
Note from Home pt.2

James closed his eyes and fought down the excitement that was bubbling up within him. Yes, he did in fact know what this meant. It was only the greatest dream to any fan of well, anything.

Every novel, manga, movie, anime, tv show, video game, Hell maybe even board games, exists out there somewhere. He could see where this was going and James had to practically force himself to calm down just to get through the rest of the message.

{Now, getting to the reason why it was decided to create this system and send someone to where you are.

It's actually fairly simple, our reality can't sustain this burden forever. Sometime in the distant future, the 'weight' will become too much for our one reality to bear alone. It may be millions, billions, or trillions of years from now, but eventually it will become too heavy and our little reality will collapse with none being the wiser.

This is where you come in, James. Your karmic value first brought you to my attention and, after reviewing your life with my peers, we decided to offer both this burden and opportunity to you.}

James was nonplussed by the reasoning brought forth by, who he could only assume, were Gods in his home reality. His meager 28 years of life hadn't equipped him to ponder on problems anywhere near that far off. Ultimately, he decided to just toss it into the back of his mind and leave it for Future James to worry about, if he even lived that long that is.

{As for where you are now, you have been sent to a region where another nexus is set to form in a few hundred billion years. It's also close enough to ours that by sending you there, you'll be able to alleviate the pressure on us long enough for the nexus to form naturally.

You see all the stars out there? Those are actually universes, every single one of them. And that cluster below you that you'd liken to a nebula? That's actually what you would call a multiverse, it's formation is in fact one of the main sources of pressure on our reality. We had to bleed a lot more of its pressure in recent years and so it's the first reality we had the system link to.

Your island, moon, and source of light, were all we could send with you via our combined powers. Apart from the system, that is. Anything else you could want or need can be acquired through it by fulfilling its purpose.}

James looked around at all the 'stars' shimmering around him with newfound perspective. The awe he'd initially felt after his arrival had multiplied several fold and it briefly drew him into a memory, one where he went out into the country with his mum and dad as a child to see the universe within the clear sky.

A blinking message icon in the corner of his vision finally drew him from his thoughts and the man had to close his eyes in order to bring himself back to the message.

{As for the system's purpose and thus, yours? Well, putting it in a way easiest for you to understand, you'll be acting as something akin to a 'valve' to help funnel the pressure given off by various universes, back into the ones around you and away from both your nexus point, and ours.

As for how you'll be doing that, to be honest we don't know. The system we designed will, based off your own preferences and desires, take the optimum form to complete its task. This was to ensure both efficiency and that you didn't get bored anytime soon. All we know is that you will find more enjoyment in this than any job you could get back on Earth.

This is all we can really tell you. Know that we have high hopes for your success and want you to know that, when the time comes that you can travel freely, you'll be welcomed back with open arms if you wish.

Good luck out there James,

-Yahweh and the collective Deities of your home universe.}

[Initiation packet end…]

[Would you like to save this packet?]

James thought his confirmation and watched as the long letter disintegrated into tiny particles. Gradually, it reconstructed itself as a dim mail icon in the top left corner of his vision and faded away.

"Huh, neat," he mused, before going over what he'd just learned in his mind.

He wasn't the least bit aggrieved by what he was told. In all honesty, they could've had him torturing damned souls and James would've done it with a smile if it meant he could move again, which is probably why he was selected for this in the first place. They needed someone both willing and capable of doing this which, apparently he was.

As for going back home, he wasn't against the idea. He had no attachments to the place anymore but it would be nice to see how the Earth would look like in a hundred years or so.

Maybe he'd be able to throw his home planet a bone if they're still squabbling among themselves on a single rock by that point, maybe he wouldn't want to by then. He didn't know how this new life would shape him, but he was excited to get it started nonetheless.

As if reading his thoughts, the system popped up again with a new message.

[System fully initialized, would you like to start the tutorial?]

James grinned with anticipation and leaned back against the stone pile as he thought his answer.

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