

Standing before him, on two legs, was not the Luna he had expected to see. Her soul's essence was clear as day to him, and he knew it was her.

But she was in human form!

Standing on her two frail legs, Luna was looking around in a frightened manner, until her gaze landed on her master. Trying to take a step forward, unknowing her form wasn't what it used to be, Luna stumbled on her feet and started falling.

Astaroth rushed forward, catching her before she could hit the ground and injure herself.

"Luna!" Astaroth yelped, catching her in his arms. "Are you alright?"

The little girl, around the same size and height as Violette, looked at herself in awe, noticing the changes in her body. Looking at her hands, where hooves used to be, she spun them around, clasping her fingers open and closed.

She then ran her hands across this new body, feeling the smooth skin where a short-haired pelt used to be. Her amazement never faded.

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