
Chapter 224 : Superhero Origin Story.

[Edward POV]

"Nyaa! NYAA Nyaa Nyaa Nyaa NYA!" Vader, the little black cat, meowed angrily as I exited the laboratory.

"I've already told you. You can't go in there. It's a clean room, and your fur would mess up a lot of the equipment," I said, crouching down to pet Vader on the floor. Despite her continued meowing to express her dissatisfaction, I couldn't help but smile as I picked her up and carried her to the kitchen.

"Today, I'll give you some wet food. Hmm, you're really gaining weight now. Alex just can't resist feeding you, even though she's allergic to cats," I muttered, causing Vader to swat my cheek in protest at my comment about her body weight.

Placing a serving of food in her pitch-black food bowl, Vader eagerly devoured it while I watched her with an affectionate expression. She meowed in satisfaction, as if forgiving me for the earlier incident. I gently petted her head and proceeded to cook for myself, having a hunch that my dad wouldn't be returning anytime soon.

"What should I make today?" I muttered to myself as I checked the contents of the fridge.

"Nyaa," Vader responded, with a few specks of food clinging to the fur around her mouth.

"Right. I have chicken. Let's make chicken parmesan," I decided, taking out the chicken and the homemade marinara sauce from the fridge. 

After coating the chicken in batter and frying it until golden brown, I poured a little marinara sauce into the bottom of a 9x13" baking dish. I added the browned chicken to the pan and spooned some more marinara sauce over the chicken, followed by a generous sprinkle of mozzarella and parmesan cheeses.

I preheated the oven to 450 degrees F and baked the dish for 10-15 minutes, or until the cheese was melted and bubbly, and the chicken was cooked through. Once done, I garnished it with freshly chopped basil. 

With a simple plating, I walked to the TV, hit play on the Entertain app hooked on the plasma TV– which was still a prototype and wasn't released anywhere yet, and watched the show, Malcolm in the Middle.

10 minutes later, Leonard and Sheldon finally arrived. They rang the doorbell, and I put down my empty plate at the coffee table before walking towards the door. Robin had automatically paused the story for me, therefore I wasn't missing anything.

"Hey Leonard. Come on in." I said cheerfully after I opened the door.

"Umm…" Leonard fidgeted and said, "I know you said come alone, but…" 

"But you still brought Sheldon with you. Well, I kinda expected this to happen, so come on in too C3PO."

"I'm Dr Sheldon Cooper. Not C3PO." Sheldon said while entering the house with his roommate. Leonard was visibly uncomfortable because of Sheldon's rude behavior and he apologized, "I'm sorry. I did get in the car alone, but he was hiding in the backseat underneath some blankets. I only realized he was here when I got to your neighborhood."

"Don't worry about it." I dismissed his concerns.

"See Leonard. He's okay with it." Sheldon said smugly.

"No, don't get me wrong. I'm okay with Leonard having no idea about it. I'm not that okay with you coming here unannounced. I will tattle to your mother about it later tonight."

"You're still in contact with my mother?" Sheldon asked, exasperated.

I smirked and said, "Yeah. Sometimes she would tell me the funniest stories." 

Leonard grinned and asked, "Oh…What kind of stories?" He turned to Sheldon, and was happy to see his friend being in distress.

"I'll tell you about them later." I whispered to Leonard, but made it audible for Sheldon to hear. "Come on. It's in the basement." I led the way.

Leonard and Sheldon were in awe when they saw me entering the codes to the basement lab.

"You have a laboratory under your house?" Leonard asked with disbelief and excitement.

"For now. There's nothing yet in the new house." I replied casually as I took a stack of research papers from the table and handed it to Leonard.

"I only made one copy, so you guys need to share– Guys?" They were frozen in their spot, and didn't react to me handing the papers to them. I looked in the direction they were looking to find out why and saw my Batman suit there.

"Ah. It's amazing right? I made that for Halloween. It still isn't finished yet."

The two nerds, Leonard and Sheldon, were mesmerized by the costume modeled after Batman's tactical suit from the yet-to-be-released BVS movie. Leonard's eyes were fixated on the costume behind the glass display, and he couldn't contain his excitement. "Look at those muscle lines and the intricacy of it," he exclaimed.

"The intimidation factor of the costume, the gadgets on the arm, and oh, look at that tactical belt," Leonard continued. "Ed, are you trying to be Batman?"

Sheldon snorted dismissively. "How can he be Batman? Not everyone can be Batman."

"Oh, I could totally be Batman," I corrected Sheldon, who seemed restless upon hearing my statement. It was as if he couldn't accept the idea. "Pfft, I'm joking. I'm not a billionaire or the world's greatest detective yet. I haven't learned anything from martial arts mentors, nor do I have an Alfred."

"But you do have a Robin, Sir," Robin chimed in, her voice projecting but not her physical presence.

"What was that?!" Leonard asked in shock.

"My AI," I casually replied.

Sheldon grew angry and exclaimed, "Your... 'AI'? You say it like it's the most normal thing in the world! Not everyone can have their own artificial intelligence, let alone create one!"

Sheldon almost got an aneurysm and he started hyperventilating. 

"Oh, you can't do that? I thought since you claim to be smarter than anyone else, you could do the same thing. But I guess it was just a baseless claim after all," I retorted.

Sheldon froze, while Leonard burst into laughter. "Alright, dial it back, or he will cry," Leonard said, trying to diffuse the tension. I laughed but I got to say, I was surprised to see Sheldon was still sane. It seemed that he had some epiphany before, and only now responded to Leonard's claims. 

"I won't cry!" Sheldon corrected his roommate. He looked me straight in the eye and declared, "If I actually researched it, I'm sure I could create it on my own. I mean, you created it, so how hard can it be?"

I scoffed and replied, "Sure, try it. Oh, Leonard, please don't play with that."

Leonard was messing around with the spiked gauntlet prototype I had left on the table. "Why?" he questioned, but accidentally pressed a button, causing three metal spikes to shoot out and embed halfway into the wall. Leonard and Sheldon quickly dove for cover, narrowly avoiding the spikes. In the process, the metal spikes cut several wires in the walls. Sparks flew from the exposed ends of the severed wires. The room was briefly illuminated by the flickering sparks, casting an eerie glow across the scene.

Leonard and Sheldon, who were still in shock, exchanged concerned glances as they watched the sparks dance in the air, while I cut off the power to that part of the lab immediately. 

I looked at Leonard in disbelief. Shaken by what he had done, Leonard replied wryly and with an ashen face, "I'll... pay you back for the damages."

"Don't…Don't worry about it. But next time, please keep your hands to yourself," I replied with a weary tone in my voice. The memory of Luke doing the same thing resurfaced in my mind. "I can't afford to have this happen for a third time."

As I went to check on the damages, Sheldon whispered to his roommate, "Leonard. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"With his money, his brain, his muscles?...We are witnessing a Superhero Origin story." Leonard whispered back.

Sheldon nodded with a huge grin before he fell into contemplation, "But…He still has his dad…Should we hire someone to shoot him in an alley?"

Leonard turned to Sheldon, face filled with disbelief, "You wanna kill his dad?!"

"I don't want to. But it is necessary for us to get him out of the way. Only then can he achieve his full potential." Sheldon said with a serious tone.

Leonard was flabbergasted and he scolded, "You're not ORPHANING him just because you want to SEE a superhero in REAL LIFE!"

In the living room, Sheldon and Leonard eagerly read through the research papers I had written, their reactions ranging from exclamations of surprise to moments of realisation.

"Why?!" Sheldon exclaimed, his eyes scanning the pages. Then, he turned to another section and muttered, "Oh, that's why."

"Edward, this is truly remarkable," Leonard remarked, his excitement palpable. "Your research is incredibly advanced, surpassing even the caliber of work done at Caltech. But why don't you want to publish it?"

I shrugged, a hint of weariness in my voice. "I simply don't want any more attention on me at the moment."

Leonard's face lit up as he passionately argued his point. "But Edward, this research has the potential to revolutionise communication technology, ushering in an entirely new generation of quantum channels. This could be considered one of the greatest scientific advancements of our era! If you were to share it with the world, you'd be a strong contender for a Nobel Prize!"

A wry smile played on my lips as I responded, "That's precisely why I'm not releasing it just yet. Besides, there's also a financial aspect to consider. Keeping it as intellectual property…will allow me to capitalize on its potential. Perhaps in a decade or two, once I've achieved a monopoly over the global communication sector, I will consider sharing it."

Sheldon's expression turned skeptical, his arms folding across his chest. "Withholding such groundbreaking research for personal gain goes against the principles of scientific progress and knowledge dissemination."

I nodded, acknowledging his perspective. "I understand your concern, Sheldon. Ideally, science should be driven purely by curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge. However, that's not how the real world works."

Sheldon's eyes flickered while Leonard became solemn. 

"The real world often introduces…. Practical…and political… considerations. Monetizing the research can provide me safety for the time being."

"Besides, I have no obligation to share my research with the world," I continued, my tone firm. "I'm not bound by contracts with major academic institutions. I've done all of this on my own. Why shouldn't I be able to profit from my own invention?"

Leonard countered, his voice filled with conviction, "It's not as if you can't make money from it after you publish it."

I raised an eyebrow, looking at him incredulously. "Really, Leonard? I'm just a normal kid—"

"Pfft, normal," Sheldon interjected with a jealous scoff. 

I shot him a glare before continuing, "I'm just a normal kid trying to make a breakthrough in an industry that is dominated by giants. Consider this: if I release the paper, my competitors will see it and quickly build their own towers. They already have a larger database due to years of experience. So, why would people switch to my service if their current provider offers the same thing?"

Sheldon nodded in agreement and replied with a defeated tone, "The market dynamics ARE complex. It's not simply a matter of introducing a new technology. Convincing consumers to abandon established providers and switch to a relatively unknown one requires a significant value proposition. You're right. Your company will become an obscure one if you release it."

"But, you're pretty famous. Can't that be a factor for them to change their decisions?" Leonard asked, still not giving up.

I shook my head and said, "Precisely that. I am pretty famous. But, it's in the music industry. I have no voice yet in the scientific community."

"So that's why you called me here today?" Leonard asked.

"Yes. I won't publish about the quantum channels, but I can publish about the quantum vortices and other by-products. You know, slowly build my name and credibility in the community."

(A/N: Enough with the science stuff! )

Vader jumped on my lap at this time while hissing at the two guests. Leonard was startled but Sheldon didn't react much.

"Vader. We're not fighting." I said as I placated the kitten. Vader eyes the duo warily, but I continued rubbing her chin, she purred in contentment instead. 

"You named her Vader?" Sheldon asked in astonishment.

I smiled and said, "Yup. That's the only name she'll accept. Oh I was being rude. Do you guys want to drink while you read? I also have chicken piccata if you haven't had dinner yet."

"We are famished." Sheldon said. "But, I don't know if I want to eat chicken piccata. Saturday night is Chinese food night. I don't want to eat Italian on a Chinese food night." Sheldon whined.

"I'll take a plate." Leonard agreed without reservations.

While Leonard was eating, I asked while slowly stroking Vader's fur, "Oh right Leonard. Have you and Penny kissed yet?"

Leonard coughed his food out, and hurriedly grabbed the water bottle I had prepared for him. Sheldon, who was also eating the chicken piccata with spaghetti, was stunned when he saw it.

"What's wrong with you? He's only asking a question." Sheldon scolded. "Besides, it is an easy question. Not shocking enough for you to have that reaction. No. he hasn't kissed her yet. Otherwise he will not shut up about it." He added. 

Leonard shot a glare at his roommate before asking me, "Why did you ask that?"

"Just because. You guys have lived next to each other for a while now. And I know that you like her. So why haven't you ask her out?"

"He did. Penny said she didn't see him as a potential mate." Sheldon replied.

"SHELDON!" Leonard shouted exasperatingly before covering his forehead and lowering his face in embarrassment. 

"Oh too bad." I said with a pitiful expression. "You know my company is going to start making movies, right?" 

Leonard and Sheldon nodded at the same time. I continued, "So Leonard, you don't have a lot of time left. I'll let her audition, and because she has a great relationship with me, she can be easily casted. If that happens, she'll move away from your next door apartment, I guarantee it."

Leonard gasped and exclaimed, "Noo."

After sending the depressed scientist and the annoying theoretical physicist away, I continued watching the show Malcolm in the Middle before I suddenly received a phone call.

"Wait. Hudgens? Why is she calling me?" I looked at the caller ID before picking up the call.

"What type of person will I be when I smoke blunt with Vanessa Hudgen? Mellow!" I greeted cheerfully. 

"Mellow?" Vanessa asked, her voice slurring. "Who is this?"

I was confused, "You called me."

"Huh? I don't get it." She said, then she cut off the call. 

"???" I was puzzled as I heard the dial tone. Then, I asked Robin, "Why the hell did she even call me?"

Robin said, "I'll find out."

"No. It's a rhetorical question." I said. My dad returned home at the time, bringing some Mexican food with him. "Wait. I smell marinara…Did you already ate?" He asked with a disappointed expression.

"What do you think? It's been 2 and a half hours since you ran away." I replied with annoyance.

He placed down the bags of food and asked, "Did you keep one for me?"

"In the oven." I replied casually. But then, I saw him still standing there. "What's wrong with you now?" I asked with irritation.

"Can you get it for me?" He asked pitifully.

"I didn't do anything to it!" I exclaimed, annoyance evident in my voice. 

Suddenly, Robin chimed in, "Sir, I found Mrs. Hudgens, and I believe intervention is necessary." Despite not explicitly telling her to stop, she continued gathering information.

"Huh?" I responded, confused by Robin's sudden remark.

"I'm not going to intervene. I'm not particularly close to her, so her situation doesn't outweigh the effort it would take for me to go out of my way and help her. Let her handle it herself," I explained with frustration as I plopped down on the sofa, crossing my arms in front of me.

Just then, my dad returned with a plate of food and overheard our conversation. He asked, "Help who? Handle what?"

Robin swiftly provided an explanation, "Mrs. Hudgen is currently intoxicated at a party. She's being surrounded by a few individuals with past criminal records, and I believe she is in a dangerous situation."

My dad's expression turned concerned, and before he could say anything, I had a change of heart upon hearing about Vanessa's predicament for the second time.

"Damn it! I promised myself not to get into this type of shit again. Robin, give me her location!"

My dad smiled softly and said, "I'll go with you."

After pausing and exchanging a nod with my dad, we quickly made our way to his sedan and drove towards the house party in West Hollywood.

With a resounding BOOM, I kicked down the main door of the house, creating a sudden commotion that startled the guests inside. 

The room was filled with wannabe white rappers brandishing guns and flaunting face tattoos, along with a few menacing gangsters, a drug dealer, and several tattooed women scantily clad and seemingly under the control of the gangsters. Among them all, I spotted Vanessa, unconscious on the sofa with froth at the corner of her mouth, some powder on her nose, and a pill bottle in her grip.

"She's OD-ing," I immediately recognized the gravity of her condition.

One of the white rappers, attempting to assert dominance, aimed a gun at my head and shouted, "Hey! Bitch! You broke my door!" I quickly disarmed him, skillfully dismantling the weapon before his eyes. I had learned how to dismantle guns from Glen, who insisted on teaching me after my kidnapping incident. To be honest, I was only doing this to show off because there was no chance at all for them to attack. 

Not only that, but I had picked up various skills from the crew members, including how to break handcuffs and pick locks. While I hadn't mastered all of them, it was enough to intimidate those who were clueless. The bullets dropped to the ground one by one, capturing the attention of everyone in the room.

A black rapper, filled with hostility, menacingly asked, "Who's this motherfucker?"

Before anyone could respond, a woman in the room recognized me and exclaimed, "Wait. That's Newgate."

Without hesitation, I walked straight toward Vanessa, carefully lifting her unconscious body onto my shoulder. The gangsters in the room began to surround me and my dad, their intentions unclear.

With a cold glare, I challenged them, asking, "Are you guys going to stop me?"

One of the gangsters chuckled and retorted, "I don't mind letting you go, but leave the girl behind. She owes us a lot of money for the lines she did."

I inquired, "How much?"

"20 million dollars!" the drug dealer proclaimed, seemingly intoxicated. I chuckled and said, "Don't try to bullshit me."

"I swear to God! She owes us 30 million dollars!" the drug dealer insisted.

"This is going nowhere," I stated casually, shaking my head.

Suddenly, the gangsters froze as they noticed a sniper laser light aimed directly at their hearts and foreheads.

"What the--" the drug dealer exclaimed in shock, unable to take another step due to fear.

"Do you really think I came here without any backup?" I said with a cold tone, causing goosebumps to rise on everyone in the room. The entire mansion was surrounded by the ship's crew members. 

Dwayne entered the door and apprehended two wannabe white rappers who were nearly paralyzed with fear upon seeing him. Glen aimed his gun at the gangsters' heads, while Dina placed her army knife against the drug dealer's neck. After getting everyone, the laser light from my silent drone disappeared, but those who were reduced still thought that they were still being surrounded. 

"Everyone, down on the floor right now, or else you'll die," my dad commanded with a chilling tone.

"Ed, go. She needs to go to the hospital," Dwayne instructed.

"I know. Dad, let's go."

We hurried into the car, and after I unceremoniously placed Vanessa in the backseat, I opened the hood and retrieved a stomach pump.

"What's that?" my dad asked.

"A stomach pump. I don't know how much time she has. It's better to purge everything now," I explained.

"Inside the car?" my dad inquired hesitantly. I smirked at him as I inserted the pump into Vanessa's oesophagus.

"Dirty seats or a dead girl in your backseat? Which one do you choose?" I asked urgently.

"Fine," he replied in resignation.

The pump worked efficiently, and Vanessa began to vomit all over the backseat of the car. Splashes of fluids landed on my shirt and face. I sighed and muttered, "What did I do to deserve this?"

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