
Unexpected Visitors

"Uh, what?! Seven days?!" Nero widened his eyes, unsure of how to react.

"Yes," Quinn sighed. As he walked into the light, the baggy dark circles under his eyes became visible. "I haven't slept a wink!"

"Wh-Why?" Nero asked.

"I was told to keep a close eye on you and protect you in case something unexpected were to happen," Quinn responded in an even tone.

"Told by who?!" Chase was the one who asked this question, his tone filled with frustration. "I've been hearing this since day one! But you still refuse to tell us who was the one who asked you for this!"

"Oh, no," Quinn shook his head. "I don't have a problem telling anyone else. But I refuse to answer someone like you."

"S-Some… Huh?! What do you mean someone like me!" Chase erupted, his face turning red.

Not minding him or the ruckus he was creating, Nero left Anastasia to handle him and asked Quinn a question, "Who?"

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