
Chapter 5: Haven’t I always been unlucky?

-In the kitchen-

After I took a shower and changed into a new shirt, I took out ciabatta bread, some bacon, American cheese, two eggs, melted some butter, and took out a hot sauce bottle from the fridge. Finally, being in the kitchen didn't bother me anymore after cleaning it up yesterday. There are some areas that could be improved, but I would do that later. 

"Sit down. I'm going to make an egg salad sandwich." I said to my dad. 

"We can just eat on the pier," Ted replied, seeming uncomfortable in the kitchen in this house. 

"Who says I'm going to make one for you?" I replied playfully as I heated up the grill and put bacon on it. The bacon started to sizzle on the grill, and the smell filled the air. 

"…" Ted watched Edward cooking silently. He got the melted butter on the cut ciabatta bread and put it on the grill, cracked two eggs open, and put cheese on the eggs when they were done. Edward closed the egg with cheese using a lid to melt the cheese more quickly. 

He put the ready bacon on the bread before he put the eggs on top of the bacon. To top it off, Edward puts two dashes of hot sauce on top of the eggs. Not too much, only two small drops. It would be easier to taste the cheese if it's less. 

(A/N: Recipe from Harley Quinn Sandwich)

"When did you learn to do all of this?" Ted asked. He couldn't shake the horrible feeling inside of him that he had been neglecting his son for a long time and didn't even know what to do now. 

"I cook sometimes," I said while putting the sandwich inside a wrapper before I cut it in half. 

"One for me?" Ted asked hesitatingly while smiling. I stared at him for a few seconds before giving him one. Ted took a bite out of what he considered his son's original recipe, as he never saw a sandwich like this before. 

"Oh. MY GOD!" Ted widened his eyes in excitement as the flavor exploded in his mouth. "It's so good!" 

I smiled as I watched Ted devour the sandwich in just a few seconds while I only got two bites out of it. His eyes moved toward the sandwich in my hands after he finished his. 

"No. This is mine!" I said hurriedly. However, the bottom of the wrapper that I wrapped nicely opened up, causing some bacon to fall on my shirt, staining it.

"I won't take it. Don't worry." Ted said reassuringly. However, his hungry eyes caused me to be wary about it. I used a napkin to wipe off the stain, but it wouldn't come off. 

'Guess I have to change again.'

 I quickly finished my sandwich while I prepared a cup of coffee. 

"You bought coffee too?" Ted asked in astonishment. 

"Yeah. How do you like your coffee? With milk or black?" I asked. 

"… Black," Ted replied. I poured him a cup of coffee from the Italian brand coffee I found in the grocery store yesterday. It was the same coffee Noni (Granny) always drank before she got her stroke. I took my coffee with some milk because of my childish taste buds which irked me. 

"This is good. I guess we don't need to have breakfast outside." Ted said.

"I don't think that it's already enough for you," I said, looking at Ted's bulging stomach. He was embarrassed by my gaze and replied with a stutter, "I- I think this is f-fine. We should go now."

As my dad and I walked outside the house, the sight of the lawn put me back in a bad mood. "I swear I will clean this all up today." 

"Come on, Ed," Ted called me from the car. "I'm coming," I replied and entered the car's front seat, sitting next to the driver. 

"So, Ed, have you thought about what you're going to do for your birthday party next month?" Ted asked while they were stuck in traffic. 

"Why are there a lot of people going to the pier?" I replied, not answering Ted's question. For a kid, the prospect of a birthday party and gifts may excite them, but it was too childish for me now. 

"They are going to the farmer's market, I guess," Ted replied. 

He thought that his son was a bit uncomfortable with bringing up the topic as he hadn't celebrated Edward's birthday with him for 2 years. 

"Farmer's market?" I muttered. "Can we take a look?" 

"I thought? - Never mind. Let's go take a look." Ted said a bit sadly. "But we need to finish before 10 am." 

I glanced at the clock, and it was 9.16 am now. "It's okay. I just want to see what it looks like." I always saw a farmer's market scene in television series before, but I had never actually visited one. 

Ted quickly parked the car, and we entered the farmer's market. Ted's captain uniform felt out of place here, earning him a few second glances from the vegans and people with same-sex partners. 

Further away from where Edward and Ted were walking. 

"Oh my god, Mitch, look." Cam pointed at the family duo from afar. "That is so cute. A father brings his son to the farmer's market before work. Isn't that adorable?" 

Mitchell raised his head from the vegetable stand and turned toward the father-son duo's direction. "Cam. It's obvious the dad didn't want to come here." 

"You're being skeptical. I'd like to think after we (whisper) come back from Vietnam with the 'cargo' (normal voice), you will try to be more positive."

"Okay, please stop referring to our baby as 'cargo'"

"What else am I supposed to say? You BANNED me from using the word B.A.B.Y."

"THAT'S because you keep bringing it up to everyone!" Mitchell said exasperatingly. 

He had a secret – he'd never told his family about him trying to adopt a baby. Every time Cam brought up the topic, his nerve was instantly dialed to eleven. He needed to ensure that no one knew about it. 

Suddenly, a voice sounded from behind Mitchell. 

"You guys are having a baby?" I asked unconsciously. I was walking to the vegetable stand when I accidentally heard the conversation between Cam and Mitch.

'So that means I'm here before the pilot starts.' 

"Why? Do you think two guys couldn't have a baby?" Cam said defensively while getting up in my face. 

Ted narrowed his eyes at Cam, wanting to step in, but his son covered it. 

"How do you get that from a question? It's not like I'd asked it rudely." I blurted out. 'What is wrong with me today?' 

Cam realized that he had jumped to conclusions, "I'm sorry. It's been a tumultuous time for us." 

Even Mitchell nodded at the side. "Sorry. Usually, people will instantly judge us when we bring it up." 

Cam added, "Yeah. And added with the look 'You're going to hell' as they do so."

"It's okay. I don't mind it. Congratulations on your new baby." I said politely. 

Ted suddenly realized who Mitch was. "Aren't you Phil's brother?" 

"Brother-in-law. I'm… Claire's brother." Mitchell replied puzzledly and shook hands with Ted. "And who might you be?"

"I am Theodore Newgate. I live a few streets away from Phil." Ted said. 

"Ahh, I see. Nice to meet you then." Mitchell replied. "By the way, not many people can look good in a uniform, but you do," Cam added. 

Ted and Cam introduced themselves while I studied their apparel. 'Ah, my fashion talent is kicking in.'

I saw a few things that could have been improved, although the couple tried hard to dress perfectly following the occasion they were in. 

"Ed. We need to go." Ted said while looking at his watch. Mitch and Cam were cooler than he thought but needed to be on the pier at 10.15 am because he planned to bring Edward on a boat ride this morning before he went to work. 

"By the way, where did you buy your pants?" I said while studying Mitchell's pants. "It's very nice and stylish." 

Mitchell beamed up and said shyly, "Really?" He even posed using his legs for me to see more of the pants. 

"What about my pants?" Cam interjected while posing like a model. I shrugged and replied dismissively, "Eh. They are all right." 

Cam was offended by that statement while Mitchell laughed at him.

[Mitch and Cam commentary]

Mitch said, "Aww. I don't get along with many boys, but Edward is different."

Cam pursed his lips as he was offended, "Maybe to you."

Mitchell rolled his eyes and patted Cam's shoulder. "Wasn't that you who invited a MINOR to go shopping with us, just to PROVE that you have a taste in clothes?" 

[End commentary.]

"You know, if you love these pants, we can bring you to the boutique that Mitchell got them from," Cam said. 

Mitch widened his eyes and tried to salvage the situation, but I thought, 'Why not?'

"Sure. I am not free today, but if you have time tomorrow, you can pick me up after school." 

"Sure. It's a date." Cam said happily. 

I widened my eyes as I heard the word 'date .'Even Ted smiled uncomfortably hearing that. 

Cam's eyes shook, and he became flustered. "You know what I mean," he said hesitatingly. 

[Mitch and Cam commentary.]

Mitchell stared at Cam while he avoided Mitchell's eyes. 

After the farmer's market, my dad brought me into his leisure ship on the pier. 

"It's been a while, huh, son?" Ted said while he was holding the steering of the ship. Behind the wheels, his awkwardness, problems, and even tics disappeared, showing me his rare capable side. 

"Yeah," I replied as I watched the sea. The sea view calmed me down. 

When I woke up this morning, I remembered that I died – pretty recently too. The lottery, shopping, cleaning the house… I've been keeping myself busy to avoid being swept away by my new reality.

"Ed. Are you…mad at me?" Ted suddenly asked, breaking the silence. 

"Why would I be mad at you?" I replied. 

I already knew that what happened 2 years ago wasn't my dad's fault. The previous me didn't think the same, though. He felt that his dad was to blame for his mom running away from their family. 

Even if that was true, Ted stayed behind. He had to take many more jobs to sustain the family as the divorce fucked his financials, but he tried his best to be there for Edward. 

Although the house was neglected, he bought Edward his clothes, prepared stuff for his school, and tried to be there for Ed the best way he could. 

Ted didn't reply. Both the father-son duo silently enjoyed the view before the son got a bit naughty. 

"Dad. Are you never going on a date?" I asked. Ted widened his eyes and almost spit out his drink as I calculated the perfect moment to ask the question. 

"Why so suddenly?" Ted asked in a panic. 

"I don't know. It's been a while. You can move on, you know. I won't blame you for it."  

"Ed." Ted tried to stop me from continuing. 

"I know that you're a man too. Move on. Dating, one-night stands, or going to bars. Find someone for you too." I said teasingly. Ted widened his eyes in horror as his son continued speaking. 

"I know models like to rent boats. So, enjoy yourself with one or… three of them."

"Okay. Okay. Just stop!" Ted said and quickly turned his boat around. 

"There is a new lady on the block. Her name is Desiree. She is sexy and also a divorcee. You can try to swoop in...." 


I laughed at my dad's reaction, and the turmoil inside my heart soothed a bit. After the cruise, I took a bus home with stuff I bought at the farmer's market. I put them into the fridge after I got home. 

After having a simple lunch, I checked the garage for tools to clean up the house. 

[Insert 2009 greatest music here.]

"Ladder. Check. Lawnmower. Check. Gloves. Check." 

I removed the ladder and cleaned up the rain drain near the roof. I noticed that a busy-body blonde lady was watching me from afar, but I ignored her, thinking she was some 'Karen' walking around the street. 

"Ew.." I found a bird carcass in the drain along with a nest. I quickly cleaned up the gutter and tied up all the garbage in a black plastic bag. 

"Why didn't I get a cleaning gacha last night? My work will be done so much faster with it.' I whined as I did my job. My rate of cleaning was fast for a teenager. However, I still needed more. 

After scouring the front lawn for solid objects, I went to the garage to start the lawnmower. However, after pulling the start-up rope a few times, I found the lawnmower was totally broken. 

"Fu…I guess being unused for two years broke it." 

Suddenly, my instinct was telling me to open up the lawnmower. 

"Ahh... Special talent. Come forth." I said and cringed at myself after. I took out my dad's tool and started studying the lawnmower's mechanism. 

"I see. The rotor is blocked." I muttered with oil stains on my glove. After a few adjustments, the lawnmower finally turned on!

"Nice," I exclaimed and started to mow the grass on the front lawn and the backyard. The backyard was a little bigger, so I needed extra time to do so. 

The tall grass there was dying as the sprinklers were broken. There were a few flower pots near the door, so I needed to clean up all that. I took out my dad's spanner and fixed the sprinkler mechanism on the front lawn quite efficiently. 

"It'll take my dad 500 dollars to fix it by a professional. I will only charge him half price later."

After cleaning it all up, it's already time for dinner. I saw the sky darken, but the unfinished job put a bad taste in my mouth. 

The house looked so much better now! However, it still needs a lot more fixing. There's some ivy growing on the side of the house that really bothered me. It would take me another 2 hours to clean it up if I started, and I was seriously contemplating it. 

"Okay. That's enough for today." 

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded behind me, making me feel dejavu with yesterday's encounter with Phil. But this time, the voice was that of a woman. 

I turned and saw Claire hugging her sweater while holding a Tupperware in her left hand. 

"Claire?" I blurted out unconsciously. 

"Mrs. Dunphy," Claire said sternly. I gulped and saw Luke and Phil waving at me from afar, trying to catch up with Claire.  

"Why are you here?" I asked. 

"I see you cleaning up your lawn this afternoon… so I don't want to bother you. But you keep continuing until evening, and it's… making me a bit worried." Claire said. 

"Hey, Ed." Phil greeted as he and Luke walked over. 

"Dude. You're crazy. Everyone in the neighborhood is watching. Some even bet when you're going to stop cleaning-" Luke shared, but Claire hurriedly closed his mouth with her palm. 

"I see," I replied, unbothered by the gawking of my neighbors. The house was in a total wreck and people's interest was aroused when I started cleaning it. 

"Ed. Have you eaten dinner yet? Do you want to have dinner with us?" Phil offered. 

"No. I was thinking of cooking something simple for tonight. Maybe an alfredo." I replied. I already bought the ingredients to cook it in the market today. 

"Sweetie. You're pushing yourself too hard. Wait...is that…." Claire said anxiously, and she suddenly grabbed my arm. "Sweetie. You're bleeding, and you don't even notice it!" 

"I noticed it," I replied. Claire was flabbergasted and asked, "So why don't you stop and clean it up?!" 

"It's just a small nick. The bleeding had already stopped." I replied casually.

That's…seemed to be a mistake as it pushed Claire into a full-blown angry mom mode. Despite her objections, Phil quickly calmed her down and pushed her to the side. 

"Edward. You need some rest. Go inside and take a bath. I'll wait for you at my house." Phil said calmly while smiling. 

"It's really okay, P- Mr. Dunphy. I just want to lie down after this. Like you said, I need rest. I suddenly realized that I'm exhausted." I avoided the awkward dinner scene splendidly. 

"No." Claire suddenly interjected. "Phil. Go to our house to get the medical kit. I will cook for him here if he doesn't want to come." 

Phil chuckled before he saw Claire's look of determination. "Wait. You're serious?" 

"Yes. Phil, I am serious. Go!" Claire ordered. Phil and Luke flinched and ran toward their house hurriedly, leaving me alone with Claire. 

"And you, young man." Claire turned her angry eyes at me. I gulped and waited for the order. 

"Go and take a bath," Claire said sternly. 

"Yes, ma'am!" I saluted her and ran inside my house. 

[Claire's commentary.]

She sat on the sofa, silent for a while as she hesitated to share. 

"That kid…Edward…and I…was similar." Claire said with glassy eyes. "Both of us grew up in a…chaotic household that drives me almost crazy when I see things aren't in order. And now…I see that he is going through the same thing I did." 

The scene cuts to Claire preparing a fettuccini alfredo for Edward as he has all the ingredients in the fridge. Even watching Edward arranging his stuff together caused Claire to choke up. 

Claire: "And there is no way I will let him be the new me. I wonder if I can do something about it."

Luke and Phil Commentary. 

Luke: Mom really wants Edward to eat her cooking. 

Phil: I know, right? (laugh)

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