
Chapter 169 A Herb Of Life

James followed Set's Journey as he kept walking, Although for quite a while James had no clue what the end location was for Set, James could only follow along to satisfy his curiosity.

The scenarios kept changing multiple times, Some parts of the memories were Set escaping bandits who simply wanted to rob him but almost as if his life depended on it while he escaped, even situation where he was surrounded other parts were more light hearted and enjoyable.

On one such scene Set who was now a much older and matured looking man with a full face of beard and long black hair with a few strands of white was sat under a Dried tree as the snow pilled, Set was currently climbing a mountain, The clothes Set had were barely enough to stop him from freezing to death, But James noticed the fire he had in his eyes burnt brighter than ever.

As he was sitting under the tree that provided pitiful shade Set took out a dusty thick old book and started turning the pages.

Getting a closer look at the book, James saw that there were many herbs with magical properties recorded on it.

The yellowed out pages flipped quickly before coming to a stop, Set placed his hands on a simple illustration of a herb, Looking at ot with fiery hope filled eyes.

Clenching his fist with hope "I will find you and then... I will outlive death" he said before coughing a few times.

Once he shut the book the scenery changed of Set climbing the snowy mountain, His body barely supporting him as James noticed how his face had thinned out since the scene.

But James wasnt paying attention to set who was climbing through these perilous conditions, His mind was stuck on what he had seen on that page Set had stopped on.

Bringing his fingers to hold up his chin, He began thinking "Herb of Immortality Huh, the book said 'If one must look for this famed Mythica Herb then one must stead themselves for a journey so treacherous even the gods would feel awe at it, You shall find the Herb lying at the top of tallest peak in all of the lands, you must climb it and only then will you find the Herb that so many countless others have failed"

James looked at Set as he began to approach closer and closer to the peak as anticipation built up within him.

James already knew that Set finds the Herb of immortality but still watched with relish, Kind of like watching a movie, He knew that the Main Charecter would win in the end but the journey was where the true enjoyment lies.

Set's body began failing him but he still used his power to crawl forward impressing James with the Will power of Set.

Finnaly Set reached the peak that pierced through the clouds That snowed heavy snow constantly, here the sun shone brightly as if the previous conditions were just a fake.

Suprisingly the peak of the mountain had beutiful greenery, The peak was flat which caused it to look a otherworldly field of flowers in heaven.

Set Looked so accomplished, with quivering legs he stood up and began walking towards the scented where a beutifull plant stood, Its leaves were like crystals, the sun shining through them like meticulously jaded glasses.

James watched as Tears began rolling out of Set's Eyes, He didnt Express any kind of over the top joy rather he just sat there staring at the herb with tears rolling down his cheeks with a sad yet accomplished smile.

Well maybe that was because he didnt have the strength for a excited celebration but James quickly shoed of useless thoughts.

He simply watched as Set ate the Herb secretly feeling pity for everybody that tried to find the Herb of Immortality In the future.

He watched knowing that this would be the moment Set turns into a Totenkbrau.

To his suprise a green light surrounded his body as his entire began to looked healthy his aged face almost transformed back to his youth while the few strands of white he had in his hair disappeared being replaced by smooth glorious black hair.

James waited for a few seconds but Set didnt transform causing him to feel slightly embarrassed at his premature assumption.

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