
The architecture of evil and benevolence reflects in its own brilliance.

Hela felt a hot liquid squirt on her face, it was blood.


There was blood everywhere.


Bodies piled on top of each other, while having their bodies torn apart by the sharp metal of swords.


Arrows further impoverished the landscape, soaring in the sky like free birds and attacking amidst the horizon of horror.


Hela could hear a buzzing in her ear, curiously they had hit her head with a rock.


Her steps were slow and her wife's blade slashed the ground, her shoulders slumped showing that she was out of character.


What to do? What the hell to do?


She looked back and saw a wave of crystals emerge, of the most varied sizes they suddenly emerged from the earth, sticking themselves completely and violently against the bodies of the soldiers who were fighting.


The gray that covered the sky with fog and soot from the huge fires in the surroundings became a huge mirror.


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