff leading directly into the waves. The place being framed by the window currently had been going through dawn, and as the waves crashing against the cliff would occasionally rise tall enough to leave their splashes observable to me, an image that seemed to inspire my thoughts to continue flowing. 

And though I did this mostly still, the small movements of my head seemed to catch the attention of one currently next to me. As she basically was grabbing one of my arms, she and her pair were the main reason why I didn't have that much liberty to move at that point, as perceptive as they were. Initially, it seemed only that my movement had caused her to reposition her head slightly, seeing how close to mine it was and how sensitive her hearing and feel were. During this brief moment, she opened one of her eyes, though, and upon realizing mine were also opened and glancing somewhere else, she made an effort to fight away her sleepiness and address me. 

—Oh? Lady Nikzal, you're awake? — After moving her head slightly up, she asked me. The combination of her movement with her voice seemed to have been enough to wake up the other as well. Glancing at both, I made to sit in my bed, and the first one went along with my movements, as I laid against the wall behind us. The other still went through her waking up gestures while we did this. 

Both were also demons, and they were twins, identical both in body as well as in the marks inherited to their kin. While most power marks left in demon bodies were placed in ways to make the demon more intimidating, those of that pair and most of their kind were usually far less hostile looking, and generally existed in places that served to aid in their attractiveness. This is in parts because of how the inherent abilities of their bodies and souls make their kind live differently from most demons. They are known as the Thalxinar, though since their kind is rarely seen invading the physical world, mortals likely know little of them. 

Even in cases they do, Thalxinar are relatively passive compared to other demons. Their main method of accelerating their own growth doesn't require a struggle for territory, or even to kill their targets. Simply, whenever they come into contact with other mages, if they're essence count is already at its limit, their regenerative capacity will instead be converted into strength for the Thalxinar. Being in contact with other magical creatures would also slowly give them the ability to imitate their various forms of corporeal magic, though this process was very slow. Combined with the fact that, like quite a few social like demons, a Thalxinar didn't look that different from elves, most of the times they entered the physical world they simply did so as a method of growing without the many risks present with simply existing inside the inner world, or the abyss, as some might call it. 

Other than sex, they had been with me due to this method of growth, mainly. While they slept they could still grow stronger by being around me, as a demon of much higher power than either. They also liked fucking a lot, and I was a patient woman, so that probably played a role as well. Though as I've spoken so little yet about myself, why not an official presentation? The name is Nikzalpartris, if you somehow have never heard of me. I would say the pleasure is mine, but I'm a living legend, so you should be thankful I'm taking my time to write these things for you in the first place. Then again, I am unkillable, so neither my time nor the fact I currently live are things that are very likely to ever change or end. 

In case you never heard this name, let me present myself in a way a long past, more prideful version of me would have done. Hello again, I am Nikzalpartris (sobre nome). Did you know that last name means "Life's Pinnacle"? Because that's who I am, as the eighth strongest creature in all of existence. Or rather, third, considering number one to six are tied due to the Greater Aspects all being equal. I'm still considered the pinnacle for any living being though, as number seven has abandoned their physical bodies millions of years ago and the Great Sisters were never biological creatures to begin with. Speaking off, did you know that I'm a Major Aspect of Magic*, the rarest category of mages in all of existence? I'm still a lesser being than a Greater One, but as there are six of them and two of us, it kind of makes me feel more special. 

(*As my category is extremely rare, here is a reminder of the stages of Aspectual Growth in mages. Similarly to the normal magical levels, aspectual magical levels are also separated into 4 stages. The four stages, in order, are: Minor Aspect, Lesser Aspect, Major Aspect, Greater Aspect. There are a lot of beings in the Lesser Aspect category that could destroy entire planets, by the way.)

Major Aspects are characterized by constant growth. Even Lesser Aspects of Magic are still subjected to slow their growth to a crawl eventually, hence why destroying these walls is the change that leads to reaching my current level. What makes a Greater Aspect special in comparison to everything else is the fact they grow exponentially, and have done so since their birth. It is still possible I'll grow into one some thousands of years from now, but even if I did I would never catch up to the rate the Six Sisters are growing in the modern age. The me in this book was still just a measly Minor Aspect of Magic, either way, so my absurd strength will not be a topic at present. Which reminds me, a final note. I am also the current one and only Demon Overseer of Naiymalfeal, hence currently existing as the Lord among Demon Lords, and all demons as a result. The title is sort of a big deal, hence why I find it fair to assume anyone who lives on this planet should know my name by memory by this point. Though as it has yet to become a reality for me in these pages, and as by then I was old enough to abandon most of the arrogance of my youth, you won't see me bragging about it too often. Just know that in a world without the Great Sisters, I would be more than strong enough to be viewed as its supreme deity. 

—Well, yeah. Didn't feel like sleeping a whole lot. — I answered her, while trying to actively sound more casual than I normally would. Those two were relatively young by demon standards, being only 83 at that time. As I was 467 by that point, I preferred to try to match their tone instead of letting them attempt the contrary, as accomplishing said to me was far easier than it would have been for them. 

—You should have told us, Nikzal! Spending the night awake with you would have been all sorts of fun. Are you bored of us already? — The second girl pressed herself closer to me, rubbing her breasts on mine in the process. She spoke as if she was a little worried by the thought. 

—Oh, I just wanted some time for myself. Besides, draining essence during sleep is very good for you two. 

—Maybe so, but skipping sleep for a night is manageable. Especially with company like yours. — The first to awaken was also grabbing me now. As light as both were when compared to me, both were trying to push me down once more, and were getting pretty aggressive with the usage of their free hands on me. It didn't bother me, seeing as they wouldn't have picked up such aggressive habits had I been pushing back against it in the past. 

—Now girls, your growth is more important to the Great Sisters than pleasing me, as you should know. Fulfilling your needs currently slows it down a bit as is, so it would be irresponsible for me to enable you more. Aren't you both interested in becoming Watchers one day? Once you're closer to that goal, I'll be glad to take you for longer nights more often. Though I'll warn you, even your kind grows tired of sex over time, especially so when one is as active as you two. Also didn't you tell me you were more than pleased yesterday? 

Most people in that domain either were Watchers or were being trained to become ones. Some came there as a result of long service to the sisterhoods. Others were taken in like that pair, who had been rescued from a somewhat dire situation and offered hospitality there due to lack of places to return to, before both asked to join the training for Watchers. Since that was also the place from where the sisterhood was directed and managed by the Greater Aspects, it was no exaggeration to say there was no end to work for those who sought it. Be it through assisting with the structure of the sisterhood, gathering intelligence, taking watch over places of interest, guarding people of allied to them (like the princess you were already introduced too), managing this domain itself, coordinating the actions of other Watchers or assisting the Greater Aspects directly in their daily duties*. Those who inhabited that place had neither lack of work to accomplish, nor the need to rest as much as a normal being would. Yet seeing as for the most part people were drawn to that place due to their devotion to the path laid by the sisterhood, there was a lot of freedom in how its inhabitants spent their time, be it with their choices for direct work or on how to utilize the domain's many facilities. 

(*Telphilicallys was known as the Greater Aspect most capable of generating work for the Watchers, though. There is always room for additional researchers in her section of the domain.)

—I guess we were, but you know, some hours passed. I think I could use some exercise before breakfast this morning. — The other girl, who spent the night to my right, said this while drawing closer, trying to move on top of me while I sat there. 

I detected magic being activated around her body, especially her marks. As they don't seek direct violence as frequently as most other kinds of demons, their kind had many naturally learned forms meant to help with that goal, and the particular one she had been using was a kind of sexual stimulant their bodies could naturally conjure. It wouldn't have much of an effect on me, even if I didn't choose to resist it, yet were they to be used against a normal being, it would be enough to nearly rob the target of rationality for some time. As they had many similar abilities that were far more lethal, a common tactic of theirs was to use this in combination with seduction as a method of luring the target into a death trap when threatened. Curse magic and direct illusionism were amongst the most common types of inherit magic they had access to, after all, and when used to weaken a distracted target further killing through either form became that much easier. This was one of the reasons their power marks were meant to look attractive, and why traits connected to appearance were usually passed on with even more intensity for them and to other kinds of demons. 

Hence why my father insisted that any attempt from one of them to finish a fight through discussion should be met with caution. That shift could merely be an attempt to switch the hostilities to a kind in which they were favored. Though admittedly even when I was even younger my resistance to this type of effect was already incredibly high, so simply enhancing it and testing the effects cautiously would be sufficient in most cases. In this context though, it simply meant they wanted to spice up the sex by making me slightly less composed than I usually would be. And while a reader from the physical world might read this while thinking "Wasn't this a peaceful kind of demon?" A reminder, even at our most tranquil demons are living weapons. This doesn't refer simply to our physical abilities, yet also to the fact violence has long since become an ingrained part of how our souls operate. A peaceful demon isn't one incapable of fighting, just one that has no active reason to seek it out. Even the average trees in the homeland can be deadly if you don't give them their due attention. 

—I certainly wouldn't mind a bit of sex now, but we each got our schedules to keep in mind. We're not getting late because of it. — As I answered them, the two were trying to use their bodies to hold me down. One of them had started caressing my breasts by then, though the stimulus didn't do much to alter my position, even if I was making no effort to resist their invitation or deny it. In a sense, demons of my kind also grow more resistant to emotional response as we age, or at least in a more intense fashion as that of other kinds who don't age. If the corporeal traits are apparently stacking with each other too quickly, I should also warn you that my corporeal magic has always been abnormal. 

—Oh, don't worry! We should have over an hour before your training starts, my lady. — With what counted to them as my approval as of then, both were already moving their fingers to the mouth of my cunt. The one to my right started kissing my neck as of then two, and seemed interested to move on to my breasts as of that point. 

—Alright then. I will keep you entertained for this period. — While officially declaring my approval of the idea, the two of them officially jumped in to start. For the first time that morning, I started touching them as well. The females of their kind generally have over twice as many erogenous zones than women typically have, hence most places I could touch in them would cause some form of excitement. Of course, I had already memorized their preferred routes regardless. There was nothing stopping me from simply using reflection magic to pressure all of those at once, either way.

—Lady Nikzal, won't you make them grow again? — One of them said while fingering me and biting one of my nipples. This part was wholly unnecessary from my end, though I just placed it here to declare my position in regards to something. 

It's a common habit among powerful demon women to grow their breasts far more than mine as we grow, since high level demons have practically complete control over this kind of development. Those tend to be popular since the Greater Ones reached adulthood, after all. I found the habit stupid though. Why, you may ask? Growing them with magic is way easier than making them smaller. Especially since my mother's blood makes me a natural shapeshifter, among other things. Thus, in case you find any advantages to shifting your shape at will, being a small gal is far more convenient. Hence for my choice to keep mine really small, despite having the option to grow them permanently at any point, especially since I didn't have any particular image I was hoping to incorporate in this sense. Not that mortal beings get to choose, either way. 

Perhaps the continuation to this scene has piqued your interest, though I'm afraid I won't be describing it in much more detail. For one, we spent an hour at it, and other than the occasional use of shapeshifting from my part, nothing about it was unusual for sex between three women. And even then, all I did was grow a few extra arms and a dick at some point, as the two of them were quite fond of the fact I could act both as a male and female in bed. Partial shapeshifting, as I said earlier. This was the main reason why men were extremely rare in mother's species, as it was way easier for two women to knock each other up than for a guy to keep up a conjured uterus for 6 months. Producing sperm through a conjured organ was also way easier than the alternative. Since the soul had so much influence over the development of a child among demons, this meant the male population of mother's kind was always very small. A fact that was further intensified by the fact this species gave birth to a female Demon Lord, therefore more heavily intensifying a matriarchal culture in the process. 

The same applied to the Thalxinar, though for different reasons. In theirs, it is merely the result of the fact that the Thalxinar can pretty much breed with any kind of humanoid demon while still passing on their species characteristics. Basically, there are some benefits for them to make kids with other kinds, as they lose nothing, manage to integrate themselves in other demonic regions as a result and frequently create beings of their species with abilities inherit to others. Maybe the fact their species was heavily female populated was also the reason they enjoyed the idea of a woman who could grow a cock at will, as it was sometimes a necessity for them if they opted to mate with their own kind instead of different types of demon. Then again, if you're good enough just making the cells also accomplishes the same thing. 

As for my motivation for not describing the sex, here, do some quick math with me. By that point in time, I was 467. And the first time I fucked in my life happened when I was 78, you see? That's 389 years of sexual experience. Maybe some of you have no idea what time like that might mean, but let me illuminate you a bit. Needless to say, you don't need a third of that time to discover everything there is to know about sex, even if you are pretty moderate with the rate at which you do it. And I was never very moderate about most things I enjoy, so yeah. Nothing more to learn, nothing I haven't tried or discovered… At some point, I felt even that I had fucked enough people to accurately make usage of my memories of sex as statistics. By that point, in most cases there was no longer anything special about it for me. 

And don't get me wrong, this didn't necessarily mean I didn't like it, per se. Orgasms more or less still felt the same, and I could always use magic to distort my sense of reality a little while fucking. But you know, neither the me of that period nor the current I really would have enjoyed the idea of describing a memory of mine about fucking in detail. Honestly, if my memory wasn't flawless* I doubt I would remember or be able to differentiate most of the sex I had done past a certain age. And ultimately, though some aspects of these chapters are decided by our "Editors", we're only really being asked to cover things we consider interesting in our lives, and this isn't it for me. So yeah. Skip. 

(*I still vaguely remember trying to intimidate grandmother while I was still an infant, as an example, one I had a hard time forgetting due to how ignorant an act it had been in context. Oh the hubris of youth. I'm her boss nowadays though, and she never punished me for that, so you could say kid me won that challenge.) 

Either way, when it came time for my morning shower, those two didn't want to stop. More or less suspecting it would get to that, I dragged both to the bathroom and went through my preparations while entertaining them with reflected and shifted hands. The fact they didn't like letting go of me for long did make it harder to wash myself properly, as it did to them, yet thankfully cleaning has never been particularly difficult to me. My hair can go through a lot of abuse without losing its appearance, otherwise it would be destroyed every time I took a leap in my normal form. It more or less grew at whatever pacing I wanted it to, so even if it was damaged past the point of healing, I could simply cut it off and grow it back in weeks, despite its length. And seeing as demons rarely saw the need to sweat and secrete any other kind of impurity through skin, going through a wash was hardly time consuming, while being fucked or not. Just sprinkle some pressured water and apply some stuff to smell better, done. 

Daily showers were to me not much more than a ritual by this point, after all, though I did put more effort in when cleaning both, seeing as neither was particularly fond of the idea of devoting their hands to anything but my body and each other at that point. As we left the shower, for a moment they tried dragging me to bed again, though I ended up bringing them towards the exit regardless. While neither of our duties were particularly inflexible with time, someone likely would have been waiting for me to train. Hence, I told them to prepare themselves to put on clothes again, before the first twin to wake up spoke to me. 

—Lady Nikzal, I'm sure no one will mind if you walk through the halls naked. — She said that while trying to act suggestively. If the fact they were still longing for more after an hour of sex wasn't enough for you to figure this out, both of those girls were incredibly hard to satisfy. Addicts, by the definition of most. Half of the reason they were left to my care was because most here didn't have the patience to treat them. I was pretty much one of the youngest beings living inside that domain, after all, and at that point these two might have been the youngest as a whole. 

—Maybe I could get away with it. Kalfisnar starts group sex on the corridors so often the Watchers have already created means among themselves to detect and avoid her in advance when they're busy, and if I said I was embracing her ways I am sure she would defend me. Come to think of it, it wasn't that many weeks ago since I had my last random encounter with her. — Occasionally, while walking through those halls, Kalfisnar would stop me or anyone she found a momentary interest in. 

Sometimes for random discussions, sometimes to ask them to judge her most recent work of art or a different sudden idea that came over her. And pretty frequently, Kalfisnar would find someone and randomly propose sex, while also trying to drag along any bystander who walked into the scene. Though I should mention, she also has the habit of compensating for the time their Watchers lose whenever this happens, usually by giving her input in whatever duty they were supposed to have been accomplishing before she decided their current role was to please her. I mean, technically walking through the hallways in that place is also unnecessary seeing as you can just teleport anywhere, and Kalfisnar only really goes hunting in the corridors, so avoiding her isn't difficult if you don't want to put up with her BS. 

[(Despite knowing this kind of bad impression is a very Kalfisnar thing to do so I doubt she would mind, let me elaborate on it a bit. Her "attacks'' aren't necessarily forceful in any way, of course. To the Insatiable Dreamer, pleasure is sacred, and it can only manifest from mutual comfort. Kalfisnar is just extremely good at leading people on, especially when she is feeling aggressive. Considering most Watchers have a hard time feeling pleasure without some Great Sister assistance as well, tempting most people here is fairly easy for her. Hardly surprising, as she is a manifestation of desire, among other things. She doesn't target people she knows are very busy as well, since she prefers to avoid complicating the schedules of the other Greater Ones.)

(There is also a pattern behind when she choses she wants to fuck someone in that place, by the way, one that applies to the other Divine Aspects as well. More detail into this will be given later, though basically if a Sister considers someone a frequent partner, every few months they will have an urge to seek them. Generally she will only interrupt her followers when this urge is triggered, or if the one chosen for the round is mostly unoccupied. Though it is a known thing that once provoked by a whim, Kalfisnar basically will shift her days towards accomplishing it. Being a manifestation of yearning means all of her forms of desire border on uncontrollable, a state of mind that likely would be maddening to anything but her.)]

—Anyways, despite what our Aspect of Yearning might tell us occasionally, the fact you can doesn't mean you should all of the time. If you prioritize sex over your training and duties, that will likely taint your teacher's perception of you two in the long term, especially if you can't get a handle on that soon. Hence, you shouldn't risk getting late for this of all things. Though if it does bother you so much, try calling the Dreaming Star's name during breaks. She'll probably hear you, and appear as suddenly as she always does. 

—Oh, you shouldn't worry…

I didn't want to argue, so instead I used magic to create a barrier between us. After forcing them to the floor again, I teleported the clothes I would be wearing that day onto my body, repeating the same spell on each of them, as a gesture to finish this play. As it was sort of mentioned before, this domain can teleport anyone in it to anywhere within they like through certain devices, and those same devices worked as a means of avoiding chores like putting on clothes, or moving objects around through the normal means. 

My choice of clothes, like usual, showed most of my body, since it mostly consisted of my shoes, a skirt and a shirt, one that didn't cover my entire torso. Even then, parts of the shirt were transparent. This because of a few habits I had developed as a demon, as well as the fact I was expecting to train shortly after that point. For one, I didn't feel any cold, hence clothes for that purpose were completely unnecessary. How, you may ask? To put it bluntly, while under the effect of spells, I can survive true zero in terms of temperature, so naturally the usual climate at just about anywhere is completely insignificant for me. The other connects to the previous comments I made about the girl's power marks. This depends on the kind of demon, but many among mother's kind have the habit of dressing in a way that puts theirs on display, especially if they are a powerful demon. And I was very powerful, even by that point in my life. Strong enough to level entire cities with a couple of punches, you might say. 

As a result, my marks were pretty flashy as well, not to mention they were quite infamous among demons, seeing as I inherited their overall design from both of my parents, who got theirs from their own parents. Both my parents and grandparents are rather well known, hence carrying the emblems that symbolized both of those lines in me was considered a really noteworthy trait by other demons, or by anyone who understood much of anything about how demonic power lines work. And regarding the appearance of those marks, the ones from mother's size were more extensive and regular, and in a strange way resembled a tree of sorts. They extend from my toes to the cheeks in my face, and are primarily altered between shades of gray, white and silver, although at the end of each branch, more varied colors could be seen, like if those were fruits or flowers. I was born with the basic shape for this mark, though over time both the core of this tree and the fruits of it slowly grew more colorful. This mark was known as the Life-Fury Tree. 

The marks from my father's side, on the other hand, were mainly centered in my torso, and the majority of it could be seen in my abdomen. The main body of it was mostly black, though the second color that prevailed the most in it was deep scarlet. That said, like my mother's mark, parts of it would vary in color more often, changing in tone over the passage of time as well. This mark had the format akin to a horned head or some type of mask, one accompanied by three pairs of horns and two wings. The horns and wings were the parts of the mark that would occasionally change in color, and they were positioned in a way that made them resemble a crown of sorts. A sketch of both of my marks will be accompanying my own image in this part, so glance at that for more detail if you like. It was known as the Crown of Undying Ambition. 

It's possible some of you might recognize those marks as well, especially the one I inherited from my father, yet I won't be addressing this in any more detail as of now. There were points in which the marks intercepted each other, and generally which one was more predominant on a given region would alter with some frequency. When I explain more about my heritage, I'll be sure to clarify the reason for this. This was also where I split up from the Thalxinar pair, and headed for one of the sparing rings in the palace. Despite the ease of teleporting while within it, the decoration of the hallways of that place were generally intriguing, and changed with frequency, hence I would often take the time to walk through it. Kalfisnar produced a lot of art in her free time, and that was usually the point where it was placed in display, which was rather ironic considering the other use Aeyxos Yearning Liberties found for that part of their domain. Almost like it is her method of baiting people over. 

Which was made further ironic whenever one of such displays included pictures. Kalfisnar enjoys taking those before, and frequently during sex, and seeing as she saw the corridors as an ideal spot for that, you could occasionally see paintings, sculptures or other works of Kalfisnar in the same frame as some of the photos she would take of people there. Come to think of it, she probably has her fair share of pictures of me like that, posing as if my ass was part of the display. Though to be fair, my ass does look incredible. It would look absurdly big in a woman of normal height, but hey, I'm 18,8 fyetrij tall. If my legs didn't finish off in this proportion, my shape might have been overwhelmed by their length. Not necessarily just for that, she likes working with me as a model. Says the marks all over my body make the process more interesting. She also has the habit of proposing sex after, and frequently even during the shot, so the fact I sort of enjoy that probably heightens her bias. 

—Good morning, Nikzal. Did you have a good night? — A woman greeted me on the grounds.

—As good as any, really. — Her name is Ralzelis. At the moment, she bore the shape of an azure elf, her preferred shape as a social kin. Most of her kind prefers elves as disguises, since it allows them to act not completely under their ages, though an elf was also the first social creature she formed a spell bond with, something that made her attached to this form. As for her real form, it was that of a Cloud Ruler Dragon. She belonged to the smaller category for flying dragons, and her particular subtype was notorious for being excellent flyers within the context of dragons, hence the association to the skies in her kind's general title, a glory usually reserved mainly for phoenixes. 

Ralzelis would be my partner for the day, and had been so for quite a while. She was my senior by nearly 240 years, but considering her species can only start training magic with over 100 usually, the gap wasn't that large. Not to mention, my affinity for magic was abnormal even when compared to a dragon's, so my growing speed was much faster. She is also relatively new at this place, considering she only lived there for the past 180 years, though she had already earned the respect of most of her seniors there. Like the twins, she was among those training to fulfill the role of a Watcher by that point. Seemed like a good pick for the function, yet that shouldn't be surprising to many. Some incidental cases happen at times, but in general you need to impress a Greater Aspect to try to train for the function. Accomplishing that feat generally already indicated high levels of competence in the first place. 

—That's good to know. Also, have the twins been causing you too much trouble recently? 

—That they have, but nothing really bad, honestly. Can't blame them, really. Being taken here must be like a paradise to any former slave. 

Their story is not that unusual for their kind. I've explained some of the traits that characterize the Thalxinar some time ago. Other than their general attractiveness, there is something in particular that made their kind desirable for the role of slaves. Namely, not only the fact their species' traits are passed along during reproduction regardless of whether or not they are the strongest demon in pair but also the detail they can pass on the traits of multiple kinds of demons at once. Basically, stronger demons, be them of their kind or not, will frequently either enslave or sell Thalxinar with the goal of using their traits to create some kind of super demon child, by trying to manipulate the traits that baby would be born with. 

After all, creating children as a tool to empower oneself isn't that uncommon a practice in my realm, and this is a well known and relatively simple tactic to trying to create a heir stronger than their parent. I mean, even normal demons don't need to worry about old age, so naturally we don't really make kids with the same line of thought you mortals do. This is a common strategy among demons within the middle to high echelons of power within our realm (and I myself was an example of it being done among the high levels), creating a sort of marked for this form of slavery, despite the fact the Demon Lord ruling over the Thalxinar has been fighting for a long time as of then to destroy slave trades involving her kind, and would frequently lead her forces into massacring this kind of slavery ring. 

In the end though, this particular pair was found while being traded by a Watcher. As the Great Sisters are openly hostile to anyone still carrying slave trade in either of our realms by that point, the Watcher, along some of their kind, proceeded to destroy that specific slave ring, while taking on the role of returning each of the Thalxinar to their original homes. Those two in particular had been born into slavery though, and seeing as they had neither a home nor some kind of family to return to, the Sisters decided to temporarily take care of them, while they grew strong enough to either fend for themselves or decide on a new path. During this training, they first began discussing the idea of trying to join the Watchers, likely inspired by the figures who had protected and adopted them. 

—Right. It's this kind of case that made me drawn to the Greater Ones in the first place. Both before and after their time, this world never lacked people strong enough to try to keep the weaker safe. And yet, up until the point they were born, most would only reserve that power for themselves, or to those connected to them. The Great Sisters taught the world how much good can come from using power well, and I still hope to learn a lot from how to use mine with them. I am sure those two must be hoping for something similar. 

—I could see that. I hope my own strength can one day be put to good use as well. And with how well the Great Sisters use theirs, it's no wonder why so many seeking similar things gather around them. — Though the process itself was nowhere near as benevolent or peaceful as some young races like to pretend it was, it was true that our world had grown to be far less cruel since the Sisters were born. 

Not to say no issues remained and all of life enjoyed that peace equally. In fact, my very realm was the biggest piece of evidence that the Sisters hadn't completed their goals yet. In the physical world, no large scale wars had happened in over 3700 years. Intelligent beings, regardless of their level of strength, got to discover far more freedoms and comforts than they had by that point, and the natural inequality created through magic was partially neutered. Both as a result of the Sisters teaching the rest of the world the process that would enable any kind intelligent enough to produce a regular number of mages, but also because it marked the point where the domination of mythical beings became far less aggressive towards the rest of the world. And as time passed, and the Sisters became more and more active in their defense of their path, people grew to enjoy a lot of liberties and joys they up to that point had been chastising. 

My world never really got that treatment in full, up to this point, not that I particularly blamed them for it. Even when compared to the Age of the Ancient Gods, I believe Naiymalfeal could be considered more violent. Unlike the old rulers of the surface realm, Demon Lords don't need to worry about the threat they pose to each other. If a Demon Lord died fighting a battle, it would have taken the forge roughly 5 minutes to resurrect them, and just a week after the fact they already would have been back to full strength, depending on the circumstance of their "death". 

And to normal demons, death, violence or war are hardly seen as uncommon things either, making it much harder to convince us to simply leave peacefully. The idea of peace doesn't really have the same appeal, and forcing cooperation with it would be a lot harder on folks who are more or less indifferent to their own well being. Not simply due to how we perceive things in life, yet due to the mentality created from having known death thousands of times already. After all, when you still have memories of most of your previous deaths, does the concept of mortality even have any meaning to you? 

Not to say normal demons are unkillable, in the truest sense of the word. That right, or burden depending on how you view it, is reserved only to Demon Lords and Angels. When a demon dies, their name is lost. We maintain memories of most things that would be deemed useful of a previous name of ours. This is why demons barely need a month to pick up languages or basic world knowledge again. That said, identity isn't considered something useful to the Forge. When a name dies, their feelings die with it. Even if we remember the people we had once met or grown close to and manage to recognize them in a future life, they will still feel like strangers in this current life, and likely will treat us as such even if they learn the truth. 

Which might sound a lot like usual death to everyone else, yet that doesn't take into account the following factor. How many names do you think the average demon has already lost? Hundreds? Thousands? Tens of thousands? Would another dead name even feel that much like a loss after the first few thousands? And would living a more quiet existence even guarantee a longer life? There is a lot of variance in how violent the domains each of the Demon Lords can get, but many see it as a fact that avoiding trouble doesn't mean it will never reach you. Quiet lives tend to last longer, though they still could be ended in a moment, just by being at the wrong place for too long. If you had memories of trying to embrace this type of life only to be torn to shreds regardless, wouldn't that make you more hesitant to embrace peace as an idea? Especially since those quiet lives are far more likely to leave regrets behind them, or at least the vague memories of such. 

Convincing such souls that permanent peace is possible isn't easy. Even convincing them that quietness would be good for them would be tough. Trailing the path to Ascension has been the demonic way for innumerable millennia by this point, and most Demonic Ascensions are marked with blood along their path. Neither convincing demons to give up that path nor that it can be found in less violent manners would be so simple as to be doable in a few thousands of years. Hence why the lessons of the Great Sisters needed to be passed along at a different pace. Trying to pressure things through force would be far less effective against beings so used to violence as well.

Hello there, I'm back. This chapter was originally supposed to be somewhat longer, but the other part of it isn't completely ready yet. It should be out by next week, and Nikzal's first part will either be published in three or four weeks of work. I've started my specialization recently, so these massive chapters might need to be spreaded out more. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it, I'll probably place a recap in a comment for the next one, and Nikzal's character file was partially placed within the docs. That one is a little more complicated than the others, so it isn't complete yet. Still, if you enjoyed this like and all that stuff, and see you in the next one.


rainyhuphcreators' thoughts
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