
0011 Chapter Eleven : Valentina's Past

who am I ? Valentina

One day, a little girl complained to her father about the hardships of life. She told him that she lives a miserable life and does not know how to overcome all the difficulties she faces.

As soon as she overcomes a problem, life surprises her with a bigger and tougher problem. Her father was such a good cook, he didn't say a word...instead he asked her to accompany him to the kitchen.

There he brought three vessels, which he filled with water, and set on the fire. Once it started to boil, he put potatoes in the first pot, eggs in the second pot and a handful of coffee beans in the third pot.

And he let it boil without saying anything. The little girl got bored and her patience was running out. She was wondering what her father was doing. Twenty minutes later, the kind father put out the fire.

He took out the potatoes, eggs and coffee and put each one in a clear glass bowl. Then he turned to his daughter and said: - "What do you see?" - "Potatoes, eggs and coffee!" She answered surprised. -

"Take a closer look!" The father said: "Touch the potatoes." So did the little girl, and she noticed that they had become soft. Then he asked her to break the egg, and she noticed that it had become harder.

Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee, and she noticed that it was delicious and drew a slight smile on her face. - "Father, what does all this mean?" the little girl asked in astonishment.

Here, the father explained, saying: - "Potatoes, eggs, and coffee all faced the same conditions (hot boiling water), but each showed a different reaction, as the potatoes that seemed hard and strong became soft and weak.

And the egg with a fragile shell turns the liquid into solid. As for the coffee, its reaction was unique, it changed the color and flavor of the water, and led to the creation of something completely new.." The father fell silent for a while, then continued: - "What about you? When you face difficult life circumstances, how do you respond to them? Do you react like potatoes? Like eggs? Or like coffee?"

War is the road to the unknown

Chapter Eleven: Valentina's Past

Welcome to your favorite book

Your way to dating a cautious girl

Written by Kayden Strong Hehe

I wanted to write a book when I was young. It seems that the opportunity has come to try my luck with Valentina

The first thing

Looking at Valentina's looks, I think she's a cautious girl

If you are really interested in dating a cautious girl, then you should choose your words and not be too spontaneous, of course, we do not mean that you should be pretentious or fake all the time,

Rather, it is choosing the most appropriate formula to express the conversation that you would like to have with her, because she will interpret, interpret and analyze every word that comes out of you, especially since her caution makes her always not take all the words in a good light.

. . .

While Kaiden was casting his gaze and staring at Valentina at those moments

Valentina was feeling strange because of seeing Kaiden acting in a strange way than usual, as if he was thinking about something

. .

Dating a cautious girl like Valentina requires prudence and deliberation, you should not deal with recklessness or haste, be more discerning

. . .

Why does Kayden look so weird today?

Caiden felt that Valentina saw him as a weirdo

" Amm amm.. I'll put my book back later then," Caiden said impulsively

"Your book? What book are you talking about? Do you write books or are they stories?" Valentina responded spontaneously, as if she wanted to break the silence.

"No.. I mean! What would you ask for? I'm thinking of drinking any juice since I'm under the legal age yet," Kayden said, denying it.

"Okay, I will drink like you, I don't want to tease you anyway… What kind of juices and drinks do you like?"

"Hmm, would you like a mango juice?" Cayden asked inquiringly

" whatever "

The waiter brought two glasses of cold mango juice

Then silence prevailed again

"Are we going to sit and watch each other like this? Isn't there anything else?" Everyone to himself

Then interrupt this silence

"So Valentina.. you work in the fast food shop with me.. hmm and I don't really mean any offense from any side so how did you get like this..

I mean.. you are a very beautiful woman.. you are charming in fact I mean any person would make a good husband for you and as for the way you speak you seem to have a very good education as well

So how did you end up working in a fast food shop with that manager named Michael (I mean that money-loving crab)?"

Kayden spoke very spontaneously, as if he had begun to open his heart to her and wanted to talk about realistic words

Valentina grabbed the glass of juice and took the first sip from it

"Well, that's a very long story, do you want to hear it?"

"You have all the time, come on."

"Well, that was when I was little..."


My name is Valentina

I was born into a middle-income family. My father's salary, which comes from his work, was exactly sufficient for the needs of our household

My father made me go to good schools, and this is also what made him work more and more so that he could pay school fees other than renting the apartment that the owner of the apartment asks us for every month.

I used to think many times that I would drop out of school and go to work in order to help my family and make my father rest because of the signs of fatigue on him.

But every time he tells me with a smiley face that there is nothing to worry about and that I should finish school and graduate and become a teacher for students as I dreamed

Day after day after day

I am in my penultimate year of college

But suddenly something happened that changed all the arrangements

On this day, when my father was at work, he fell to the ground, and we did not know anything until we got to the hospital

My father had a very serious illness that threatened his comfort

. .

Tears began to come out involuntarily from Valentina's eyes, while Kaiden wondered who knows

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't think it would hurt you so much."

Kayden felt a little sad because he was the one who started it from the beginning, and if it wasn't for his question, she wouldn't have cried so hard at him

" Oh.. don't worry, I feel better after I talked to someone for a bit." Valentina replied, wiping her tears from her face with some tissues from the table.

. .

My father had a very serious illness that threatened his comfort

This is what one of the doctors who examined my father's condition said

He told us he had cancer and that it needed to be treated as soon as possible

Then we started collecting money from everywhere

My relatives, friends, and some acquaintances from here and there have collected half the money at that time, so we have spent on some papers that say we are in debt

But after a short period of time, the process failed, leaving us in a state of debt from many people

So I decided to go to work so that I could reduce the debt as much as I could

. .

" That's why I work for Michael..." Valentina replied

She sighed and said, "So what's your reason, too?" Valentina asked, wiping the rest of her tears

" Well, my story is not much less than your story, and my story may be the exact opposite of your story.. But first, do you know that Kaiden is not my real name?

" You said Kayden isn't your real name? This is the first time I know of this," Valentina replied with astonishment on her face

" Well, I will explain my story to you from the beginning

my real name is #*#@"

Then a loud voice appeared from Valentina's phone and she said, "Excuse me because the ringtone is loud... It's my mother, I'm going to talk to her."

Valentina spoke on the phone

After that, she stood up jogging quickly and said, "It seems that I have to go quickly. The ambulance took my mother from the house.. It seems that she had a diabetic coma again."

Kayden involuntarily pities her mother, she looks sick, she works, and she has a lot of debt to pay.

"Okay, I'm coming with you."

"Anyway, come quickly."

We die by chance.. like road dogs.. and we don't know the names of those who make the decision.. we die without discussing how to die? And where do we die

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