

(Wednesdays Pov)

I have begun to understand what I am feeling now it's now been a day since I started understanding it.

I dont like it... I have always found the idea of turning into my Mother quite frankly disgusting.

Yet here I am having similar feelings for him.

I have to go to some therapy tommorow, Maybe then I can use this opportunity to sort this out these feelings and maybe enen control them

(James Pov)

Today is the day Wednesday is supposed to go to the Therapist In Jericho town.

I noticed how in the classes I had with Wednesday she wasnt there so I assumed she had gone to Jericho town.

(Wednesday's Pov)

"I read the notes from your school counselor."

"Mrs. Bronstein? She had a nervous breakdown after our last session and had to take a six-month sabbatical."

"Go ahead and take a seat."

I walked over and sat on the white couch opposite of the therapist.

"How did you feel about that?"

"Vindicated. But someone who crochets for a hobby isn't a worthy adversary."

"Adversary? I hope we can forge a relationship based on trust and mutual respect."

I scoffed at the idea when I heard it.

"This is a safe space, Wednesday. A sanctuary where we can discuss anything. What you're thinking, feeling, your views on the world, personal philosophy."

"That's easy. I think that this is a waste of time. I see the world as a place that must be endured, and my personal philosophy is kill or be killed."

"Wednesday Therapy is a valuable tool to help you understand yourself. It can teach you new ways to deal with your emotions"

Hmm maybe its a good time to understand these emotions I have begun feeling.

"Okay then, Let's talk about Emotion"

"That's a great place to start, can you try describing your emotion"

"I want to find a way to control the emotion of Affection towards a person"

It took her few seconds to process what I had said and then she quickly calmed herself down and adjusted her glasses.

"Okay... Wednesday, feelings are not something people can just control"

So this is just a waste of time, I should just leave.

"Alright, Then there is no need for this therapy class then, We are done"

I stood up dissatisfied and decided to head out.

"Wednesday why dont you try to describe these feelings better maybe then you would have a better understanding of it and also affect it in a direction you are comfortable with"

I looked over to her straight in her eyes and considered for a second before I decided to sit back down and give it a try.

These feelings are not something I am repulsed by or want to get rid of its... Just odd and I want to be more comfortable with it and also avoid becoming like mother.

"I was faced with a life or Death decision yesterday, I would have chosen to just Die but Due to my feelings to this person I chose to instead Live"

"oh...Oh my God did you just say you almost died!"


"I thought you were a professional so act like it"

I sternly told as I was getting annoyed

When she heard what I said she calmed herself down and adjusted her glasses again.

"I will mention this to your principal later, But for now it seems that this person made you chose to continue living life, Why? it seems unlikely for people to affect you like that"

I looked over at her for few minutes quietly considering the effects it would have if I told her and came to the conclusion that a therapist would not be able affect my life by much as she would have almost no actuall details.

"We were in an incident which I believe was the starting point to these feeling, in the beggining I had not noticed the slight changes in my actions but due to this attempted murder attempt it's very clear to see the feeling and how its affected me"

"Wednesday, It seems that you want to always be in controll of everything"

She is trying to change the topic as she does not have enough info to go deeper huh.

I didnt say anything as I personally knew myself better than any therapist and she was right, I would rather have everything under my control than be under control of someone else's chessboard.

"I do not enjoy the idea of being controlled or rather influenced"

"Wednesday, You should understand that it is not a third party influencing you here, Its your own feelings that have blossomed due to your incident with this person"

How gross of a word "blossomed" ugh..

"You dont have to feel like a slave to your own feelings, they are afterall, you're Feelings"

She has provided some usefully info but not much.

I wanted to continue speaking but I now realize that talking to this therapist will not do me any more benefits.

Emotions are a secondary part of my body, I refuse to let Emotions take a part in my logical thinking as that is the most important thing to me.

"Doctor, I think we have nothing more to talk about anymore"

"Wednesday you cant just shut off your feelings and emotions, they are just gonna bubble up and hit you very hard"

I looked at the women and didnt continue talking as it would be pointless, Her thinking process is very diffrent from mines, I prefer everything Logical and under control, However this Women seems to be the opposite.

I just kept quiet and we both stared at eachother until the clock on the wall started ringing.

"I guess this is time for today, Wednesday today was a good session it would help if you didnt just shut off your emotion rather tried to use them to push yourself"

I was getting up and was leaving when I heard her say this, I froze and thought of something.

She is right i can use emotions, Finnaly something useful.

I opened the door without responding and exited the room and headed downstairs to see the car with the chauf--- I mean principal, I had arrived in.

I entered the car and she stared at me.

"I am surprised you did not attempt to escape"


I didnt say much as I had other things I was thinking about.

My feelings towards James is something it seems i cant change much but the Doctor had mentioned that this emotion is apart of me, I cant allow it to affect me like it had done previously, eventhough that was me.

The car started driving and we soon reached the the forest road where we passed over by a car crash.

"I hope he is Okay"

I didnt have much of a feeling as I saw the crash which seemed to have a guaranteed death of the driver.

"He is Dead"

I ddint know any details so I just ignored it.

The car I was in just drove past the accident scene and I forgot about it as it was an unimportant detail.

(James Pov)

"Jarvis what is the status of the Monster?"

"Sir it seems to have gone into the big dense forest where tracking it is no longer possible with my abilities"

I took a deep breath and went quiet for a minute.

"I wonder what it is upto?"

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